How We Built #RealPowerBI (Program to Get Free Power BI Help for Your Business) TalkPowerBI LIVE

How We Built #RealPowerBI (Program to Get Free Power BI Help for Your Business) TalkPowerBI LIVE [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music].

How We Built #RealPowerBI (Program to Get Free Power BI Help for Your Business) TalkPowerBI LIVE


properties all right should have audio now and let's see if i can get the system to work.

Great all right hello welcome friends to another episode of top rbi glad to be here hanging out with you on my friday morning and today is maybe an exclusive maybe this is a first this is going to be a behind-the-scenes look in a business but before that i do want to say hello to everybody who's on so let me know what are you joining us from this is avi i'm in seattle back in the us.

For a few weeks now i guess and i see morley's here promoters here matthias is always here ty's always good to see you um see yourself from germany uh robert is here and he's gonna be keeping an eye on the chat queueing up your questions helping me out so yeah be nice to him richard says hello uh yeah richard i'm glad to be back as well a bit of a break while i was in india focusing on family fun matthew says hi from canada.

Oh no sound oh okay cool now i think there's sound renee says hello from kentucky javed is here guys saying sound okay now all right great great folks so let's uh kick it off let me see yeah this is looking good awesome so folks yeah this might be a first and it's on because i i want to do so much more of this and yeah because frankly i've admired uh.

The people that i looked up to other entrepreneurs business folks solopreneur as i like to call myself and i always loved it i always ate it up when they showed me kind of behind the scenes like how do they do it how do they come up with it you know and the highs and lows the good and the bad just come clean so that's my call that's my that's my goal for today and uh going forward i suppose so um i definitely i think i've been doing.

That a little bit on linkedin i've been sharing kind of my life behind the scenes that sort of stuff and again i i do want to kind of dive into my business i want to show you that you don't need a youtube studio to get started i mean for heaven's sake i work in my bedroom i'll show you all of that stuff is coming so for um if you love that kind of stuff and well if you're here then i guess you do then uh follow me on linkedin as well because i promise to share kind of more raw behind-the-scenes looks there but what is today's session about.

So we're going to focus on one of our programs real power bi and that's very relevant because we're launching real power bi next week if you need more information you can go to we'll talk about all that but again from the behind the scenes perspective this is what i thought i'm going to give you the current look just the way the program is structured right now but then i'll start to peel back the covers and i'll talk about the evolution specifically the current evolution and that's the great part about.

Teaching and sharing others you get to kind of document it for yourself too and and yeah so so yeah you know this is this is great i'm i know i'm gonna enjoy it quite a bit so uh so uh so that's that's the evolution and then lastly again i want to share the good and bad all of that stuff so i'll talk about all the problems big and small everything that we have dealt with that we are still dealing with uh cool so let's get started.

And i just want to say hello to shannon mindy and maria maria's here from peru all right folks so let's let's give you a look at real power bi so let's look at the program as it stands right now and again then i'll take you through the evolution and then we'll talk about all the problems i've seen and and if anything if there's one thing that i inspire you to do is to take imperfect action and.

That is one of the biggest roadblocks that i see if not the biggest in so again my goal is to is to have you leverage your power bi skills so you can become power via professionals whether that be as consultants or that be as business leaders inside your company but one thing one of the things that i see is that people stay stuck in that mode they wait till they feel confident that they don't feel afraid right and and they feel like they know.

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    Everything and it just doesn't work that way it definitely doesn't work that way so - Make Automate

    Let's um so at its core real power bi is really simple what it does is is it matches businesses who need power we help with power via professionals inside our power via consultant program right so we definitely see this as a win-win.

    Uh yeah so so that's the premise but then let's so again we're going to do the current look then i'm going to talk about the evolution so this is how if you go to this is what you're going to see right now now this is part of the evolution i will talk about that we've gone through a different focus and and what we what we realized was when we looked at the past projects the best results were gotten either when we were working either when the business leader was involved or at least we had their approval and.

    Get go um so yeah so so we we feel that's that's what we see have been our biggest projects big impact so yeah we want to focus on that so business leaders and and we're trying to catch them if somebody who's kind of stuck getting started with power bi if you're in an organization which has been doing power bi for many years uh yeah this is definitely not for you right so there and then we go into this um it's not easy being a business leader and leading a team organization.

    Now we know and you know that you can create a tremendous impact to buy it off in power bi but it can also be a lot of wasted time and effort little to show for results and of course in last week's stock power bi charles and i had a pretty deep discussion on this that where things can go wrong and that's unfortunate reality because again i mean power bi is just a tool it's not a magic wand you can just wave it in with everything is fixed well it's how you leverage the tool right so think about if you have a.

    Hammer i mean somebody can use that to build a house and they'll probably need more tools and or somebody can yeah well like me i'm not much good with a hammer so you get the idea right and and then you say hey it can be hard traveling alone because again we work with these folks we know what what are they struggling with and this is what we see them struggling with for one they're juggling a lot of their daily stuff i mean they have their day job and often really have a team and that sort of stuff right.

    And then they're going to work with you based on best practices right so you're not hunting around trying out things and so

    And they're trying to juggle that and trying to figure out power bi and it just goes on as a side project and that's what we want to question that hey if you really want mainstream results with power bi you can't keep treating it as a side project which you do for a few hours every day or every week or every month or sometimes you know you put it on the shelf for a few months and then forget about it and you come back six months one year late it just doesn't work if you want mainstream breakthrough.

    Results you cannot treat it as a side project now just i'm just going to pause here and pop out for a little bit and say that if you realize some of these things apply uh whether you're trying to do a power bi project or you're trying to progress in your career as well use yeah it's kind of odd i just noticed that there's so much similarity right i mean learning power bi people keep that as a side project and it's like well yeah and of course the last part is yeah i mean gosh i mean how much is it going to cost you in terms of time effort not just what you spend but what you.

    Spend to backtrack and not just that but like the the opportunities that you miss out because things were not in place and so forth so so i think there's there is definitely a true cost there so that's the premise that sets them up and again you're going to see in the evolution when you when i talk about that you're going to contrast this with an earlier approach and then of course we go into the program we say well then you know how about give you some free help now free there's an asterisk here and i'm going to talk in.

    Detail about that in big and small problems free is actually a problem and well yeah i'll come clean when we get to that and get to talk about problems that we see so um get free health from power bi professional great and this is what we do you know we're going to connect you with the top professional who's going to guide you in selecting and scoping projects and i mean this you know and of course charles and i discussed this in last week's talk rbi is that a lot of leaders get this wrong.

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