Articulate storyline 360. Introduction to Articulate Storyline 360 - ID Card Make

Articulate storyline 360. Introduction to Articulate Storyline 360 - ID Card Make Hi guys welcome back to PowerPoint glamor in this video today we will learn about articulate storyline 360. so we'll check about what is storyline.

Articulate storyline 360. Introduction to Articulate Storyline 360

360. we will see some quick differences between PowerPoint and storyline we'll see how do we actually install storyline 360. what is the interface what are the different views and scenes.

Available in storyline how do the slides look in PowerPoint and storyline 360 for the different layers how do we actually save a project how do we actually preview and how do we actually publish.

The product in storyline 360. okay having said that let's quickly start and see let's have a quick Glimpse on how to actually see the differences between PowerPoint.

And storyline so as I said the storyline in PowerPoint interface looks almost similar it is 99 same but PowerPoint is listed as presentation.

Software it is used for making PowerPoint presentations which we can use in meetings and other areas however storyline 360 is a powerful e-learning authoring tool.

It is used for making a highly interactive and engaging content it has something called triggers and variables so the interactivity is very good in storyline 360.

So the slide types which we have in PowerPoint is almost similar what we have in storyline however in storyline we have some additional slides some pre-made custom slides like question.

Slides and result slides and some pre-made slides in in the gallery which you can use and the branching is also Advanced we have quizzing options we have advanced.

Interactions and buttons and tracking reporting is good the responsive is good we can also publish to Mobile so it can be created as a mobile friendly courses whereas.

PowerPoint doesn't have those responsive courses to be created and then coming to publishing you can publish PowerPoint to a web or print or a video however in storyline publishing.

Can be done to an LMS learning management system so that is about articulate storyline and PowerPoint so now uh let's look at how to install articulate storyline know that.

    Articulate storyline works perfectly - ID Card Make

    Well on a Windows laptop or a desktop so it needs a Windows operating system to actually run articulator 360..

    So you can also download it on a Mac however you need to have something called like a palace desktop or a VMware Fusion or anything called Apple bootcamp because storyline needs to run under a.

    Windows environment that's why if you install these on a Mac it creates that Windows environment for you for you to run 360 storyline so that's about the Mac so now how to install it on a.

    Windows when you go to this link which I'll put it in the link uh in the description down below you can click on start download and you can just click on this file it will.

    Download the exe file and then you can double click and install and run articulator 360. so that's about how do we actually install.

    Uh articulator 360. now let's quickly have a look at the interface how do how does articulate 360 look like okay so this is how storyline looks first then you click on file when you.

    Click on new this is the project that opens up okay so as you can see it opens up in a story view so we will see what the story is in some time so when you click on the.

    First slide double click on the first slide it takes you inside now this is the actual interface so now you see there are two tabs first is the story view Tab and second is the slide view.

    Tab okay so we can quickly go ahead and give this name uh give this scene a name here you can name it you can name the slide here title slide.

    Okay and then we so that's how it gets

    The name so now you can uh all right so this is the interface if.

    You notice the entire interface looks exactly like PowerPoint and go to the Home tab it looks similar it has option to insert a new slide insert tab is exactly similar with a few.

    Exceptions here of these interactive objects that you have and go to the slides ribbon it is almost similar with some question.

    Uh with an exception of question banks free form questions you can insert survey questions you can insert graded questions you can add a new slide from here you can have Team slides also added.

    If you have a team slide that you're working on if you have any templates that you are working on and then you can also insert some content from Content Library.

    So articulate storyline 360 comes with an immense collection of slides which are ready for use you know we have some opening slides we have titles and selection slides we have content slides.

    Charts and Graphics scenarios you name it you have it so you can just select any slide and then insert it here so when you double click on the slide it.

    Will insert it into your presentation insert here okay so let's delete this blank slide.

    Here you can also delete slides like you do in PowerPoint just select the slide and click on delete and then let's insert another slide.

    Content Library and then we have this section title we are inserted another slide okay so now if we go back to the story view you will see these two uh.

    Slides in this first story in this section you can go back to the section as well so that's how you toggle between the views story View and the slide View now we have seen the slides ribbon then.

    Go to the design section it is similar to what you have in PowerPoint you can change the slide designs you can have a background style and then going to the transitions ribbon it's again similar to.

    PowerPoint you have all the transitions that you can do you can apply here so let's select the slide and we apply a push animation you can also apply to all or just this slide so let's apply to all.

    Then go to the animations again similar to um the slide in PowerPoint so you can select any object and you can animate it and then view ribbon so it has you can.

    You can view the grid and uh grid and guidelines we can have we can view the media library we can use a story view we can use a slides Master view so slide Master.

    As you know is very useful if you want to apply layouts to different slides and the format the format view is again the same you can have the format features you have arranging and.

    Organizing your content on the slide in the height of the slide and everything else so this is the interface this is how the different ribbons look like in storyline.

    So it's very similar so you will feel very comfortable working in storyline if you have already worked on PowerPoint earlier perhaps with some additional and advanced features it'll be much much.

    Much more helpful and useful for you so you have seen how to insert slides we have seen how to um go back to the story View and see how.

    Your project is flowing Now quickly see what is here and below so this is the timeline view so it shows which element on your slide comes first.

    And which element goes second so this will give you the list of all the elements on your slide with the timing so you can definitely change the timing of these elements you can just drag it.

    And say if you want this rectangle to appear after some time see it appears after three seconds so you can change it you can drag and you can reduce the timing you can increase the timing from.

    Here and stuff like that so you can play with kindness here on the timeline down there and then coming to the states tab so uh States is again a wonderful feature in which for example you want.

    The state of this button to change when the user is uh toggling over it hovering over it right so click click this select this button and click on edit.

    States okay then go to the Howard which is already there if you see there's a blue color on the hardware stage You're Gonna.

    Change this color to whatever you want you can make it gray for example okay and then say done okay so this is how do you play with States let's see whether it's working or.

    Not click on preview just say this slide it will open the preview in uh in different different formats you can view uh which is a desktop format we can actually view it in the tablet format.

    Which is again landscape or portrait you can also view it in the landscape and portrait for a mobile phone so these are different uh previews available for you so right now we are.

    Viewing it in the desktop mode so let's see how it looks in the desktop mode okay so this is the course how it's gonna look like so if you see the.

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