How to Use Excel's NEW Lookup of Images Professional Dashboards Just Got Easy Bonus Reveal

How to Use Excel's NEW Lookup of Images Professional Dashboards Just Got Easy Bonus Reveal I've got great news for you. We can now insert images inside an Excel cell, which means we can easily do a lookup on images. This also means we can easily create more professional-looking Excel dashboards. Here's how it works. Okay, so first of all, heads up. As I was preparing to record for this, I was testing something which I was pretty sure is not going to work, but then it worked. So make.

How to Use Excel's NEW Lookup of Images Professional Dashboards Just Got Easy Bonus Reveal

Sure you stay for that. But first of all, let me just take you through the setup I have here. We're going to see how we can insert an image in a cell and how we can return an image via formulas. So, I have a list of managers, the project they're working on, and their picture. I've already inserted these in the cell. As you can see, the picture size is going to depend on the size of the cell. Now, you can always pop out an image from the cell by using the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + F5,.

And you get to see a bigger version of it. You can also right-click and show image details. So, this is perfect for products or parts, something that you want to get a better view of. Now, let's take a look at how we can insert these images in cells. So, let's say I want to add more pictures for the next managers. I'm going to go to Insert > Pictures, and we get to see this new option called "Place in Cell". So, before,.

We only had a choice between these three. Now we have "Place in Cell", and we can select between "This Device" or "Online Pictures". I'm going to go with "This Device". So, let's say I want to insert all of these pictures at once. I'm going to select them while I hold down Control. So, let's say, she's Christina, looks like a Tom. I'm going with him, hold down Control, select the picture, then Alex, then.

Robert, and I'll go with Crystal as her. Click on "Insert", and I get them all inserted at once. Okay, so let's increase the cell size so we can see the pictures better. I'll just select these and make it a bit bigger. Can we now convert this into an official Excel table? Let's give it a try. Ctrl + T, the table has headers, we have a table. Let's remove the design and go back to our own nicer design. I'll give this a name and call it "Managers"..

So now, let's go ahead and do a lookup to find all the managers together with their pictures that work on the "Upside Down" project. Because we have more than one manager working on this project, we are going to need a lookup function that can return multiple results. And you probably know what that is, right? It is the FILTER function. The array is what we want returned. We want a list of their names together with their pictures. So,.

I'm going to select both of these. What do we want to include? Anyone that works on the project, which equals "The Upside Down Project". That's it. Close the bracket, press Enter, and we get a list of managers together with their pictures. The pictures spill as well. How cool is that? Now, what if we expand the table and add someone new to this? So, let's say Leila decides to join the project. I want to insert a picture. Let's go and try the online version as well. So,.

"Place in Cell". I'm going to go with "Online Pictures". Let's see what we get. If Bank has a picture, I'll just remove Creative Commons, and yeah, let's go with this one. Insert it. And I'm also a part of the "Upside Down" project. Do I show up in the list? I automatically, of course, show up because these are spilled formulas that are referencing a table. Let's switch out the project to the "Wheeler Squad" and see who's working on this..

We automatically get the list of managers working on the "Wheeler Squad" project. So now, I'm going to show you the part that really surprised me. We can look up an image and return the other surrounding information. So, take a look at this. If I copy one of these, so let's take Mike, and I have his image, but I don't know what his name is. I can look it up. I'll use the XLOOKUP function..

My lookup value is my image. My lookup array is where the image is, which is in this column. What I want returned is his name. I'm going to close the bracket, press Enter, and I get his name. How cool is that? I didn't think this was possible because if I'm inside the cell, look at what you see in the formula bar. It just says "Picture". I didn't think that it would be able to distinguish what the picture is. We can.

Test it. Let's just copy this picture, replace it with this one. We get Paul Hill returned. So, not only can we return pictures in the lookup formula, we can actually use them as our lookup value. If I want to expand on this, let's say I want to also add the project that Paul is working on. I can just expand on the formula. I'm going to put an "AND" here, just add a dash, and we want the project column as well. So now.

We get Paul - Wheeler. He's working on the "Wheeler Squad". Let's go with her, Corinna Copy and paste her in, we have Corinna Schmidt working on the "Upside Down" project. Now, keep in mind, because this is a brand new feature that's just being released to insiders, there are parts of this feature that are not working properly yet. But I'm super excited about the parts that are. Okay, so that wraps up our tutorial on how you.

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