Transform Boring Presentations into Interactive Meetings Mentimeter

Transform Boring Presentations into Interactive Meetings Mentimeter The problem with online meetings is that they can be a lot more boring than in-person meetings it's easy for the attendees to get distracted and as a presenter sometimes it's not your fault.

The topic is boring and dry and you have to work extra hard to keep energy levels from falling but there are small things you can do to get people to be more attentive one.

Really cool tool that you can use is a live word cloud during the meeting to get immediate feedback in real time another option is to add a live poll to your presentation good news is that.

There is a free tool that's super easy to use so i've been in the audience where other people use this tool and i loved it i think it's a great tool for businesses and is also a great tool for.

Teachers without much effort from your side you get to give memorable presentations the tool i'm talking about is called.

Mantimeter mentimeter is a popular platform for audience engagement which lets you create fully interactive presentations now what does that mean well it means you can do something like.

Transform Boring Presentations into Interactive Meetings Mentimeter

This you can create a live quiz with a timer and a countdown to get your audience to act you can show them the leaderboard which is based on who got it right and who was faster and then you.

Can move on to the next question setting up something like this is shockingly easy you just need to set up an account with mentimeter which you can do for free and then you create standard slides.

If you want as well as these interactive slides best thing is that your audience doesn't need to have a clue about multimeter or what tool you're using all they need to have is their smartphone or.

Laptop or some type of device that they can use to react in real time this is web-based and it's available in any browser so this is basically a tool that you can use when you're holding.

In-person live presentations or an online presentation in an online presentation you're going to be sharing your screen and then people will see a qr code that they can scan or they get a.

Link that they can go to and interact with your presentations in a live meeting people can pull out their smartphones scan a qr code and interact with you right then and there so the.

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    Basic version is free but there are also

    Paid plans with additional features in most cases the free version is a great way to get you started and it should cover most of your presentation needs.

    There's no limit on the number of presentations that you can create or on the size of the audience that you can engage with but there are some limitations on the number of questions.

    And quiz types that you can create in this video what i want to do is share with you some tips and tricks on how you can get the most out of the free version so i've already created an account i'm.

    Just going to log in if you've created a presentation before you're going to see it here to create a new one click on new presentation give your presentation a name and create.

    Presentation now let's add a new slide so here we can choose from different slide types we have question types and notice as i'm hovering over them we can see a preview.

    On the slide there's quiz competition and content slides now there are no limits on the number of content slides you can include in the free version when it comes to question size though you are.

    Limited to two per presentation in the free version and with quizzes you're limited to five questions per quiz now just to get a hang of how things work let's start with the heading slide on.

    The left you're going to see all your slides just like the navigation pane in powerpoint in the center you have a preview of your currently selected slide you don't do any editing in this view.

    Here all the editing is done on the right hand side and the type of options you see here depends on the slide type that you selected so if you change your mind and you want to use something else.

    You can adjust your selection here and

    The type of information on their content changes i'm just going to go and put this back to heading in this case it would be nice to add a heading so let's.

    Add it here you can go ahead and add an image you can upload it from your own computer or you can use the image library or use the gif library here i'm just.

    Going to go to image library let's look for something let's go with this one click on save and it's automatically going to add it to the slide if we're not happy with this.

    Layout we can go ahead and customize it so i want the image to be in the middle i'm going to go with this view but i don't want my text to cover the image so down here under advanced.

    Layouts click on expand and adjust the alignment of the text so i want it on the bottom i'm going to go with this one if you want to increase the font size you can do that here to decrease the.

    Font size use the minus now everything is automatically saved so you don't have to worry about saving now notice this little heart icon here that's something you can control on the.

    Content side so you have the ability to allow your audience to give you some feedback in terms of reactions if you don't want any feedback take it away if you want specific feedback activate the.

    Ones that you need another cool thing is under themes here you can adjust your theme default is mentilite if you're a fan of dark mode go with minty dark if you fancy bold and gold go with that one.

    Now notice that some of these themes are only available in the pro version now the pro version also allows you to create your own custom theme to adjust the fonts and replace that multimeter.

    Logo with your own logo but even in the basic version you have plenty of choices so play around with it and be adventurous now let's do something fun let's add a word cloud so whenever.

    You're starting a meeting or training it's good to introduce a little icebreaker to warm up the audience and in this case to help them orient themselves in this whole mentee.

    Environment so let's assess our audience's mood and visualize the results in a word cloud we're going to go and click on new slide and select word cloud let's ask our question and.

    Adjust the entries per participant so default is 3 but you can increase or decrease that if you want add an image if you'd like or add a gif just gonna go here.

    Look for happy let's go with this one and click on save and this is automatically gonna give us a word cloud how does that look well you have the.

    Ability to preview this so click on this down arrow and select preview presentation so this is going to be your presenter screen and this is going to be what your.

    Audience sees you can actually test this out this is not just a live preview you can interact with this and see how it's going to work so when your audience comes here and they see this how are you.

    Feeling today they can start answering and then once they submit this is how it's going to look okay so this preview is great so that you can test things out and be.

    Prepared when it comes to the real presentation now at this point you might be asking but how does my audience even get here you have multiple sharing options you can instruct your audience.

    To go to and then type in this code it's a temporary code and it's valid for two days and it connects them to your presentation but this is not so easy to do right because this is a long.

    Code with a lot of numbers so you want to make it easier for your audience to get here one thing you can do is to add a slide with the barcode at the start of your presentation so if you go to new.

    Slide and scroll down you're going to see instructions click on this and it's automatically going to insert the barcode or the website address and the code that they can use to get to your.

    Presentation so i'm going to bring this up here people can scan this and they're going to end up on your presentation where they can interact if you have an online meeting you can paste the link.

    Directly in chat if i click on share here you can copy this link and drop it in the chat box now when it comes to your presentation you're not going to be in this view you're going to be in.

    Presentation mode so you can click on present or use the shortcut key p and once you're here the audience are going to take out their smartphones they're going to scan this qr code and.

    Then they're going to be ready to interact with your presentation and then you're going to go on this slide they're going to see the image that we saw in the preview before and once they start.

    Filling it up the results are going to pop up on your screen now what happens if someone joins the whole party a bit late well there's a great shortcut key for that so let's say.

    Someone already came in at this stage and they don't know where to go you can use the shortcut key i which automatically brings up the qr code they will scan this and they can end up on.

    Your slide if you press i again you go back to where you were before another pro tip is to use the shortcut key k when you do that this brings up the list of available shortcuts so cool one is.

    The countdown so if i select one i get a one minute countdown and then if i press it again it just adds a minute to this if i want to cancel the countdown altogether i'm gonna go with zero escape.

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