Web Shape / 6 steps Powerpoint **Free Download** Infographics

Web Shape / 6 steps Powerpoint **Free Download** Infographics Hi guys welcome to PowerPoint glamour today let's check out how to make this v-shaped infographics so please stay tuned okay let's start with inserting earth triangle please select this one.

Web Shape / 6 steps Powerpoint **Free Download** Infographics

And insert here you're dated recite good yeah now we need another shape let's go.

Insert a moon yeah put it here stretch it make sure the corners are aligned let's increase the transparency and make sure.

This line passes through the corner so that we have a perfect part so select these two and then go to format mouth shapes click.

On subtract right now we have this new shape ready that's it now we need to duplicate this shape this is the only shape that we need so duplicate these shapes here and align it make it in a.

Form of a circle ob-la-da okay please say maybe my motto increase the size of some here align it here and change the colors .

Keep the darker colors here okay once you change the colors align it this is how it of yours make sure you select all of them and kuru it okay then so grouping is done duplicate.

The shape duplicate this shape and a red use the size so that we get exactly same copy of it place it on top and make sure the lines are aligned and then we will change the color of this also alright.

Great once the Chipola is changed group them select it and group this also all right so the shapes are ready now it's time to insert the icons so let's go ahead and.

Insert the icons I'd select about six icons change the color to white and place them here you know they look a little bigger in.

Size so select all of them and reduce the size so that they actually fit in well okay so arrange them here properly great so now the icons are also done let's insert some text boxes.

alright so the text boxes are all inserted now we need some lines some connectors from the Xbox's to the infographic alright so we will use this.


One okay

All right so we have the connectors also inserted to send them to back so that they actually attach to the ship well alright that's it now we are left with.

The title so make sure you insert a text box here or your title so that's a dice you can download this shape this slide for free there's a link in the description so please make sure you like.

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