How To Learn New Skills Quickly The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip

How To Learn New Skills Quickly The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip How do you define learning agility well I think first of all learning agility is one of my favorite topics and and um I think it's probably one of the most underrated and overlooked aspects of.

How To Learn New Skills Quickly The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip

Someone who's going to be successful in leadership but also just in in in any role right and um for me um I think of um you know a lot of learning agility is um you know knowing what to do when you.

Don't know what to do um and it's it's being able to apply lessons that you've learned in a previous experience to a a new situation and so you know think about um you know if if I if I use a.

Sports example um you know a lot of athletes play multiple sports right and so you know maybe you've been uh so perfect example I was literally I was on the golf course the other day and um we.

Were talking about the golf swing and and you know my swing needs some some work right and um the uh you know one of the people I was playing with was like well you didn't play grow up playing.

Golf so the swing isn't isn't as natural to you and I was like yeah they're like did you ever play baseball and I was like yeah I played some baseball and they were like well a you know try to.

Hit a grounder to second that's how you hit this shot okay so you know it's it's this ability to take a different situation and apply it to something new and for me in my career um you know I've.

Done that a lot right like I've done um you know like I mentioned earlier I got a lot of lean and operational excellence training early in my career um and there was a lot around the toy production.

System and other things that I learned and I was immediately able to start taking lessons around operational efficiency and apply them to other areas right and as I grew in my career and.

Started to manage other parts of the business HR cells other areas I I would see that things that maybe worked on the manufacturing floor the same principles can apply in in in the field for sales.

Right and you know you have to be able to kind of adjust the situation and adjust the scenario for those involved but that ability to take what you've learned in one situation and apply it to.

Another it's just so critical and even you know even if I just think about going back to what we discussed earlier my background going to multiple schools right like I I know how to meet new.

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