50 Professional Youtube Thumbnail Templates Pack Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial

50 Professional Youtube Thumbnail Templates Pack Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial Hello friends how are you i hope you're quite well and sorry last some days i'm not busy then i can't upload any video so now i'm back and today here is.

50 Professional Youtube Thumbnail Templates Pack Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial

50 youtube thumbnail templates here is a psd file and you can edit every file in photoshop cc so first i show you preview replace your image here.

And shape your perfect body so we need any filter photos or depend your wrong choice you can remove it and change or modernize any other.

Thumbnail so here is web hosting football and friend chicken 8 million views adventure time and here is music time replace your image here for example.

I replace this we need a background about music events but i replace it a simple background just for example.

Here is because we need musical but like this revolution is done sorry for background noise noises ctrl s for saving and wow.

You see our thumbnail is ready book your tickets are depend your own choice you can do easily here is notification or subscribe now.

We subscribe any food related image i think i have no image like this so but i have no food here is i think.

Warrior warrior our hunter so enter create clipping mask and you see our photo and circle controllers for saving.

Close and you see here amazing but you try this color to send this so you can edit it but first you need phones from web but don't worry these are free fonts.

Here you can change color like this or this color depend your own choice uh no no no no no no it's okay and you can change color this shape.

Like this uh apply granules overlaid when your own choice for example click on gradients overlay and you see okay and close it.

Here is a web hosting

And you import your pcs are server photos and provide your service accelerate your online process today.

Free sl and 750 gb space okay 20 horse and 70 sport work so you can edit it simply eat healthy we need any food related.

Image simply import your image and rewrite you can edit in text or you can change color depend your own choice.

Okay cancel and all right uh this adventure time plan your holiday now get up to 30 off for your tax trip okay.

So we need any travel photo i have i think i have been travel photo like this or apply this control shift alpha autoladies and changing some.

Color right click create clipping mask and resize enter ctrl s and you see.

Our adventure time you can change background color select for or depend your own choice or you can apply credentials overlay i know you.

Can do better amazing okay so i close this file and open any other file here is for sale so we need a sale image.

Apply this one and drag there right click create clipping last here is okay ctrl s and you see our thumbnail is ready and you can.

Change the color

Like this oh sorry here is grand runs only apply this color or this wow and second is this depend your choice.

And select her color her dress color okay i think this color is better and you can remove it you can add your own email or website pro builders homemaker elections.

For sale but we need a home design photo but i try this but don't worry i know you can do better .

And the portrait pinterest sorry pin stressed and here is boxing make great youtuber so here is a sorry for background noises and hot and special today means.

So we need any photo image and i think this image is better right click create clipping mask and i think here is okay enter ctrl s.

And you see depending your own choice you can do easily or change color address depending on yours i hope this data useful for you kindly.

DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vGdejK9ppU
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