Word Advanced Tutorial

Word Advanced Tutorial And welcome back one and all to the wonderful world of word 2016 with your host Dan McAllister we're about to start module 3 and for any of you who have actually read Winnie the Pooh books I'm gonna call this module 3 in which ER and Christopher Robin learn about tables tabs and styles and we're gonna need some practice files I'm gonna assume you have done that already that you have received your practice files that you have extracted them from their zip.

Word Advanced Tutorial

Folder I recommend putting them out on the desktop in earlier modules I have also created this folder out on my desktop finished Word documents and so if we're always careful to finish by saving our documents to the finished Word documents maybe we open a file from over here work on it and then save it as some other name or you know put it in this other folder and that way the original one is undisturbed if you want to go back and practice with them later so I'm going to assume that we are all in that position and I'm gonna go start.

Microsoft Word and why don't you do that with me here as it starts off you're gonna see this opening screen you can either click on blank document or you could tap the Escape key I don't think I'd mentioned that in any of our earlier lessons you can just have the Escape key and you have a blank document so I'm a pretty big fan of baseball and I'm a child of the 60s and I grew up in the Detroit area and about 1967 Detroit had some big riots as many of the big cities did and then in 1968 very much.

The Detroit city came back together over the Detroit Tigers who won the World Series that year so I'm gonna pull up some dead brain cells here some names from the past of Detroit Tigers baseball players from the 1968 winning World Series here so I'm gonna have a column and you don't have to type this with who you're just gonna watch for a moment so I'm gonna have a column for their name hit the spacebar a couple of times I'm going to have their their jersey number yes we spread a little bit and then their position like first base second base that kind of stuff I'm gonna hit.

The enter key to start a new line so the leadoff batter for the Detroit Tigers in 1968 was a gentleman named dick McAuliffe his his jersey number was number three and his position was second base I'm gonna hit the enter key now any of you who are baseball fans you will have heard of Tommy John surgery which is a surgery that happens to many pitchers nowadays to repair an elbow tear that.

Was named for a pitcher named who would have guessed Tommy John but the fellow that messed him up in a fight was dick McAuliffe tore his arm up and that's why he needed this surgery that had never been done before otherwise wouldn't that be a rare coincidence that Tommy John would be the first one to have the Tommy John surgery somehow no it's not a coincidence at all so there's more information than you need to know about dick McAuliffe all right Mickey Stanley it was their second batter jersey number number 24 so maybe I'm trying to line.

That up kind of under the three there and and a bunch of space bars and then he played left field actually Mickey Stanley was the center fielder and then the greatest Tiger of all time Al Kaline number six adding third out in right field okay now the more I do this the harder it becomes to get things to line up perfectly if I turn off the pill Kraus I can see it all right so these things.

Aren't quite lined up just right and so I'm gonna click here I'm going to hit the backspace key try to line out that a little bit oh that messed up this one now I gotta try to put extra spaces in there and get that thing lined up and and then this looks kind of funny because the name McAuliffe comes way over here and what if I get like a really long name that's about this long what am I gonna do trying to get that person's number in there so there are several things that that are not so good about using the spacebar like this to line things up so what we.

Really want to talk about is maybe using the tab key because the tab key lines things up on the ruler like at a half-inch mark up here where you don't have to hit a bunch of space and then try to eyeball things and move them around a little bit you'll just be able to move something up on the ruler and fix things so what you saw in our intro was me working way too hard hitting spacebar spacebar spacebar to try to line things up and not doing all that great a job it's kind of hard to get things to line.

Up nicely that way so what we're gonna talk about next is using the tab key with things that can appear up on the ruler here called tab stops to line things up by number on the ruler rather than a whole bunch of spaces out here so that's what we're gonna be talking about right now now I'd like to put a little divider line right down here that signifies I'm finished working on one idea and I'm moving on to another one so I'm gonna hit the enter key a couple of times by the way you have not had to like create this thing don't worry about that so I've hit the enter key a couple.

Of times and then I'm gonna hit the up arrow key one time and I'd like to put a little divider line across here and I'm gonna do that by going to the Home tab and noticing this button right here called borders and when I click on the sticky list arrow next to the borders button I will see a pulldown list of different kinds of borders that I can use and as I hover over one you should actually be able to see what it looks like down here with that cool buy preview thing so I just want to put a bottom border down there so I click on.

Bottom border and then I click to put my cursor below there by the way did you notice how I hit enter twice and then came back up once if I didn't do that I'd have the border below what I was typing and then I would actually have kind of a problem getting it down below that line I guess one of the ways around that would have been that I could have used a top border for the line I was on anyway I digress so I want to start building this table again if you want to think of it that way the word table actually means something kind of special.

