Build Power Apps with Multiple Dataverse Tables and Relationships Using Copilot

Build Power Apps with Multiple Dataverse Tables and Relationships Using Copilot Hello everyone razza here in this video I will show you a brand new data experience and power apps that can create multiple tables and relationships simply by us describing our app needs to.

Build Power Apps with Multiple Dataverse Tables and Relationships Using Copilot

Co-pilot this live entity relationship diagram Maps the entire interconnected table structure we can work with co-pilot to modify the tables build additional tables relate them together.

And build a fully functional power app that is connected to this multi-table structure so let's check it out in [Music] action the power apps home screen we.

Have co-pilot wherein we can use everyday words to describe what our app should do I want to create an app to manage hotel reservations guest information.

Room information and vehicle information I'll click go co-pilot Springs into action and will now start framing a multi-table data structure for me based.

On the input that I provider this is the brand new entity relationship diagram experience that Maps out the different tables that copilot is suggesting as well as.

Highlights the different relationships between all of these tables let's select hotel reservation table that co-pilot is suggesting guest ID this is a lookup.

Column it's a many to one relationship with the guest table which is what is being highlighted here hotel reservation also has room ID that's the lookup to the room table.

And vehicle ID that's the lookup to the vehicle table every guest that checks in can have multiple Vehicles so I'm going to pick the node here and move it right.

Here and this is going to create a many is to one relationship between the vehicle table and the guest table so it'll create a lookup column in the vehicle.

Table I'll call this column guest info click done and that creates the this new relationship now this relationship here between the hotel reservation and the.

Vehicle I can edit this to see the details and I also have the option here to Simply remove this relationship now for a reservation I need to map it to a guest and a room but.

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    I also need additional columns I can

    Create it manually here or with the hotel res ation table selected I can ask co-pilot to add additional columns for.

    Me add columns for check-in date checkout date and number of guests and co-pilot builds those columns Maps the data types and also adds sample data guest guest ID guest name and phone.

    Number the room ID and the room type room type is a text column I'll ask co-pilot to change this column to type choice and just like.

    That the column type is updated you have full flexibility to add any Columns of your choice for example I'll add an image type column for room.

    Photo and this entity relationship diagram gives us a great visual representation of how these tables are related with each other can see when I created the.

    Relationship between vehicle and guest table it's gone ahead and created this column called guest info which is a lookup column that looks up to data in my guest.

    Table I'll just map some sample data you need more tables we can simply describe our table needs to co-pilot or we can use the standard approach of manually creating a table adding columns.

    And data we can also create tables with external data I have an Excel file that has details around the parking tags so when a guest checks in and signs in a vehicle.

    I want to associate a parking space for that vehicle so I want to create a table from this Excel file and to do that I simply click start with file import the file upload the Excel.

    File and just like that my parking tag

    Excel data is now going to be imported into a table that is as follows now a parking tag is going to be.

    Related to a vehicle so I'll select the node for vehicle and connect this to parking tag I'll call it parking tag click done that creates another.

    Relationship now I'm free to move the tables around so I can visualize the relationships better I have a SharePoint list that maintains details about discount codes.

    So I would like to leverage this data as well new table from SharePoint plugin the SharePoint site URL select your SharePoint list hit import and there we have it it's going.

    To create a table called discount code and we'll import the data from that SharePoint list and for a reservation I would like to offer a discount code.

    Select connect I'll call it discount done how simple is this experience now that the whole data mapping has taken.

    Place I'll go and click save and open app this action will save the tables and the relationships that you've created and will open up a canvas power app that will be connected to all of those tables.

    And relationships and here is the power app now let's preview this app in the home screen can click on guests will take me to the screen that is connected to the.

    Guest table full crud operation support I can add guest information I can view guest information edit their information or.

    Delete go back to my home screen I can do the same thing for vehicle notice for a vehicle I had the relationship created to the parking tag table so here I can.

    Relate a vehicle with a specific parking tag rooms I'll edit I added the image column I'll go ahead and add some images for my.

    Rooms hotel reservations this is the data for a specific reservation you can see how all the columns are built upon on the data types.

    That were defined when I was creating the tables here is my discount offers that I can give for a specific reservation this information is coming.

    From my discount codes table and the best part is that I still have copilot available with me so I can continue working with copilot to build my.

    Application let's make a few modifications first I'll go and upload some images for each of these image controls on the welcome screen I'll associate an.

    Image I can also change the dimensions of this image I've gone ahead and plugged in the images this power app is fully responsive let's go to.

    Guests I can search for existing guests a new guest guest is signing in I'll give it a unique guest ID name of the guest their phone number save new guest is recorded in my.

    Table Vehicles let's add a new vehicle I'll connect this to Resa which is gu 006 and I'll associate a specific.

    Parking tag to Resa these are all the room options that we can offer I'll head over to hotel reservation create a new reservation for.

    Resa check in today check out the 30th number of guests two guest ID room ID and I can also offer.

    Discount I'll ask co-pilot add a button and navigate get to the guest screen co-pilot adds this button I'll say rename the selected.

    Button to details can preview I can click details click this takes me back to the previous screen and when I hit submit.

    Creates the new reservation in the system the gallery that shows the reservation details let's edit this and let's insert some controls let's add the modern text.

    Control this one shows the checkin date and let's add another text control let's try and show the room information so room ID that's the relationship.

    Dot the room type let's add another one so that's pointing to my guest table and from from here get me the name of the.

    Guest so you can see how easily I can showcase data from related tables in power apps let's do one more I'll add the modern batch.

    Control and in this I need to write a formula here as well we have co-pilot to assist us comment to code write a comment describing what you need and co-pilot will try and frame the Power FX.

    Formula for you generating co-pilots me the formula.

    Preview check in checkout date that's 3 days and not just the formula bar if I select this label control and click copilot I have additional options text formatting I can simply Define the.

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