Excel Today - Educon 2022

Excel Today - Educon 2022 A day for 2022 um i just wanted to do a show real quick um just because we we had a show planned for tuesday uh joe got pulled into.

Excel Today - Educon 2022

Teaching real quick at the very last minute so we had to cancel unfortunately but and then i am actually out here for youtube's educon 2022 so um i just wanted to give you guys a.

Show as we promised every single week so this is today's excel today i know it's way different than what you're used to seeing um this is actually the phone we use for uh uploading all our videos and.

Everything like that so it's uh getting kind of a behind-the-scenes footage i'm actually uh just wrapping up uh youtube's uh educon 2022 which uh happened yesterday.

I'm just getting set to head back home uh today in just a few hours here i'm gonna be flying uh out in new york uh but i also wanted to again give you guys a.

Show but also get let you uh know some big changes that are coming to our channel i'm actually super excited to share these with you guys because it is going to change a lot of the uh the look.

And feel of our channel as we're going to delve full into these uh new features um they just announced them yesterday uh the big one uh for everyone watching now.

Is going to be that there's going to be a new courses feature we're going to be beta testing it soon um but it's going i know one of the biggest comments we get is uh you know guys you have way too.

Many ads way too many ads running so [Laughter] we're actually gonna give you the option uh to watch it for free with ads and then there's gonna be another option.

That you can choose right on youtube right on you know you don't have to go to any other site or anything like that that you can purchase to watch the watch the course without any ads so.

That's a that's a big one uh coming forward so that's uh we will definitely be pushing forward with that one it's you're it's gonna make the channel look a lot different um also we're going to.

Be uh having exams also was another well they call them quizzes that's another one that's going to be beta tested um we're going to be beta testing as well.

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    Um honestly i did not see the features

    Being like game changing that much just the way they they're structured but we'll definitely uh push those out for you guys as well um but i'm super.

    Excited about the courses one the courses one is a major major game changer and it's gonna change how you guys see our courses and everything like that uh we're actually going to be able.

    To attach files to the courses themselves and there's a little we're going to in the beta there's a little there's a limit of three files so it's going to.

    Look um we're going to try to work around that maybe give you guys like a a link or a file that has links to all the download.

    Links and everything like that so just working on how we're going to troubleshoot all that but um just wanted to also give a big shout out to uh youtube for inviting us to educon this.

    Was a uh educa education conference where all the biggest channels in the education of vertical all of us who do education training and all that we were all invited to.

    Youtube's campus out here are the google campus out here on pier 57 uh to partake in a conference to you know see what these new features are for them to tell us all the new trends that.

    Are that they see in learning and training and everything like that and then uh also you know a chance to network with uh with other channels and stuff like that i do want to give a big.

    Shout out to the history guy um he was super nice and everything like that and we we had a nice long talk about a lot of stuff uh you know just really to youtube but also to history as i'm a.

    History major if you guys don't know so

    It was yeah it was really great uh here at edgy con um it's here in new york city uh they graciously flew us out and they also put us in a hotel for free as.

    Well so uh if you guys know what one of the perks is for if we're running a youtube channel you occasionally get invited to conferences like this.

    Um and then as far as our channel goes obviously we have access 2021 premiering today um that's uh that's an access has always been a very popular.

    Topic and popular uh course so we have that coming out today i think it's a three part series it's not going to be a four part series or five part series like the previous access ones uh access.

    21 actually tightened up a lot of the a lot of the inefficiencies of the previous versions of all the all the software the training that we do access is the one that actually changes.

    The most dramatically from version to version to version and a lot of it is because they're you know they're synchronized they're making the data uh i guess more efficient is the best way.

    To put it there's a lot of back-end changes that a lot of users don't see they could make files smaller or are easier the paths are easier to direct and everything like.

    That so that that is what's coming up today this morning and then uh next week we will have an off-site event uh a live one uh the title escaping off the top of my head i should have looked it up.

    Before i started this live stream but that's live live tv for you guys um so we have an offsite event on the 16th and again on the 21st chelsea dolmen will be back to do the excel vba.

    Uh show excel today that one's locked in stone uh there's not going to be any uh you know we're not we're not v we're not gonna change that or anything like that so that one's pretty much locked in so.

    If you guys really uh we're really excited to have chelsea back her vba series is still one of our top performing videos on on our channel um and it's always good to talk to chelsea.

    Chelsea it brings a lot of excitement and you know she a lot of fun to the to the channel again we'll be doing a vba loop structures on that so we'll we'll uh chelsea will kind of do a demo vba.

    Loop structures and then we'll do a question and answers for you guys uh on that one as well so yeah today is just a quick updates one um i don't know if there's any other topics or anything.

    Like that you guys wanted to cover if you had any questions about any other new features that are coming to the channel again this is all stuff that we're going.

    To begin beta testing uh once uh we've already signed up for the access and that so uh you'll be seeing those changes roll out on our channel um soon sooner rather than later um and.

    Then also uh i know we talked about aloud the dubbing service that changes uh that uh auto dubs uh some of our videos you guys.

    Might have seen that some of our shorter videos are dubbed in spanish and portuguese as well a lot of our shorts have that as well and then uh it that's gonna get expanded a little bit they.

    Still can't handle videos that are more than an hour's and you know as you guys know a majority of our training videos are more than an hour so uh it might be a little bit of a delay doing that but.

    They do have the ability once they're able to get over the the hour hump we will they do have the ability to uh for us to back back.

    Uh go back and do and get our older videos redubbed so you guys will be seeing videos in spanish portuguese and we're still hoping to get uh indie available hindi.

    Sorry hindi available at the end of the year as well so uh you know just trying to get the trainings to you guys in as many different languages as possible and then.

    Uh yeah i think that pretty much covers most of the large announcements here at educon edgycon again it was a great conference they had a lot of great speakers mainly other uh.

    The other uh channels the and the people who run those channels uh the keynote keynote speaker was neil degrasse tyson that was really cool to see as well uh he gave us a great uh message on you.

    Know keep on you know keep on educating keep on training everybody and then it was just great to meet other uh creators and stuff like that on who are you know doing the same mission you know making.

    Making education available to all you guys so you guys can get all these you know get trained in a variety of different topics and stuff like that uh you know to help you guys move forward.

    And hopefully we're giving you guys content that you know is helping you guys on our channel you know doing better at work uh you know giving you uh office skills that you maybe may not.

    Have had before or just found out that you needed to know i know uh for a lot of people you know pivot tables is one that they a lot of people have to learn at work.

    And they didn't know they needed to learn at work uh that's definitely the number one skill we know that people uh you know want to look for and everything like that um.

    I think that i might have lost for words for once usually i can talk forever and i can uh i can just yammer on but today i'm actually at a loss for words but i just wanted to do a quick.

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