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    Here but I'll call it that so far so I'm going to start it with the word name again

    But this time what I want to do is use a tab key on my keyboard and one of the things you'll see right now every time I hit the tab key it moves my flashing cursor under the next available half inch or full inch mark up on the ruler so right now I'm lined up with the half inch mark and then I'm gonna hit the tab key again and it jumps over to the 1 inch mark and I hit the tab key again it jumps to the one-and-a-half inch mark.

    And in fact if I go up and turn on the pill crows again I'll actually see dots for every place I've hit the spacebar and little arrows for every place I've hit the tab key so just at a glance you can kind of see them working less hard using the tab key than space a safe a space with space to meet space and to take them out I just hit the backspace key moves my cursor backwards and right now it's lined up under that half inch mark and that'll be okay for the moment so I'm going to turn the pill CROs off.

    Right I'd like you to do that much so far type in the word name hit the tab key watch it line up under the half-inch mark so pause the video and then come on back all right picking up the air I want to put in the word number as my column header so having typed the word number I'm now going to hit the tab key again and it lines up for the next half-inch mark there and I'm going to put in the word position and then when I hit the enter key it jumps on down there and starts a new.

    Line alright so now I'm typing in McAuliffe then I hit the tab key oh that jumped over there quite aways because it went to the next half inch mark there where I'm gonna fill in that he was number three and we hit the tab key and it jumps over here and I'm gonna fill in that he was there at second base okay well let's see at first it looks like well it looked better the other way then this way but hang in there with me so I'm gonna show the pill crows that is.

    I'm going to be showing the tab the tab markers down here that little arrow remember is every place I've hit a tab key what I would like to do is line things up so that this column will be centered under a spot up on my ruler and this column will have its right edge aligned up on the ruler but I'm gonna make a little mistake as I do this so why don't you put the video on pause do what you saw me do I was at the end of the word position I hit the enter key.

    Type in this guy's name hit the tab key once type in his number number three I know it doesn't line up very well yet hit the tab key once type in the to be right so catch up with me and then we'll pick up from there all right so it wouldn't be nice if I could override the default that says that it just jumps the next half-inch mark every time I hit the tab key and also I don't want it to necessarily line up the left edge of every column when I hit the tab key so I would like to draw your attention to.

    This thing right up in the upper left corner where the two rulers meet looks like a little letter L and when I go hover over it with my mouse I see this tool tip that says left tab right now watch what happens if I click on that little L and then I move away from it it kind of looks like an upside-down letter T and when I hover over it now it says Center tab by the way you do have to move away from it and then hover over it again for it to tell you the new name so here's what I want to do I want to have the second column here this tab key to.

    Line up the center of the word number at about the one inch mark so with that upside down T because I've clicked on it enough to get there don't click on it again otherwise you'll have to keep clicking it about eight times to get it to cycle around to the T again so while you've got the T up there while I've got the T up there I'm gonna go up here and click at oh how about the one-inch mark I said I was gonna do actually I should do it better I should go to about the one and a half inch mark notice how it lined up that three now at that one and a half.

    Inch mark well what about the word number it didn't line up over the air that's because the tab stops only work for one paragraph at a time so if I want to adjust the tab spot for more than one paragraph I need to select at least part of more than one paragraph so the first thing I'm going to do is undo that notice that remove that little upside-down T there and what I'm gonna do instead is choose part of each of these two paragraphs I don't actually have to choose the whole thing I don't necessarily have to move out here and.

    Select the two lines that way I just have to have part of this paragraph and part of that paragraph selected and now

    I'm going to go up there and place that T at the one-and-a-half inch mark see how it modified both of those so the first tab key goes to the first tab stop and I adjusted both lines because I had part of both lines I shouldn't say lines I should say paragraphs selected I'm going to do one more and then you're gonna put the video on pause and catch up with me I wanna line up the right edge of the position column here and that means I need to figure out how to.

    Put a right aligned tab stop at the about the two and a half inch mark so I'm going to do that right over here I'm going to go click on that upside-down T and move away from it it looks like a backwards L and when I go hover on it it tells me that is a right tab it would line up the right edge of columns so with these parts of these two paragraphs selected I've got my backwards L I'm going to put that right at the two-and-a-half inch mark and it lines up the right edge of that.

    Column and I'm going to turn off the pill crows things are looking okay that way and when I hit the enter key I'm gonna put in that next player Mickey Stanley Tab key who it lined up right centered under the word number and Mickey Stanley's number was yeah you can see it on screen there 24 centers that nicely hit the tab key it lines up the right edge of my next column and it will actually type backwards as I type in the C F all right so what did i do there well I click this guy enough times to.

