Mistakes Equal Practice: How To Innovate Your Life The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip

Mistakes Equal Practice: How To Innovate Your Life The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip You you another story I wanted to hear about before we go this uh mistakes equals practice and and I think this is this is this uh apples and peaches thing that I i' I've heard you talk about a.

Mistakes Equal Practice: How To Innovate Your Life The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip

Little bit more can you share that that story that that that idea this came from my first tedex talk which I mentioned which was called the impact of innovation via disruption so this was.

About disrupting the way we think about things in order to create impact to innovate and create impact right so what I did during this talk was I used a slide it was a picture of an apple and I.

Would tell them at the beginning of this talk I'd say every time you see this slide come up and I point at you you say this is an apple right the entire audience in unison now the theme of it.

Was mistake equals practice right like I'm GNA innovate my life I'm going to disrupt my life and innovate it by knowing I've made a bunch of mistakes but knowing that was just practice for.

When I actually do it the right way right I'm doing it a thousand I'm doing it wrong a thousand times so that the Thousand and1st time that I do it right but I do it really right where I don't.

Need to do it again I innovated it um so throughout the talk it's one two three four times you know first one minute three minute mark seven minute Mark whatever pointed them this is an apple.

But I'm also showing them a picture of an Apple computer and an Apple iPhone and Apple Martin the daughter of Chris Martin and and gwenith paltro and the New York skyline the big apple right so.

All of these things are apples but we don't necessarily correlate them as when we say what is an apple we're going to say it's it's this thing so then I show another picture of a fruit which happens.

To be a peach that looked just like the apple and I point at them they say this is an apple I go no no this is a peach but you have been trained to think that this thing is the only thing out there.

That can be an apple but that's okay right GNA regroup now and we're going to learn because this is a mistake we're going to learn from this and make it better um so that you know the whole.

Point of the talk was just kind of getting people to understand don't worry about the mistakes right as long as they're not big enough to screw up everybody's lives around you like don't.

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    Worry about it like learn from it get

    Better everything I've done in my career I've been a sponge so I'm I'm learning not just from the successes but my mistakes other people's mistakes in.

    Order to make me better at what I do and not only just work but being a father being a husband being a human being being a man um these are all things that I I want to learn in every moment of my.

    Life and make it better the the best part about that was I did that talk you know production value of that tedex event wasn't great I didn't love uh my delivery of the talk I loved.

    The Talk itself I didn't love the delivery of it and I put myself down so much about it I couldn't even watch the talk for the first year lo and behold this thing that I thought was such a big.

    Mistake wound up in a book called The hund Greatest TED talks on Innovation featured my horrible first tedx talk you know so it was like you go yes this is what the whole talk was about you know.

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