Top 10 New Features in Power Apps (2022) Named Formulas, Table Designer, Error Handling, etc.

Top 10 New Features in Power Apps (2022) Named Formulas, Table Designer, Error Handling, etc. Hello everyone Raza here in this video I will show you 10 new features of powerapps we will look at the Modern command bar experience named formulas inline table.

Top 10 New Features in Power Apps (2022) Named Formulas, Table Designer, Error Handling, etc.

Designer experience the app sharing dialog email customization feature and a lot more so let's check it out in action the command bar experience now has a.

Modern look and feel but it is designed to improve your authoring experience this experience can be enabled by turning on the modern command bar feature.

We can insert controls the insert tab in this command bar is very much now in lines with the insert tab option on the left hand navigation pane we can add data and connect to our data.

Sources directly from the command bar experience we can create new screens pick from existing layouts or screen templates which are now known as scenarios.

Change the theme of our power app set a background color for the screen the modern command bar is contextual in nature so as an example if I was to add a label control.

The properties that will show up in the command bar would be with respect to the label control so depending upon the object that is selected the command bar experience will.

Contextually change the options you can change the background image of your screen this will showcase all the media that you have imported in your power app.

You can upload media get a preview of the existing media content that has been added and simply added as the background image for your screen.

Settings are the general settings for your PowerApp and in the three ellipses we have the option here for looking at collections variables and more.

We can share our app look at the app checker save the app and there are multiple options here we can save with version notes which is.

Extremely handy in case you would like to look at the different versions of your app or restore a previous version you can directly save and publish download a copy of your app or simply.

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    Your power app creating and editing tables in dataverse directly by leveraging the table designer experience.

    Under data if we head over to add data we now have a create new table action on selection of this I can enter a name for my table click create.

    And this will create a table directly inside dataverse for the current environment the table designer experience opens up directly in line in the studio.

    Experience itself I can add new columns on the Fly I can pick from a wide variety of data types create Choice sets on the Fly.

    You can see how it also lists out the choices that I defined right here in line we can edit the table properties also enter data directly in line in the.

    Studio experience once you are done with designing your table simply hit close that table is saved and stored in dataverse.

    Connect to that table insert a gallery connect to the table that's connected on the PowerApp and all the information in that table is.

    Available right here in the gallery experience you can also edit tables that are connected in your PowerApp directly from this new table designer experience.

    Dataverse formula columns these columns are based on powerfx which is the native language of powerapps let's add a new column the data type we'll pick formula.

    The formula editor supports intellisense

    To suggest formulas and errors in real time so for example concatenate the name.

    With full name I'll click save and here is my formula column in action these calculations are done on the Fly.

    And the results are available in real time sharing a PowerApp now has a new feature for defining the email message that goes out and also gives the ability to.

    Include an image I will share this with a user Sarah I can define an email message which talks about what the app does I can include an image.

    I can also share this with additional users once I click share this will now go ahead and send out an email invitation to the new users to.

    Whom the app was shared with and here is the email that Sarah has received it includes the image and the message and here's the link for Sarah to run the.

    PowerApp the environment picker now has an updated selection experience that categorizes the environments based on whether the environments contain.

    Dataverse or environments without dataverse plus we can filter based on my role as the admin in those environments so it will list out only those.

    Or environments where I am is shared app contributor filter by data platform whether it contains dataverse or no and also filter by environment type show.

    Me all the development environments or show me all the production environments and so and so forth solutions by default Solutions are used to transport apps.

    Flows tables and other components from one environment to another and are a key mechanism for implementing healthy application lifecycle Management in the Power Platform.

    However there are scenarios in which your users are creating their apps outside of solution context with this new feature it will save all the canvas apps that are created outside.

    Of the scope of a solution in a solution known as the common data services default solution this is an environment level feature.

    That can be enabled to do that head over to the admin Center the environments will list out all the environments for which I am an admin of I'll pick my default environment in this.

    Case head over to settings go to features and ensure that create new canvas apps as dataverse Solutions feature is turned.

    On I'll click save in my default environment I will create an app outside of solution context click create.

    The moment I do that if You observe the URL there is an attribute that's being passed it's called solution ID and this has the ID of that common data services default solution.

    I will go ahead and publish this power app once the app is saved and published if I look at the common data services default solution.

    And if I head over to apps the test Power app that I created outside of solution contacts heads straight into the common data services default solution.

    We can now leverage named formulas instead of global variables and collections for faster app load time and logic that is easier to understand and maintain in powerapps.

    Named formulas derives its name from the feature in Excel known as name manager a table in Excel has a name associated with it I can have any cell in Excel that I can give a specific name to.

    The advantage here is I can refer to this by name and if I was to write any formulas there it will recalculate instantly let's say if I use the average function.

    To average information from this table which I have given it a specific name that is my user table and from here I will point to the feedback score.

    Column as the data in this table changes you will see this formula changing on the Fly it is recalculating.

    On my app onstart here assertion to create my Global variables now when powerapps loads it has to execute all of these formulas that I have defined on onstart before it.

    Navigates the user to the start screen now what if I can write the same formula but in a different way let's take these three formulas and let's just remove it from here and.

    Make these name the formulas by heading over to the app object and this time go to a new property known as formulas this is where I will be defining my.

    Named formulas so I can simply use user email is equal to user dot email user manager is equal to get the user's.

    Manager from The Office 365 users connector the HR manager email is as follows these are named formulas these formulas don't say anything about.

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