6 Year timeline Infographics - ***FREE DOWNLOAD**

6 Year timeline Infographics - ***FREE DOWNLOAD** welcome to my channel PowerPoint glamour so today what we have we have this timeline infographic template which is beautiful it has text boxes a timeline.

6 Year timeline Infographics - ***FREE DOWNLOAD**

So let's see how do we do it today so first foremost let's go ahead and insert a red type okay so we have rectangle inserted size it up then go to format shape select the.

Color fill it with what and then go to the shadow options select the shadow format set the transparency size blur angle and distance okay now we have gotten effect look great then go ahead.

And insert another rectangle underneath that ensure it is of equal size and go ahead and change the color of that look what's the same color that we are color okay.

And then make sure you align it properly okay after bringing that return to front and they should go under that look great okay so there is one more shape left which is a triangle so you take a.

Triangle here drop it there make sure you are lined it properly there you go make sure it's properly a line there should be spaced us great all right that's good selected shape fill same.

Color okay the color is also fine selected I can go to the shadow options select an inner shadow over there okay should be n in the shadow select here inside bottom chart up great that gives.

That great for the bed filling all right the shape is done select all of them by one then right click whole group and say group okay it's grouping the term duplicate the shades one two three four.

Five six correct now we need to align them select all of them go to Ally zip it horizontally and then align it properly the methyl align greatest all the shapes are aligned properly alright.

So make sure you select the colors select this select dollars got my cheese colors okay the colors are selected it looks beautiful.

All the shapes are ready and then you need ad C circle one circle is inserted here resize it it's good now fill it with the same.

Color you can use the eyedropper which is easy to have the same color but sand make sure to select the outline also white the weight should be half once it's done leave some shadow effect their.

Shadows transparency the blur great and

To placate all of them put it under all other select them make sure you align yes great so now change the colors to the same colors as a top funds see I.

Drop it is very easy to compare products fast forwarding it for you right great so the circles are also done now what we need to do is we need to add a connector so the shape their smaller.

Rectangle so your align it properly then we need to make sure we give it a gradient fill all right so now I'm go to create feel aperture okay make sure the first this one is the.

Same color as the left one all right we'll also select direction we should be this this color of the left should be this I drop it the right one is a the right right one so I drop out.

Right great so that is an gain duplicators control D they stood here yay properly make sure you bring these to front so that though the line goes behind it again could put.

It in select the colors accordingly as we take the previous one okay gradient fail this right one should be the same as the right so great can duplicate the select it drag prop behind.

Two circles back to front okay so left should be like left right should be fine right you repeat it for the other circles as well right .

Front gradient 2x let's like I can duplicate one last time a shift reduce the size of this one painting to front then we have a last .

Step the line alrighty okay so a circle a line great that's like a text box put it here for some option names your option one found to call same as a top right select an.

Align them properly equally great

All right now insert a text box so you type some text there changed size range got into the bins to.

Store data template kind of text boxes created for you great let's control D duplicate all the text boxes except all of them align select the text boxes .

Into the line or your regulator just make sure it does touch sites so sorry the color let's take this could be Oh this ash covered now this is fine duplicated visit your same process for.

All the others silicon exam show you Allah need for that exact straight line great that away so now what do is it sort of xbox here so that option target.

Save a champion yeah so make sure you check the font size me okay option one duplicate your option is it according feed and then you can change it to option one option two so this is just.

Text can definitely change it after you talk is like to just free okay not they're going to the icons select at least six icons I'm just selecting random icons for you.

okay so state 1930 icons and separate the icons but each boxes eight icon colors a black in color so.

Icons a black so place them each of the bangles don't have shapes there I can change the color of the graphic see it go to graphic fill select eyedropper to the same for all the ellipse.

Do you phosphorylated right this term so we have one text boxes here in the second half Oh yo duplicate come back here and distant text here with that match right.

Ticket get you get into the same process of chips okay great so I think we are done here text box time certain ancient shape .

Strike D duplicate 25 control D to get to D try three okay the system right then try to get just okay for now change the colors of this to the respective colors above the use the eyedropper.

great this slide is done so get done with the same dish this is so wonderful slide for you you can go ahead and download it so please go ahead and.

DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vserk-em-Qo
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