Webinar How to automate and maximize lead generation

Webinar How to automate and maximize lead generation Thank you thank you everyone for for joining in uh I'm very very excited about this weinar we have been preparing for quite some time with uh with the and X for for this webinar and I think it's uh you're G to learn a lot from from this one like one stat I want to just kick off with here at Mech last year we managed to trible our Roi from Google ads through automating our conversion uh our conversion sending our conversion to.

Webinar How to automate and maximize lead generation

Our uh to Google ads that was that was an amazing achievement that we did last year through the automation of of convergence uh and I think Yan you had you had some great success as well uh with one of your clients right yeah we had had a similar result with a the client it was more on the let's say on the on the saving side where we came in and noticed they were spending had quite a lot of budget allocated to to one specific channel that was bringing in a lot of leads um but then after we were able to set up the uh offline conversions it was actually a a SAS.

Product and we rather implemented some conversions around um retention so how many of these leads were actually still using the product after a month and we really saw this one channel that was bringing most leads was actually performing worst in that metric um and we were able to let's say reallocate 50% of the budget to a lot more effective uh channels which was good I'm not going to name the channel because I don't want to hate on any AD Network because they each have their let's say um their advantages.

But yeah it was definitely a good uh a good saving for the client that's awesome and that's what we're going to be doing today like is speaking how can you achieve similar results for for yourself uh as well all right so uh first we're GNA uh look at the agenda for today we're gonna start with a quick introduction from myself and from Yan and then we're gonna have three demos for you so today is going to be very actionable how to achieve how to do the automation how to generate more leads it's going to be very actionable we have three different demos for you starting with capturing and storing leads.

Leveraging AI this can cannot be a uh marketing webinar without mentioning AI so of course we're going to be mentioning AI today and we're going to be finishing with sending offline convergence to the advertising platform I think this is one of the most effective ways right now when it comes to uh to marketing and to have some time for your uh Q&A please please if you do have any questions you can already start adding them right now to the question answer tab not to the chat you can still.

Chat if you need but if you have a question that you want us to answer at the end please add it to uh uh the Q&A uh the Q&A tab um all right so let's start with introduction and I'm just gonna start with make and if you are here in the subar I would assume that you already know about make so I'm not gonna waste your time explaining to you what is make but in a very very small material make is an integration platform that enables you to connect your uh different apps together whatever app you have within your within your uh Mark and.

Enabled you to build whether it's a simple or complex workflow uh things that has needed developers before especially connecting with apis now business users can do uh that themselves I have amazing clients users love uh make and if you're not already a make user you're going to love using make that's enough we're going to be speaking how to be using me for your uh for your business uh throughout the webinar but I'm going to move it now to Yan Yan.

Introduce us to yourself and myx yes so hi everyone my name is Yan I'm one of the co-founders of 9x here you can see my uh two other very handsome co-founders PIV and Alex um so what do we do at 9x we help business teams so really focusing on non-tech teams whether that's Marketing sales Finance or Ops helping those teams leverage no code and AI um so that on their own without needing to let's say burden too much the tech teams they can automate their processes and build digital.

Internal systems um and we do this both by implementing solutions for our clients and we also have a series of online training programs as well we're a team of seven based out of Berlin and um why I guess why I'm speaking here today we're also a certified make partner um so you very excited Leo to be here with you and sharing some of these great demos awesome thank you very much for being here I amazing partner of uh of make and let's kick this off and I think maybe before jumping into the demos uh a.

Lot of people might think they know the answer to that but I think it's still good to uh Define it what actually is lead generation yes so glad you asked Leo thank you not that that was a prepared question um so yeah I look found this very good definition from uh from a source Optimizer you can check it out I'll let you read the definition yourselves but in general what I like about this one that it really encompasses the two main parts of lead generation so first of all being the fact of generating consumer.

Interest so creating some sort of value for your potential let's say prospects and getting them interested into a sale i' classify this all as the content part of lead generation and then we also have the the technical part so that really the digital process of collecting a visitor's contact information and in general what I would say is as a marketing team you should really be spending as much of your time as possible on the content part that part that really generates value so this is coming up with different uh lead magnets.

With downloadable white papers with free online courses a lot of experimentation to see what you can give away to create the most value for Potential Prospect but in reality what we see is marketing teams are wasting way too much time on the tech part and especially when it comes to a lot of back and forth between both the marketing team and the tech team um and this really slows down the lead gen effort so what we're going to focus on in this webinar today is much more on the tech side of things to really show you how this can be orchestrated with now thanks to no code.

