wpForo (WordPress Forum Plugin) - Customization Options

wpForo (WordPress Forum Plugin) - Customization Options Hiren welcome to live blogger in the last video we had created this forum using the WP forum WordPress plugin and in this video we'll take a look at some of the options that we have to customize.

This forum so let's go to our wordpress dashboard and we had looked at the forums tab over here and this is where we can add remove and edit the forums and once you have done all that you can.

Go to settings and there are a lot of things you can customize in this plug-in so let's get started by taking a look at some of the important ones the first option we have over here is the forum.

Title so it already sets the forum title to the name of your website and adds forum after that you can go ahead and change this title to whatever you want so so if I type community and now if I.

Update options and let's refresh our page now you can see it says live blogger community in the same way we also have this forum description so this is basically for the SEO so if you just.

Go ahead and right-click over here and click on inspect and if you go to the head tag we can see that in meta description we have this content live discussion board so this is basically.

wpForo (WordPress Forum Plugin) - Customization Options

For SEO and then we have the forum base URL so we can set the URL for your forum so right now it is the name of her website forward slash community now you can change this to whatever you want but.

If you want to set the homepage of your website as the forum then you can create a page in your WordPress website and then add a shortcode for your forum so if you go to this link you can find a.

Guide on how to do that so you have to add this shortcode called WP 4'o so let's go ahead and create a new page and I will just name it forum homepage and then click on publish now here we.

Will add the WP furrow shortcode so just click on this plus icon and search for shortcode and here you can type WP four row and then click on update right now once you are done that you have to set.

This page as the home page so go to settings and click on reading and instead of home test we will change this to forum homepage and then click on Save Changes now let's go to our home page.

And see whether we have the forum working and I think I forgot to add the square brackets so let's go back to our page and then click on edit on forum home page ok so here we have to add the.

Posts Related:

    Square brackets as well once you've done

    That click on update and now let's refresh our page and here we can see our forum is being displayed on the home page now let's go back to forums and.

    Let's take a look at the other options now here we have forum page slugs so these are the URL paths for different forum pages so you can go ahead and edit this as well and then you have dashboard.

    Mini position so this is basically where the forum's tab should be located so right now it is being set as 23 which means it is below pages so here we have pages and then we have forums and this.

    Is regarding translations so if you don't have any translations or anything on your website then you can leave that as it is then let's go to the forum's tab and here we have a lot of options.

    Like in extended layout do we want to have the recent topics expanded or collapsed and then we have the number of recent topics to be displayed and the recent topic length and all these.

    Options over here so you can go ahead and edit these and see the results now let's go to forum accesses so here we can create new access and assign those accesses to.

    Different type of users so we have no access read-only access standard acces moderator access and full access so these can be set for different types of users so if you go to user groups over.

    Here we can see the different types of users you can add a new user group over here and set a custom access to that so let's go back to settings and you can add a new forum access over here as well.

    So if you click on add new forum access we have this list of permissions which we can select or deselect for example if you set it as can what then any user group with this axis can only vote on.

    The posts so in this way we can create

    New accesses and add them to the user groups now let's go to topics and posts and here also we can customize how the pores will be displayed so the reason.

    Post should be displayed expanded or collapsed number of recent posts and you can set the forum type so you can set it as text editor or visual editor and you have a lot of room for customization.

    Over here so just go to these options and change these according to your needs now let's go to members first of all we have the option of online status timeout so this is basically how much time it.

    Will wait for checking the online status of a member so WP for a won't check for the online status of a member every second this can slow down your server and lower the performance of your.

    Website so we can set an online status timeout over here so with this setting every four minutes it will check for the online status of the member and then update it accordingly then we have the.

    Number of members per page you can set this as well and then we have the member URL structure you can display the URL of your member profile with user nice name or user I.

    So you can select one of these and then we have custom authorization URLs so if you have some other plugins used along with the WP for a plugin then you can see in this URL list 4 WP for row to be.

    Compatible with that plug-in and then we have the options of redirection URLs so once you are logged in or after registration where should the user be taken to and then we have the member.

    Reputation and titles so here we can set a badge or a title for a member so if a member has less than 5 posts then we'll have this batch over here and the title will be new member and if he has five or.

    More posts then we will set it as active member and we'll have this batch over here so in this way we have till 5,000 so if the member has at least 5,000 posts then we can call the member.

    Illustrious member and we can set this badge for the member so you can go ahead and change the names of these titles according to your website and then you can enable or disable the member.

    Repetitions for different user groups all right now let's go to emails so this is where we can customize the emails that we send to the members so the from name will be live blogger - forum and we.

    Can have the from email so you can set your custom email ideas over here and here we have different email templates so if someone subscribes to our forum or topic title then we can send an email to.

    That user so here is the subject we can change this to whatever we want and then here is the message we have hello and we will have the name of the member automatically inserted over here and.

    Just go ahead and customize these emails to your needs so we have email templates for a lot of things so just go through this and change it to your needs then let's go to features and here we have a.

    Lot of different options these are basic options first of all we have show the admin bar for members so this black bar over here is the admin bar so if someone is the.

    Member he or she doesn't need to see this admin bar but if you want them to see this admin bar then you can save it as yes and in this way we have a lot of options so just go through this and.

    Customize your forum and then we have styles so this is where we can set the appearance of our forum so first of all we have the font sizes for forums topics and the post content then we can even.

    Add custom CSS code over here if you know some CSS then you can take full advantage of this and then here we have the forum color styles so by default it is set as the blue theme but you can.

    Select the other options over here as well so let's select the red one and let's click on update options let's go to our home page and now we can see we have a red theme for our forum let's.

    Check how the dark theme looks so just select dark and click on update options so this is how the dark theme looks now you can go ahead and change these different colors individually so here if.

    You click on this color then we can select a different color from here if you want to know which colors are set for which element then you can go to colors documentation and here they have.

    Displayed color number one two three and four and so on so you can go and find the color number you want from here and select and change the colors from here so that's basically all about styles now.

    Let's go to api's now here you can connect your social media accounts with wp4 oh so you can enter your app ID for facebook and app secret these you can get from the developer accounts of the.

    Respective social media accounts we also have the options of customizing the share buttons we can even select the positions where the share buttons should be located right.

    Now let's go to tools now here we have some options for spam control so if you have this plug-in installed on your WordPress website then you can have advanced spam control but by default we.

    Have some simple spam control and we have some options over here which we can change and then for the new registered users we can have some different options like we can set the post to be approved.

    Manually you can also have the number of posts during which the user will be strictly monitored with the spam control then you can also specify which types of files should not be attached by the user.

    And then we have the option of adding the Google reCAPTCHA and that's basically it for the anti-spam now let's open privacy and rules so this is basically the privacy policy of your.

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