Power Apps SharePoint List Attachments Save Camera Pictures, Pen Input & Images

Power Apps SharePoint List Attachments Save Camera Pictures, Pen Input & Images Hello everyone reza here in this video i will show you how we can take pictures from the camera control or the pen input control or add pictures using the add picture control and store all of these.

As sharepoint list item attachments we will leverage purely the attachments control and use the submit form function to post these attachments to our sharepoint list items.

All of this without using power automate so let's check it out in action i have a power app the data source for which is a sharepoint list the home page.

Of the app has a gallery that shows the data from that sharepoint list a sharepoint list item can have attachments the first image type attachment in that.

List item is what i am showcasing as a picture preview in this gallery i am also showcasing the total number of attachments for the specific list item so if i select a list item.

It will take me to the form screen and showcase the details of that selected list item i can see the title and description of the item.

Power Apps SharePoint List Attachments Save Camera Pictures, Pen Input & Images

And here i have the attachments control that showcases the list item attachments if i click on it it will download that attachment on the right hand side i have a.

Connected component which will showcase a preview of the list item attachments here there are two attachments the first one is an image here's the preview of that image.

I hit next the next one is a pdf file so here's a preview of that and with this component i also have the ability to use the pdf viewer so if i.

Select that it will launch the attached pdf file in this pdf viewer control here our focus is on adding list item attachments on the fly by leveraging.

Different types of controls inside of powerapps if i was to create a new record it will take me to the form screen and set the form up in new mode so i can.

Create a new item i've added the title and description for this item and here i have the attachments control that allows me to attach files.

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    Now the standard behavior of the

    Attachment controllers if i click on attach file i can start selecting files here that i would like to add to that attachments.

    Control i can select one or multiple files and then they will be attached in the attachments control i have the ability then to remove them.

    If required and i can also go ahead and drag and drop attachments while i'm adding all of these attachments in here i have this.

    Component that is connected to this attachments control so as attachments are coming in i can get a preview of those attachments so i have a couple of images and here is my.

    Pdf document however there are many scenarios in which we want to take live pictures.

    From our power apps by leveraging the camera control and power apps and we would want those pictures that we capture to be dynamically added to that list item attachments control.

    Typically if we use the camera control and take multiple pictures and if you want to put it in the sharepoint list item attachments we have to leverage power automate.

    But here i will show you how we can do all of this without leveraging power automate so let's see how this works i have my type selected as camera so it.

    Has the camera control in powerapps that it's showcasing if i click on this it will take a picture and add that picture to the attachments card.

    I also give the ability for you to name

    That attachment so here i have entered a name and if i click on this picture it will go ahead and add an attachment.

    This is the picture that it captures when i clicked on that camera control you can see it's following a naming standard that i put in play camera the name that i entered dot jpg.

    In the attachments viewer this is a preview of the image that i captured of course i can take multiple images so here's my second one.

    And i can see the second image right here that has been captured as well and why should we just limit ourselves to images this technique works with all different.

    Types of controls here is a pen input control i can draw sketches signatures and more once i have my pen input defined i can click on capture and it will add that as.

    Well into the attachment section here is the captured image another option that i've opened up is the add picture control here you can upload a picture and that.

    Picture as well gets added in the attachment section once i have all my attachments in place i will go ahead and click submit and once i click submit this will.

    Leverage the standard submit form action and powerapps to submit that form control there were a total of seven attachments for the item that i just created.

    Here is my list item called powerapps data if i go to my backend sharepoint list here is my list item if i select this.

    Here are all those seven attachments now i can select this list item and get to the view form experience wherein all my attachments are listed here.

    I can select them they would be downloaded plus i have my viewer which allows me to view all the attachments that are in play here.

    Now because i'm dynamically adding attachments in this attachments control for the edit experience of this attachments control i had to add a couple of options.

    Both of these buttons at the bottom will set the form in edit mode but when you go into edit mode do you want to remove some existing attachments from this control.

    In that case i will select the edit and remove attachments button it opens up the edit experience of the forum where i can make updates.

    Plus this now acts like a standard attachments control wherein i have the option to remove existing attachments.

    I have the ability to undo them i can always go and add additional files so i've added a file in here so right now i have a total of five attachments in play four which were already existing.

    One that i just added and three that i have removed once i am done with making all my changes i'll click submit.

    And all of these changes will get submitted to that specific sharepoint list item and here now i can see i have a total of five attachments.

    If i come back here these are my five attachments the other option that i've provided is edit and add attachments in this case i have placed a shape right.

    In front of that delete action purely because i do not want the users to delete the reason is because in edit mode if you try and delete and then try and.

    Add things on the fly using these dynamic properties like the camera control and the other controls that i've defined here in that case.

    If a delete is performed it would cause certain issues wherein it would not truly delete that attachment in this case i added an extra image so now i have a total of six attachments.

    I can add additional things here i'll add another pen input in here i will submit and all of this information will get submitted directly to my sharepoint list.

    Now i will show you how we can create an app directly from a sharepoint list and add that capability in the power app where the users can leverage the camera control to add images directly as list.

    Item attachments i have a very simple list here called information all i added here was an extra column called description of type multi-lines.

    Of text to create a power app go to integrate powerapps and say create an app this is my info app i will click create.

    This will create a standard free screen power app based upon that specific sharepoint list here is that powerapp in action there are currently no items if i click on.

    Create i can create a new item and here is that attachments control i'll enter title description and attach some files.

    And click submit this will create the item in that sharepoint list if i click on view item details it will take me to the view form.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI8saVXEDE4
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