TABS in Powerpoint **Free Download***

TABS in Powerpoint **Free Download*** Hi guys welcome to powerpoint glamour in this video today let's see how to make tabs in powerpoint so please stay tuned okay let's start with inserting a big.

TABS in Powerpoint **Free Download***

Rectangle let's fill in with this color let's go back and copy this tab shape which i have downloaded.

Place it here let's align this rectangle to the tab and fill the tab shape with a darker version of the gray now on this area you can type in the.

Text that you want any data that you want to present so it can be text and or it can be any charts that you want to insert let's go.

Ahead and insert one chart as an example it can be a bar graph it can be a pie chart or any information that you want to display.

In your first app so let's resize this chart place it here for example okay text boxes now this is the first tab.

So let's insert a text box and type in tab one then select the tab shape copy paste and place it here and another one and place.

It on the right hand side so make sure the first tab is in the front so you right click and say bring it to front.

And all the other two should be sent to back so make sure the tab one is gray color and that tab 2 and the tab 3 are of different.

Colors so that it gives you that effect that this tab is the one which is highlighted one which is active rather so this will be tap two and this will be tab three.

The fonts of these tabs should be in a lighter color so that it shows that it is an inactive tab okay so this is the canvas this is the shape for.

Tab one now duplicate this slide two more times because we have three tabs okay and go to the second tab and then change the color of the tab to to the gray color which is the active.

Tab color

Before that we need to make sure it comes to the front change the color after doing the bring to front.

And the font color should be black so that it looks active this color should be of any other color so let's fill in it with the blue color.

Here and the font color should be the lighter version all right so that now the tab two is the active tab this slide is for tab two now.

Do the same for tab three go to the third slide select this right click and say bring to front then font color black because it's the active tab now go to the tab one.

And then send to back now tab 3 should be the active tab so it should be filled with the gray color so let's go ahead and fill it no.

It's not right okay yes the font now the color of the inactive tab blue okay so this is the first tab let's see how it looks that one tap two.

When you click it goes to tab two when you click it goes to tab three so the three tabs are created so you can go ahead and put any data that you want to show and.

When you click it goes to tab two click it goes to tab three so it gives you that tab feeling in powerpoint so make sure and go to tab 2.

You can insert any chart you can rearrange it by putting this here text here if you want you can put any icons.

So anything that you want on display

And all the three tabs can be done here so that's how it is guys you can download this slide.

For free you have the link in the description so please go ahead like share and subscribe so thanks for watching guys.

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