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    A lot less effort than previously and that your team can actually spend majority of the time on the content part

    Awesome I think maybe one thing that some people confuse is once you say the word lead generation they only think about B2B right but I think it's there's be this lead generation b2c as well and it's in multiple Industries right so if you speak about uh in in the legal industry if you want to acquire some uh customers you need to get leads who going to be working uh you're going to be working with if you speak about the.

    Automative industry like there are a lot of industries that are b2c not B2B and there still requiring lead uh generation I think it's very important to make this uh distinction that no lead generation is not only B2B it's depending on the in your business it can also B2B and uh and b2c so thank you thank you very much for that and I think as you said like a lot of people are still wasting a lot of time on the Tex site uh so maybe we can dive a little bit into uh into into this.

    So what is what is the take side behind behind region and we're we're we're dealing in uh in twos today so again on the tech side I would also split this into two parts there's the one part which is capturing leads from uh various different sources and then obviously storing those leads in your CRM so when we look at capturing leads there's sort of some main categories that we see so first of all being the website builders that you're using so for instance.

    Whether it's webflow uh wig in the older days WordPress I still know too many people are using WordPress but it's one that needs to be mentioned um and these website Builders often have forms as an option and you can obviously then capture data on your website then there's the form Builders which are more Standalone you could embed these in your website but also send people directly to some forms that you might be building on type form or fill out or tally and lastly there's the ad networks themselves that have in the more recent years created these lead gen products.

    Where you can actually build your lead form within the ad Network itself so the person doesn't need to leave LinkedIn or Facebook and they can share their information with you in a few clicks and as maybe some of you Avid make users have noticed these are all actually make modules here that I'm showing in the screen so I guess the main takeaway there is thanks to make you don't need developers anymore to capture leads from these sources and we'll obviously show that in the first demonstration now if we look at storing the leads in your CRM.

    There are obviously many CRM crms in the market we're going to be focusing a bit more on the B2B side today but some of the main ones let's say that you see here of like Salesforce HubSpot pipe Drive what's important to know here is when you're orchestrating your lead genen tech stack is that not all crms behave in the same way and they don't all have the same structure so for instance if we look at Salesforce they have leads and contacts to store information about people they have accounts to store information about businesses and then they have this.

    Opportunities object to store information about a PO sale HubSpot very similar you just have one object when it comes to people only contacts um and if we look at pipe Drive um and this is actually going to be the CRM that we're going to be using in these next three demos um but really remember that the principles that we show will be able to work with all crms when we look at at pipe drive you see that one's actually flipped and for whatever reason they have two different objects for um what.

    In Salesforce and HubSpot are opportunities and deals they have leads and Deals which is the opportunity you use to manage your like let's say uh sales likelihood events so I guess the takeaway here is lead management to actually do this properly from a tech perspective does require you to get a bit of knowledge around your CRM objects and how they are set up yeah thank you thank you very much and I think like speaking about this this uh CRM I think the the important thing is we are not.

    Only storing the Le in the CRM but also are sending this data from the CRM back to the advertising platforms right and that's what we're going to be speaking uh speaking about uh uh today as well so uh I think we have we have three demos that we're gonna be going through maybe you can give just a very quick intro to these three demos yeah so the F first of all what we're going to get started with is the the one that I mentioned so capturing leads from any source and to do that we're actually going to head.

    Over so what I've prepared here is basically a demo lead magnet this was built with a form Builder called fill

    Out and what we already have is a demo pipe Drive account before I go into the make scenario Leo did you want us to quickly go through for anyone that's new to make maybe um just like a how to get started in make itself I think yeah that would be awesome if you can maybe open open make and just show people how uh uh how thises look like and how to build just a very a very symol scenario I think that would that would be useful so let's do that I'm I head over to this.

    Tab here so there's this beautiful purple button that you'll get very used to when you use make a lot create a new scenario so in make these automations or workflows are named are called scenarios and what you can basically do make has Integrations with what's the number Leo are we up to 10,000 or uh like almost there almost there I think we're are above 1,700 already so okay so they're adding more and more tools every single day but for instance if I would drop in one of those ad Network forms that I.

    Mentioned we can have a look here at at LinkedIn lead gen forms and what we could do is for instance trigger this scenario whenever someone responds to one of our LinkedIn forms and I will just select one of the ones I've set up earlier we could for instance if you're using HubSpot as a CRM then go ahead and create a contact in HubSpot and what makes allows you to easily do is basically take some data that you get from this module and move it in to your other tools down the line and there No Limits which we'll see in a second you.