    Get the upside-down T and put that one at the one-and-a-half inch mark by the way remember before I did that I had to select multiple paragraphs here just to be safe why don't you do it out in the margin and then go up and place that upside down T centered tab stop at the one-and-a-half inch mark put that thing again get the backwards L move away hover over up make sure it says right tab place that one at the two-and-a-half inch mark and then add Mickey Stanley and misspelled his name here Mickey Stanley with an e not the spider-man guy.

    And hit the tab key it'll line up his number as you type it hit the tab key at a line up center field and it'll even type it backwards from that spot right your turn to set up those tab stops up on the ruler and make use of them with one tab stop equaling one tab key go to the on pause okay I hope things are going well for you and I hope you're having a little bit of geeky fun as well so let us hit the enter key he will start a new line yeah and how about if.

    We put another border in there well this time I'm going to show you a kind of a cool way to put in a border that's just gonna be a keyboard shortcut that's built-in by default in every copy of Microsoft Word rather than going up to the little border button this time I'm going to type three minus signs in a row minus sign minus sign minus sign and watch what happens when I hit the enter key quick little border across there by the way if I do it with equal signs I'll get a little double line border across there so try that out you're.

    Right at the end of centerfield tap the enter key give it at least three hyphens you can type more if you want but you're just working too hard so - - - hit the enter key you'll get the nice little border across there so you don't have to put the video on pause just go to the next section right now in that last module we saw how we could set up tab stops by placing them on the ruler now having hit the enter key to start a.

    New paragraph it assumes that I want those same tab stops but what if I need to put together another kind of tab table where I want of the cursor to stop in different places than these well one of the ways I could do that would be to grab these individual tab stops and drag them down off the ruler and then place in the new ones but I don't actually have to do that I'm going to show you a way to do this through one of the menu choices and it will have a couple of advantages it will have at least one new superpower and I'll be avoiding having.

    To take the old tab stops down off the ruler so I'm gonna show you a couple of ways to get there one of them is one click longer than the other so to get to the tab stops man it's in a place you would never guess I'm gonna point at this button right here it says long and paragraph spacing yeah I would think of that for tab stops not really but I'm gonna click on it anyway and then I see a little pull down arrow here a little pull down list and it's got stuff about adding space before the paragraphs line.

    Spacing options what does this have to do with any tabs but if in fact I click on line spacing options okay well we've seen this window before we were indenting left and right sides of paragraphs align the paragraph to the left or the right or centered or justified to line up both the left on the right side indent the left side indent the right side we didn't really talk about any line spacing at least we didn't talk about very much of it line spacing inside the paragraph other than.

    I guess I did a double spaced thing here anybody seen anything about tabs that's pretty subtle it's way down there and then when I go down there and click on tabs now I'm into this new window about tab stops so let me show you how I did that again I went to I had to be under the home command tab here first went over here to line spacing options down here to the line spacing options dialog window and then down here to tab.

    So that took me three clicks to get to that spot here is a slightly faster way so I started under the Home tab this time I'm gonna use that dialogue launcher I click on that now I'm one click into it second click I'm into the tabs so one click quicker yeah I know a big deal but I'll keep trying to throw those things in there all right so now to set this thing up what I want to do is put together we've all seen like you walk into a restaurant and they've got their menu and on the left side it has the name of the item and then you'll see like little dots leading your eye across.

    To the price those are called leader lines there's not really a nice way to set leader lines for tab stops when you're just doing stuff up on the ruler but if we go into that dialogue window I just showed you then we will be able to play with us a little bit so I'm gonna go I have to be in the home ribbon then I'm gonna go click on that little dialogue launcher right there and I'm gonna slide down here and click on tabs and one of the things you'll see here is any of those tab stops that I never erase that I never dragged down off the.

    Ruler they're being mentioned right over here and if you'll notice this little spot remember how I was telling you that the default setting was every time you hit the tab key it jumps to the left next half-inch mark this is why because of the way it's set up right in this window also notice I have the choice here to line up the left side the center of a column the right side of a column and then right down here below there something called leader lines and there was no way to do that with the stuff on the ruler so I'd like you to go that far.

    With me that room a remind you we went to the Home tab in the paragraph group we clicked on the dialog launcher where did we go next up down here to tabs and that takes you to this window so put the video on pause join me there and then we will set ourselves up some cool tab stop all right first thing I'd like to do is select one and clear it or maybe even better there's a nice little button right here to clear all tab stops for.

    This paragraph that I'm in right now I can see there's still one up here on the ruler at about two and a half inch mark it's mentioned right there it has the backwards L which was right aligned it mentions that right there and we haven't talked about leader lines so that's a none so let's click on clear all just switch back to your screen for a moment clear all I'll wait for you to get back okay so what I wanted set up here is I'm going to type the name of a product.

