Webinar Upgrade to Make Smoothly + Ask me Anything Session - ID Card Make

Webinar Upgrade to Make Smoothly + Ask me Anything Session - ID Card Make I want to start by presenting the agenda so we'll start we'll spend you know the first track position or part by why to upgrade to make and how to do it I'll provide some of the supporting tools as.

Webinar Upgrade to Make Smoothly + Ask me Anything Session

Well and at the end we'll go and answer all of your questions that you might have regarding this whole big transition why to upgrade it has been over a year and since then we will launched many.

Cool things on top of that make that was already existing but just to remind you those are some of the biggest features that I selected for you so we have new architecture on AWS everyone is.

Reporting an increased speed and especially on the big scenarios that some of you tackle there are a lot of new vanilla plans with teams and team roles that everyone was waiting for a.

Spiral webbook execution or single scenario at the same time you can now search scenario execution history or Sula AI the new forms interface so visually it is more appealing that.

Applies for the data store as well and lastly that the one that everyone is asking about is the legacy plan so if you have an integral mode plan on on whichever Rising Point even if you have.

A discount or a coupon or anything when you move to make you will keep the same pricing you had on integroma with that you'll get the same if not more features it really depends on the specific plan.

On make so everything stays the same basically for you or better since since last year we were not sleeping around and we have many new functions or many new features that we.

Release one of the big ones is custom and system variables we recently I think like a month ago released custom functions there are scenario inputs select on.

Demand scheduling run scenarios via API and accessing web hook blocks that's just to talk about on about some of the things that are currently on make and are not on integral map.

Aside from that there are already things that we are removing from in diagrammat to nachu and to encourage you to move to make so as we speak today you cannot create new organizations or integromat.

Anymore you cannot create custom apps only think about anymore and we are shipping uh new apps and update of the existing models only on make we no longer do that for integral month in a.

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    Couple of months we will also earn the - ID Card Make

    Support that we talked about last year this day this very date means that if you ask questions before this will answer if it's an integral material.

    Relating to anything but after this date you will need to upgrades to make to get that issue resolved with our customer agent of course after this date if you are still not yet unmade you can ask.

    Your agent but as the first thing that he will most likely answer is hey please upgrade to me I will help you you resolve this issue over there so that is 30th of June and 30th of September our.

    Big date is the end of integral platform at that time all of these scenarios that you have active running will deactivate all of them added and it's a sunset of the integround platform.

    You will not be able to edit it or turn it on and there are a couple of questions regarding oscillates so the affiliate layouts that you have on integral mod will be either moved to the.

    Make affiliate dashboard or will be paid out before this date then how to upgrade this is a big section so please pay attention but it basically is either Fast Track upgrade.

    Or standard upgrade majority of you that are here on this call I feel that you are eligible for the fast track we have over 70 of paying organizations that qualify for this and the remaining part.

    Are on the standard upgrade to be eligible for fast track your organization must not contain any of the collisions or errors so first one is the web hook that is utilized by more than.

    One scenario that happens usually when you have a scenario and you duplicate it and then you have to same Web book so that needs to be changed second letter are the apps and models.

    That are not published on make so you

    Need to move those apps or ask the owner to move those apps to make and lastly if you are using a mobile device in your scenario so if you do that it will lead.

    You through the standard upgrade but going back the fast track it starts all in over here at the registration page you type in your email address this one is mine and it will immediately say hey.

    We recognize you because I had an account on integral math and it will lead me to the authentication page of integromat I will of course put in all of the details my email my password and.

    Then it says Hey success make user account created and that is the user account and not the organizations so if I go forward something like this will pop up so this is is the make upgrade.

    Hub this page will show with every login that you make and it shows all of your organizations that either needs to be upgraded or can continue upgrading as you can see here on the screen.

    I'm just gonna click on whichever organization that I need to do and it will ask me which region I want to choose so Me Myself and our headquarters are located in black center.

    Of Europe so it's probably smarter to choose Europe over here for some of the folks that are in us it's better to choose us for the performance this is based on the architecture that I was.

    Talking about earlier we built everything on Cloud on AWS and that's why we are letting you choose which region to host your organization in to get the best performance.

    You land on make and their organization is ready just gonna slow down a little some room to breathe I'm just gonna check some of the questions.

    Can we upgrade scenarios one at the time or is it a fast track Mass upgrade it really depends if you are a fast track it will move everything automatically to make and it's gonna work on me in the.

    Standard migration which you're gonna see right now you can choose and select and combine which you move to make can we automatically determine whether we qualify for Fast Track so for.

    Majority faster is by default so no if you go here everything just moves to make quickly clear and rapidly if there is something it will lead you through the process I'm gonna go back to the.

    Standard upgrade with the migration tool because with this I'm gonna cover some of the questions that are popping up so the standard upgrade going again you'll see the upgrade Hub and again.

    This screen shows every time you log in it will not show Once you upgrade everything but until then it will keep showing to remind you and to help you with the process of upgrade.

    So as I talked there are three things to be aware of that is the web hook Collision that happens usually when you copy scenarios you need to recreate a new web hook for each of the new.

    Scenarios so there are no duplicates you will see it in the migration tool that I'm gonna introduce later but just to be aware of this so I'll go back here so if you click on.

    Continue upgrading or create a make organization it will lead you to this page it will ask you hey there are two scenarios you can see I named them with solar with collection there are two.

    Scenarios and they are using the same thing so I'm gonna click open it's gonna show me the scenario with the web hook and I'm gonna edit and create a new one or a new address.

    Then all of the scenarios are eligible to be migrated I click fast migration wow and all done the second problem that I was mentioning were custom apps so majority of the custom apps are already.

    On make if you have your custom app that you created on your own you will need to create you will need to click migrate and install it will do everything for you and then there are there's there is.

    A third category of not migrated custom apps which for example I don't know my friend Peter created I can and custom app but we haven't migrated to make yet so I will need to ask him hey can you.

    Can you migrate this app to make so my scenario that is using your app can also work on make this is primarily for for those that someone created and have not migrated yet but this consists of very.

    Small percentage of people so I don't think it it will impact you so you can see there are migrating custom apps in in the process and you can see app is not available please.

    Contact the apps owner so if you do have an app and you do know the owner please contact them and tell them hey I'm going to use this app on make as well would you please move it it's very simple.

    Lastly the third problem that create or enables the standard upgrade is the mobile device you can see here I was using a scenario which uses my mobile device and it gives you an option to.

    Create a mock-up device I'm just going to select to create a mockup device it's gonna create something it's gonna create dummy phone on make and I then go can go to make and replace it for my actual.

    Phone so yeah you can see it's gonna create a def device of my iPhone over here and then I'm just gonna replace this device with my actual device.

    After resolving all of those or some of those it's usually any of those would trigger a standard upgrade you will end up on a on a screen that that says migration.

    Settings click Start migration so you click it it's gonna take I don't know usually a few seconds and within a couple of seconds you'll get the death screen.

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