    Don't just need to connect two different tools or have two steps our scenarios can be a lot more complicated which I will show you right now so this would be the scenario that I've already set up which is going to basically capture any leads that fill out my lead magnet here and I want to send them into pipe drive now if we take a look at this scenario you might be asking okay w why do we need so many modules here and if we take a closer look you can see there's some different objects that I'm working with working with not only leads but.

    Organizations uh people which is the let's say the pipe driver equivalent of a contact and then we finally have leads so first of all the reason why our scenario needs to look like this if I actually go into pipe drive and try and create a lead manually you can see in pipe drive a lead can be connected to both a person and an organization in my lead information here I can't actually save any information like what's their email address you can see this is blocked because this all needs to happen on a person person level if I try and add myself it's going to say hey we.

    Don't have that person yet you can create a new one and the same goes for a company if I try and add a company here so every lead should be connected to both a organization and a person and if we look at at our form we're collecting different types of information so the first name the current position and the email are data specific to a person yet the company name and even the domain name of the email are probably information specific to an organization in pipe drive and lastly the act of them.

    Actually downloading this this is the act that's creating this lead so let's break into this scenario what I'm doing is I'm getting first of all my response from fill out and then I'm searching my CRM pipe Drive is do we already have a person in our CRM which has the same email address and we're also searching for organizations based on the um domain of the email address because what we want to avoid is duplicates we don't want to create two different contacts or two different organizations for the same.

    Company because for instance a person could fill this form out many times or multiple employees from one company could fill out this form and so what we need to do is create a bit of logic here and make really allows us to build logic that normally only developers could so what we're doing is we're searching for these objects and we're basically setting them into what are known as variables so if I find a person I'm going to set their ID in a variable and if I find an organization I'm going to set that ID in a variable and what we can do is create some logic here to say.

    That look if there's no organization found yet in pipe Drive we're going to go ahead and create one and what I'm doing here is I'm basically just very simply mapping the name of the company that they filled out in the form and doing a bit of um data manipulation to get the website extracted from their email address and then what I'll do is I'll update the variable and set that with the organization ID that I just created we'll see an example of this running in a second we then do the same thing if there is no person found yet we go ahead and create one very.

    Interestingly is what we can do here is already connect that person with the organization that we've created and then lastly what we want to do is actually create the lead and so what we're dropping in here is we're giving our lead a title so right now I've just called it generically lead magnet maybe if you had different lead magnets you might want to add some custom Fields here to save this on the lead as well so that if the same person maybe downloads different lead magnets or different white papers that data is all collected and stored in our CRM so what do you.

    Think Leo should we give this one a test are you sure it's G to work because like usually during demos things break so let's see let's see I'm confident I'm confident so let's get started I'll just create um I'll use this name actually this one's pretty good um we'll say since we have a more advanced crowd in today we'll say John Smith is the head of marketing and let's say they are from Nike they're going to acknowledge what I'm going to do here already oh let me.

    Just hit download so this theoretically lead magnet would be on the way to their email inbox if we have a look at the make scenario that has just run so we can see this one has just run here first of all let me know if I need to zoom in a little bit we see the answers here these are the answers that were submitted in the form it basically didn't find any people or any organization so that means we created a new person and or first of all we created a new organization Nike um.

    Returning the ID we then went ahead and created a new person John Smith with the job title and connected that organization and lastly we logged the lead in our system so let's head over to Pipe drive and see if that lead has made it over I'm going to refresh here and there we see lead magnet Nike John Smith um in just a few seconds they made their way over to our CRM brilliant.

    No thank you very much and I think uh like this is this scenario is is done gonna be moving now to like how to implement AI within within this to add even more information or to uh like yeah uh have more details about about that leads which can help help us in the in the sales process yeah 100% And like the way we've what we've seen so far from um best using Ai and we actually will show.

    One case here is in general what we've seen is it's not so much that you use AI for one big use case but rather many small use cases which really add up and save a lot of time so for instance in this theoretical sales process here a new lead came in probably a salesperson would need to look at is and maybe one of their first jobs might be based off the title setting a Persona of this lead because based on the Persona we probably want to communicate with this lead differently and in general most salespeople are not only filling out one.

    Field but maybe 10 15 20 and this is really what eats a lot of time and we think this is a great use case for bringing AI in when we have these type of let's say classifications that need to happen so I'll head over to my second scenario here and we can see actually there's already one record in the queue I'll explain what that means in a little bit but what we're doing here is whenever a new person is created in our pipe drive we check if that job title exists and then we're going to actually Leverage The Open AI module within make.

    And we can actually programmatically now in a scenario chat with chat gbt just like we would in a user interface so here I'm basically taking the job title from that person and um basically giving it some prompts so saying hey look if the person meets any of these criteria that classify them as an IND individual contributor all the way down if I can get to here if they're a sea level I want you to classify them as a sea level.

