Working with Clipboard API using VBA - Follow up for last two videos
Hey everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here i'm longpamai uh this is a quick follow-up for our last two videos that use clipboard apis for windows um.
Your code you can simply copy and replace the existing uh windows api module okay so um that will be all a quick update for.
That is filtering data automatically using clipboard data and other one we did for creating a custom menu for a vba editor if you're using 32-bit.
Excel it shouldn't be a problem so um no no action needed there however if you're using 64-bit excel you would have received type mismatch or.
Pointer error okay so i have updated some qualifiers uh qualifiers and data type to work with about 32-bit as well as for 64-bit excel and um i have tested it.
Okay for windows 10 so uh you know like you can go to the blog the link should be there in the video description um and try it out and if you face any.
Other issues please do comment below one more thing both set and get function or method uh uses the same naming convention so you don't have to rewrite any part of.
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Excel VBA