Power Automate Part 3 - Creating triggered flows

Power Automate Part 3 - Creating triggered flows Welcome to this wise out tutorial on creating triggered flows in power automate here's what you'll learn during this tutorial so we'll Begin by looking at an example.

Power Automate Part 3 - Creating triggered flows

We're going to create which is to send an email to myself whenever anyone adds a recipe to my recipes folder because I want to know what you'll then do is show how to.

Create the trigger flow and then finally we'll actually trigger it and test the flow to check that when somebody adds a recipe file we get an email.

That's enough for me though I'm going to disappear and let's get started so here's what we you are going to create.

We're going to create a flow called monitor folder for new recipes and the idea behind it is this in OneDrive there'll be a folder called recipes and whenever somebody uploads a recipe I.

Want to know about it I want to get an email telling me that the new recipe has been posted so what we'll do is create this flow and what it will do is two things.

Firstly there will be a trigger when a file is created in OneDrive to which will fire and secondly there'll be an action to send me an email.

So the way this will work is if I'm in OneDrive and somebody uploads a new recipe such as my famous lasagna recipe then what will happen is I will get an email.

On the Outlook and if you are prepared to wait about a minute you'd see that pop up so I'm just going to reset everything back to Mt back to as it was before I.

Started this process and what we'll do in the rest of the tutorial is work through this example together so to start this process I will create a new folder within OneDrive.

So add a new folder let's call it recipes and then if we click on that we'll see it's completely empty so we've just been created so that's not surprising.

What we'll now do is create a flow which will detect when something's added to that so I'll add a new flow great this time it'll be an automated cloudflow because I want it to be.

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    Triggered by something

    And I'll call it monitor folder for new recipes now what you could do is search all the triggers at this stage but I find it.

    Easier to skip this stage and go straight into creating the flow and then to search for my trigger within this box so what I want to do is Monitor OneDrive.

    So I'm going to type in OneDrive and it would seem that what I want to do is choose either when a file is created properties only or when a file is created.

    The difference between those two it's the first one will just pick up on the properties the name and the path of the file and things like that whereas a second one will give me access to the.

    Contents of the file as well now I want to speed things up so I'll just choose the first one but actually that one won't work the difference between it is this one here.

    Is for OneDrive for personal use and this one is OneDrive for business and I know I'm only going to be able to log on for OneDrive for business I could make the life easier by clicking.

    On the OneDrive for business icon at the top here to limit my actions down or triggers down to those which are relevant to just this set of actions so what I want to do is choose when a.

    File is created I could if I liked don't forget clicking the I to get a bit more information on this the next thing I need to do is to choose the name of my folder.

    Now it's no use trying to type anything into this box it's asking for The Unique identifier the folder that will be a special encoded unique number no no need to.

    Power automate so instead I need to

    Click on this icon on the right hand side to choose a picker go for my root folder and expand it and then choose my recipes folder and.

    Although that looks like I've just typed in forward slash recipes believe me I haven't that's especially encoded unique code that only Power automate generates I could choose show Advanced options and.

    In this case I think it probably makes sense to include subfolders too because after all I want to include files added to all the recipes folders including any subfolders and then I'll just collapse.

    That up again so now I need to say what's going to happen when somebody adds a file and the answer is I'll send an email so we did this in the previous tutorial.

    I'll send an email using Outlook the person I'll send it to is myself I think so that I know I've somebody's added a recipe for me I think new recipe added will do fine as.

    A subject and for the actual body of the email someone has added a recipe called I can't spell recipe and then what I want to do is put in the.

    File name now here I'm going to turn to the dynamic content and what you'll see is this list has grown what is allowing me to do is reference.

    Any properties created from previous triggers so I can pick up in the file name and the display name of the file and the folder was created in and various other things besides I'm just.

    Going to choose the display name and I'll finish by saying in the recipes folder and that will do it might be an idea this stage to add in.

    The name of the flow because when you have a huge number of flows running it can be quite difficult to remember which flow created which email for example although it is.

    Possible to find that out from the list or the flow list so that should do for that if I then save that and that completes my flow.

    What I can now do is go back to my flows and I could try running it so to run this flow is going to be a little different from the previous ones.

    I've created I need to do something to trigger it so I'll go to OneDrive and what I'll do to choose to do is to upload a file I'm going to upload my Amaretto.

    Cheesecake recipe when I do that it should trigger the flow and I should get the email appearing if I don't and the reason I don't.

    Is down to time so what I need to do now is to patiently sit waiting for time to elapse how long probably longer than you've got patients to watch for typically it's taken.

    Between 30 and 60 seconds while testing this video so I'm going to come out to that clock and have a quick look to see if it's updated but I don't think it would have.

    So I will just pause this and we'll come back in a second so how long did we have to wait about two minutes I'd say clearly it's going to depend on the workload that Microsoft.

    Have of their server the plan you have for 365 and all sorts of other things but I just waited two minutes for this email to pop up and you can see it's saying someone's added a recipe called.

    And then it's got the file name appearing so it's a really useful way of telling me whenever anybody has added a new recipe and what I could do is go back to the.

    List of flows and for monitor folder for new recipes I could have a look at the Run history so I can go to that and you can see at the bottom left corner here you've got the Run history that's when.

    It last ran when I added a new recipe and what you can also do is go to editing that and you can now test it.

    So what I could do is test it automatically and I could choose to trigger it with the most recent item what will happen if I were to do that is it would send me another email sending.

    Exactly the same information but I'm not going to do that at the moment so that's how triggered flows work in power automate thank you.

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