Dynamic Financial Analysis of Projects Dashboard Microsoft Excel - ID Card Make

Dynamic Financial Analysis of Projects Dashboard Microsoft Excel - ID Card Make Welcome to other levels today you will learn how to create this financial analysis of Project's dashboard using Microsoft Excel which contains several analytics.

Dynamic Financial Analysis of Projects Dashboard Microsoft Excel

The total number of projects and the total value as built amounts submitted invoices and the final saving the amounts and percentages for The Gap one budget versus scope of work amount Gap.

Two scope of work versus work order amount Gap three method of procedure versus as built cost and GAP four as built cost versus the submitted invoices the preliminary acceptance test.

Percentage and Analysis for project status projects value by departments monthly invoicing Target versus actual Dynamic RFP Milestone analysis showing projects details for each RFP stage and.

This data table which shows each project details these are the color codes used in the design and the font type as aerial all our dashboards template features are working in all versions of.

Excel join our Channel membership and enjoy the full video tutorial this is the database which contains project details namely year Department project name PO number sector.

Details status and the budget additionally gaps between different main values like projects budget scope of work work order created mop submitted as built value and.

Invoiced amounts also it includes monthly invoicing Target versus actual amounts it's time to insert pivot tables for analysis.

Select the database and insert pivot table in a new sheet now we will insert PO number in the values field to derive the number of projects change the pivot table design.

Making it more presentable to save your time as you can see we have formatted the pivot table cells before let's copy the previous pivot table to calculate the total project.

Value we will format the value to whole number without decimals now follow the same process and get as built values total invoiced values and savings.

Amount let's select all the pivot values and format its font type and size we will now get the saving percentage by calculating percentage of.

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    Saving amount from Total project values - ID Card Make

    Also we will calculate budget after savings by reducing saving amount from Total project value next we'll calculate Pat for.

    Percentage bar chart by calculating percentage of his built amount from budget after saving amount also we need to calculate remaining percent by reducing Pat from.

    100 let's start creating the dashboard add a new sheet then rename it we don't want the grid lines then insert a text box to give reference of the total number of projects from the.

    Pivot table sheet now instead of inserting a new text box we can copy the previous text box for convenience and repeat the previous step to display the other main.

    Projects values now let's insert bar chart from the pack table resize the chart then move it to dashboard now add the budget after.

    Saving amount let's repeat this process for Pat percent the modifications are easy and self-explanatory we will let you enjoy.

    The video if you need any clarification please write it in the comments below that's all for today's video hope you learned something useful for you on the.

    Other hand you have an easy way to directly purchase this template from our website other- level.com thank you and see you in the next.

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