    Right here at the left margin and then when I hit the tab key I want it to jump over to about the two inch mark with a set of dots that leads the eye across there that's called the leader line and then I'll put in the price of the object and then when I hit the tab key it's going to jump over to another column and I'll put in the price of an object and then when I hit tab it'll jump over about the five inch mark with maybe a different style leader line just so we can see what they look like so that's what we're gonna set up right now so one of the things you have to remember to do.

    Is type stuff here and then hit the set button and whatever number you had typed up here will appear down there and then what's up here will be already selected and you can type right over top of it you'll see me do it right now um so I've just cleared all so I'm gonna start with the name of the product right here and then when I hit the tab key I want it to jump to the two inch mark and I want it to line up the right-hand side of that column so first thing I'm going to type right up here is a 2 it will assume that.

    I need inches I don't have to type the little quote mark for inches so I'm typing in a two I want it to line up the right-hand side of that column so I'm going to make it a right aligned tab stop and I want it to have a number two style leader line which would be a bunch of little periods notice the number three style would be a bunch of hyphens number four style would be a series of underscores so we're gonna go with the number two style leader line.

    And then before I go up and type another number I have to remember to set that one I click the set button now it says right in here two inches and that one's right aligned and it's going to have the leader line leading up to it that are going to be a bunch of dots alright so your turn you have clicked on clear all if you haven't do that already go up here to the tab stop position type into two you don't have to type the inch mark set it to be right aligned with a number two style leader line click the set button you and I will.

    Be in the right place so put the video on pause do that okay when I type that thing at the two inch mark it will back up my numbers because it's lining up the right edge of that column when I hit the tab key again I want it to line up the left edge of a new column at the three inch mark so my job right now notice how the two inches that I was typing already is highlighted waiting for me to type a new number which will be three I'm going to make it.

    Left aligned but I just want blank space in between I don't want a leader line there so I'm gonna leave that as none so having put in a two inch right aligned tab stop with a number two leader line my next one here is at the three inch mark left aligned no leader line and before I move on I must click set and then one more we're gonna type in let's see so I'll have about an inch to type stuff so how about at the four and a half inch mark next 4.5 inch mark a.

    Right aligned tab stop with a number about a number three style leader line and set that so you're going to put the video on pause here you're gonna make a three inch left online tab stop with no leader line set it gonna make a four and a half inch right aligned tab stop with a number three style leader line set that come on back after you do that alright assuming you have done that click on the ok button so I see a marker up here a backwards L at the two inch mark that's my right aligned Tam stop left line tab stop a.

    Three inch mark right aligned tab stop at the four and a half inch mark now I start typing in my products any of you who have ever taken a marketing class they're always selling this one project starts with a double you talking about widgets so I'm gonna be selling my widgets and then here comes the magic thing when I hit the tab key point there's my leader line and that's actually gonna print that's not the pilcrow thing that's showing me a bunch of dots that's the actual leader lines and now I'm going to put in the price of the widgets they're going to be a nickel.

    Ninety-eight notice how it backed up that typing because it's lining up the right edge of that column when I hit the tab key it jumps to the three inch mark and no little dots in there because we said that one wouldn't have leader lines and then these are going to be my gadgets I hit the tab key jumps over that four and a half inch mark different style leader line this time I wouldn't do that in real life I would use the same one in both places but I got to show you two.

    Birds one stone that way and the price of the gadgets are three dollars and 25 cents when you hit the enter key you're ready to do a new line feel free to make up a product put it in the air at the tab key make another product and put it in there so far just play with that for a minute so this is tab stops with leader lines and there's not really a way to do that by using the ruler you really needed to go to the tabs window and that remind you one last time the quick way to do that we went to the dialogue launcher here for paragraph.

    Settings went to the tabs and then we put stuff in here about how we wanted those to go all right catch up with me go play with those things hope you're having some geeky fun bye now all right we're gonna switch gears here in a minute we're gonna start talking about tables which is another way to line up rows and columns but usually it has borders it has boxes around the the individual pieces that in Excel you would call cells so that's what we doing in our next setup here I'd like to give.

    Everybody a little bit of practice right now with some of the things that we have seen it'll just be a quick one it will involve things up here on the ruler and some tab stops so I would like us all to go open a file named learning tabs - I'm headed there right now I'm headed to my file menu I'm going to open a file browse over here I'm gonna head to my word sample files folder again I'm looking for one named learning tabs -.

    It's going to come up looking like this and you can see things are not wonderful here now at first you might not see the little arrows there you'll only see those if you turn on the pill CROs and one of the little arrows mean [Music] hopefully you're saying that's where the tab keys have been hit little teeny little arrows there but they're there so things are not wonderful here first column was great there's no tab stop in front of it it's just lined up at the margin second.

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