    And what we've also this is very important whenever you're doing these classifications we uh where is it here there's basically an extra um an extra sentence here saying say if a title doesn't match any of these I want you to client unknown don't try and uh make anything up so if you're not sure let us know that it's unknown and then we can put a filter in here to say that if the result is not equal to unknown then we want to update pipe drive and set that new persona so since we have one in the queue I can actually.

    Run this so that new person that I just created is in the queue here um if this scenario was on this is something that would just happen automatically and you can see for the job title head of marketing that was classified as middle management which was according to our prompt and if we go back into now um uh pipe drive I can just refresh this page and hopefully that Persona has been set and when this scenario is on I've obviously had it off for this demonstration every new person that.

    Comes in if they don't have a title yet this Persona will just be said and if you can think of five six seven eight nine examples of this this all adds up and really like let's say makes your lead gen and lead management efforts a lot more efficient yeah yeah I think actually that's a very good point what you mentioned about using AI in all of this small uh uh bits and pieces like everyone I speak about the I if I just gonna uh uh destroy our jobs we're not GNA have jobs tomorrow but actually in reality when you think about it it's more of an enabler and it's not about.

    Creating one big project where AI is taking over the whole the whole process but just how can you uh um leverage it in small pie which going to improve uh the total the total process uh all right awesome so now we covered we covered two scenarios already two demos so the first is capturing the leads and storing them into the CRM and now there's no manual process anymore this is all automated with make with having a different different logic there whether it's um whether this lead exists it doesn't.

    Exist so there's no uh there's no duplicates and uh adding all the information for the lead whether it's by drive again any CRM you are using we have we have a long list of apps within within make and then the second demo that we spoke about was implementing AI just one implementation here that we spoke about but you can have much much more it's up to your imagination but right now just enriching the lead data and not enriching it just with uh uh uh the level of management you can do much more enrich enrichment with uh with AI.

    Actually maybe before we move to the to the third demo uh and we did not beare that question so I hope it's not very difficult did you do some other sorts of enrichment before using AI yeah so what we've what we do a lot is we'd um integrate other let's say quite expensive uh enrichment uh tools so for instance like clear bid there's free one on the market called Big Picture So based on the email domain of the person like from what I have from my uh form here all I can create if I refresh this.

    One is uh an organization with a name and a website right that's not much information but this is enough for us to probably bring in another enrichment tool like big picture and what they will do is they'll probably give you back like 50 points of data on that company like where their headquarters are how many employees they have what their revenue is all these 50 points of data are super valuable but can also be quite overwhelming for a salesperson so what you can do is actually take the whole result of clear bid feed that into an a.

    Chat chbt prompt and say summarize this in a and give me the most important details me as a salesperson needs to understand and you put your nuances in there you tell them like what data points are most important for me to get the sale or what data points are most useful for me when reaching out to the person so it's a great way I think like two big cases we see is either classifying data saying I'm giving you an input you give you return one of five options or I'm giving you 50 data points can you summarize this for me with just giving me the information I need to know yeah brilliant no that's that's that's.

    Very smart um all right I think we are ready to move to the third the third part the third demo which is sending the converion or converion data back to the advertising platform I think this is a very effective way to be optimizing your compaigns for the convergence that really matters to you because in in many ways like if you are if you're a t company if you just focus about signups they are not always the best metric to be looking at and again if you depending on whatever business you are in just the first the first conversion is not always.

    Uh uh the most telling if this uh lead this user is going to be valuable for you or not and this is where offline convergence come into place and sending the convergence data back to the advertising platform play a very very important role so yeah let's dive in so before we get into the demo unfortunately we'll get there soon but a little bit of theory to cover first so I just want to go through like how uh conversion tracking Works in a in a very high level and looking at the more.

    Traditional setup so we've running some Google ads a user will click on an ad and they will then land on our website one important thing to notice here is what most of the ad networks are doing they're appending some sort of attribution to your url link and in this case what you see here this is what's known as a click ID most of the major ad networks use this technology but someone clicks on their ad they send you you basically in the ad Network say hey when someone clicks on this ad I want you to.

    Take them to this page but then they're going to add some specific parameters to that URL um then eventually the person might sign up on your website like we saw with the lead magnet and we send this conversion back to the ad Network and this attribution um if we're just doing on client side is basically all the work is being done for us based on the pixels that we've dropped on the page and what these pixels automatically do is they use this click ID and so now we're going to show is this is the let's say the client side way how do we go about this when the conversion events.

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