4 Steps Gear Infographics **Free Download** How to convert picture to shape. Powerpoint Presentation Office

4 Steps Gear Infographics **Free Download** How to convert picture to shape. Powerpoint Presentation Office Hi guys welcome back to pop and glamour today we are going to learn two new things first let's see how to convert a picture into a editable shape and the second thing is how to animate this so.

Please stay tuned you first we need a few shapes so go to google and type in gear icon or you can type in Settings icon so you'll have a bunch of shapes coming in so let's select this shape.

Here okay and then copy this image paste it here so this is how I got the images from Google so let me first show you how to convert this picture you see this is a picture file this is non editable you.

Cannot do anything about it you cannot even change the color or the outline so if you fill in our color it will appear like this let's move it so let me show you how to go ahead and actually convert.

This using the freeform tool in PowerPoint you go here you see a free-form shape so select that and then start going around with the.

Shape point-by-point you can click here click here and then go to the next direction click here on the corner click here click here click here click here and then move on exactly.

4 Steps Gear Infographics **Free Download** How to convert picture to shape. Powerpoint Presentation

Around this shape as if you cannot crop it out so it's a free-form food it will go wherever you want to take it click here click here and then you have to go and meet the starting point when you.

Click on the starting point here the color changes and the shape is ready the shape is here on the top of the image so just select it and drag it on the right ok so here you go you have the.

Shape ready so this is editable now you can go ahead and change the color fill it with what color you want and then you can remove the outline all right so what we'll do is we will insert a circle in.

The middle so that it looks like the shape that we have used ok so that's it guys so you have all the four shapes which have downloaded from the internet and converted them into freeform shapes.

Ok and I have change the colors and this is how it is ok let's place it in this direction now let's see how to animate these so select the first one go to animations and click on spending so as.

You can see it is spinning right away now let's see how it looks on the big screen slideshow it's finished okay that's great now let's go back let me show you that it is.

    Both clockwise rotations and it's a full

    Spin okay like to make sure this this one is clockwise and then select the second one and do the same thing put my animation.

    Sentricon suspend it's a spinning as well so make sure this is anti clockwise or counter clockwise alright then go to the third one for animations and select spin and this.

    Should be clockwise fourth one animations click on spin again make sure this conference that's it so.

    All of them have been animated if you see here in this animation thing you can see this one starts first first shape one click okay that's fine the second one should start with.

    Previous the third ones to start with previous so all of them start together and give you that watch feeling so these are the element inside our watch so it will flex four gears that's it guys so.

    Make sure you add the text and the title and you are good to go so thanks for watching make sure to LIKE share and subscribe have a good day bye bye.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfhFSIo3iGg
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