Encrypt Database with Password and Set up DB Connection - Oledb .NET E13

Encrypt Database with Password and Set up DB Connection - Oledb .NET E13 In this episode i'll quickly demonstrate how to set a password for the database and set up a new connection uh with the data with the password okay so.

I'll make a copy of this and let's call this um with bus something like that and now if you open the database normally.

And go to info here you'll see to encrypt it but you'll have to open this in exclusive mode okay so for that just to control all or you just.

Go to open and browse and now select this file and then open exclusive okay after that you go again to info and click on encrypt with password.

And let's say that the password is one two three x something like that put a password confirm it and then click on ok and just click on ok for this as well and let me.

Close and reopen this file and then i'll put a password okay now going back to our project uh let me quickly go up here and copy this.

Encrypt Database with Password and Set up DB Connection - Oledb .NET E13

As well i'll copy this bot so that we can test it at the same time okay so let's call this open connection with password and then we'll test this once this is.

Set up going back to connectionstring.com um now we'll grab the connection string with the password okay so this one i'll just copy this come back here and.

Paste it here now our database spot uh let me grab this shift right click copy as pass and then um so this is going to be our database path and this is going to.

Be the password one two three x this is gonna be our connection string so the only thing that is different here is this part okay now i'm gonna get rid.

Of this and then i'm gonna this will go without the codes okay so now we'll just use the same variable.

Only the connection string is different here and then this one is going to test out this new connection now so if we go to this uh place where we.

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    Test this

    Okay now there seems to be duplicate so we'll say test connection new and let's call this from there.

    Okay ctrl f5 to load the project so what this is is connected okay so the only uh you know like if you have to use the database with the password protected.

    You can set up the connection um you know first encrypt the database with the password and then you can um put an additional you know like this line.

    Basically if you under you know all of these setup and you want to use it you just amend the connection okay that will be all for this video [Music].

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