Tutorial Airtable Automations with Make

Tutorial Airtable Automations with Make Hi and welcome to this tutorial on how to get started with airtable and make so in this video we're going to build two automated workflows step by step the first one is grabbing data from airtable.

And pushing it to asana and then the second workflow is grabbing data from calendly and pushing the meeting details and the contact details to airtable so this is what the workflow looks like.

In our visual builder it starts with the airtable trigger module that's looking for new records being added in our table base and when it finds new records it's going.

To push those to the action module in this case this is asana and it's creating new tasks in a task management system in a project this is the editable base that we'll be.

Using it's using the non-profit program management template you can find on our table we've added one more select field it's the program type and this is telling us based on an internal or an.

External program now if we go over to the tasks table we'll see all the different tasks belonging to the different programs we've added a lookup field here for the.

Tutorial Airtable Automations with Make

Program type so that we know if the tasks are belonging to an external or an internal program the way this is used in this particular workflow is that we want to look for.

External tasks and assign them to an external collaborator it can be a freelancer or an agency so for this we've created an external tasks view and we're essentially looking.

For new tasks entering this specific view and when it happens it's going to trigger our workflow it's going to grab the data about this external task and then push it to asana.

So the new external tasks will be pushed to this to do section and then they're going to be managed for that project and this task management system so let's go back and build this workflow.

From scratch so we can select the apps that we have here and delete them and start building from the start so first we'll need to select editable as the trigger module you can search for other.

Apps here we have our table preselected because we've worked with it before so i'll select airtable and then out of these available modules we'll need to select watch records.

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    And this is because we want our workflow - Make Automate

    To be triggered when new records are added the next step is to connect your account so that mate can process your data for.

    You to do that you'll need to paste your api token here if you don't know where to find it you can click the question mark for more instructions but essentially.

    It's on your airtable account page so once you paste in your api token you can click save and this is going to connect make to your editable account so once your account is connected it's going to.

    Load up data from your account so we can select the base here we want to select the non-profit program management base where we have our programs and tasks we'll select that.

    Here next we'll select the table and this is going to be the tasks table so that we can look for the new task coming in there.

    Next we'll select the trigger field and this is just to tell make when that particular record was created so we'll select the created field for the label field we'll select the.

    Name this is just a label for the record to be processed next we'll select the view so in this case we want to grab the tasks coming in in the external tasks view so we'll.

    Select that here and that's it for the airtable trigger setup so we can confirm that by clicking ok then you'll see this choose where to.

    Start dialog open up and there you can define where make should start processing data from so this can be from now on or you can select a specific date after which you want to grab records.

    Or you can select all which is going to

    Grab all existing records in there or you can even choose manually a specific record that it's going to load up from your account.

    Since we're building a new workflow and we'll be testing it it's best to select the all option so that we can have testing data coming in every time we're gonna test this workflow while building.

    It so let's confirm that option by clicking ok so once we have the trigger module set up it's time to add another module by clicking here and now we'll define what.

    Should happen with the data coming in from our table so in this case we want to push it to asana so we'll select asana and we'll select create a task or subtask because we want to create a new.

    Task in asana based on the data coming in from our table the next step is to connect your account so click add and then save this is going to connect to your account either.

    Automatically or you'll be asked to sign in and confirm access the next step is to define the task destination so where we want to push the data so we'll select projects and sections because we'll.

    Define first the project and also the section where we wanted the task to come in and that's going to be the to do section we'll also have to select the workspace.

    Id inside our asana account and next we'll define the project and section pair it sounds a bit technical but essentially it's just a way of defining in which project and in which.

    Section in that project you want the data to go to so we'll select the berkeley college support program coming from airtable and then we'll select the section which is going to be to do.

    Because that's where we want the new task to go now let's scroll down a little bit and find the task name field now if you click that field you'll see this mapping.

    Panel open up that has data elements available from the editable module so if you hover over these elements you'll see the editable module pulsating indicating that that's the data coming from that.

    Module so we can click the name data element and put it in the task name field like so and this means that when the new task is created on asana it's going to have that name coming in from.

    Our table so we can confirm the setup and move to the next step so now it's time to test our workflow to see if it works the way we want so for that use the run once button this is.

    Going to manually run this workflow just once we can see some data flowing in some green check marks and this is telling us that the workflow executed successfully.

    Now we can go back to asana and check if the task is there so we have two tasks grabbed from airtable because it funded two tasks in that view and it pushed those tasks in this asana project so now.

    That we've tested our workflow and we know that it works as expected we can define the schedule how often it should run so the default interval is every 15.

    Minutes but you can define other intervals or make it run every day or specific days of the week or anything that suits your needs so you can define that interval here and then confirm that.

    And the last step is to activate the scenario using this scheduling switch and this means it's going to run on that schedule that you've just defined finally save your scenario using the.

    Save button so that you don't lose any of your work and that's it for the first use case and we can move on to the second use case so this second workflow is using.

    Calendly as the trigger to grab details of scheduled events and then this crm in airtable where you store contacts and details about meetings scheduled with those contacts and the way this works is.

    Grabbing data from calendly and then searches your airtable base for email contacts and if you don't have that contact in our table yet it's going to add that.

    Contact as a new contact and then create a touch point and that means posting in the meeting details for that contact if you already have an existing contact.

    For this specific email it's only going to add an additional touch point so an additional meeting for that given contact in your crm base so let's take a closer look at the.

    Airtable base it has two tables contacts and touch points and they're linked together the first contact table has the contact details email name and attach points from that second table in the.

    Touchpoints table we have the meeting details the source and event type and we're linking back to that contacts table so that the touchpoints are linked to the given.

    Contact so now let's go back and build the entire workflow from scratch so let's select all the modules and delete them and we'll start setting up the calendar.

    Trigger so here let's select calendly you can also search for other apps but we have currently pre-selected because we've worked with it before and we'll select.

    Watch events because we want to grab new events scheduled on our county account so then we'll proceed with connecting to our calendar account so to do that click add.

    And then we'll create a web hook a web book is essentially an instant type of connection so we'll click add again and then save and it's going to create a instant connection for our account.

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