OneNote Tutorial

OneNote Tutorial Hello and welcome to OneNote 2016 my name is Shaun bugler and I'm going to be guiding you through some of the cool features available inside Microsoft's digital notebook solution so let's go ahead and get started before we dive too deeply into the application it'll serve us well to make sure that we're familiar with the interface for those of you who have worked with OneNote before I've got good news for you the interface hasn't changed much if at all however for those of you who have.

Never opened up one note before let's take a look at some of the tools we'll be working around at the very top of the screen we have access to these series of tabs these tabs and these tools down below are known as the ribbon the ribbon contains all the tools that we'll be using throughout this entire series now each ribbon tab is designed to use a gut word a word that inherently means something whether we really think about it or not for example the word insert if.

You were to say to yourself that you would like to insert an image into a notebook what tab might you go into my hope is that your instinct was to go to the insert tab here inside the insert tab you'll see that we have access to a number of different things that you would in fact insert like space or tables simple attachments ah there we go images will be coming back to these tools in just a little bit but nonetheless throughout this process it's.

Important to note that when we're looking for a particular tool simply asking yourself what it is you're trying to do and trying to fit that into one of the tabs we have available will help you out now inside each tab we have access to command groups these command groups contain tools that either do similar things or edit similar content for example basic text these tools all do similar things they manipulate content.

Same thing with tags when we learn about tags you'll find that all the tools that we need here have something to do with OneNote tagging so keep that in mind as we're going throughout this I may reference things as the tab or the command group in those instances knowing this will help you guide your way through this series now there's one tab in particular that does something a little bit different than the rest of the tabs I'm talking.

About the file tab the one found to the farthest to the left you see when you click on the file tab you'll notice it takes you somewhere very different from where the rest of the tabs take you if you click on the insert tab it simply shows you an extra list of tools draw history and so on but when you click on the file tab you do get this different view this is called the backstage view and it's important to understand that.

OneNote Tutorial

The backstage view is all about making changes about the file all other tabs home insert and otherwise make changes inside the file so the file tab is where you're going to go to create a new notebook open a previously created notebook share this notebook notice that we're able to do things that are about this notebook not necessarily inside the notebook keep them in mind as we're.

Going throughout this here because it's going to be very useful to know where to go when you need to do something like export a page section or the entire notebook to someone who needs to see your notes it's time to create a new notebook the one we'll be working in for the duration of this class you can create a new notebook in two different places Microsoft has a design theory that says if it's important there's probably supposed to be more than one way to do.

It fortunately for us creating a notebook is pretty important and therefore relatively easy to find because there are multiple ways to do it the first way you might have gotten a glimpse of when we were in the backstage view remember the backstage view is hidden behind the file tab if you click on the file tab you'll notice we have access to an icon on the left that says new so I'm going to go ahead and click new and you'll see what I do it asks me.

Where it like to save this notebook do I want to save it to my onedrive for business my personal onedrive my SharePoint site where do I want to save it locally on my computer depending on your needs you'll decide which one makes the most sense for you but it is important to note that to really take advantage of OneNote and its capabilities across all the platforms that works on you'll want to do it on either a onedrive or SharePoint location in order to take advantage of the syncing properties.

Now the other way we can create a notebook is actually here inside this view you'll notice that I'm currently inside the work notes notebook but if I click on the drop down here you'll see I actually have the ability also to add a notebook now I can click add a notebook here I can also open up any other notebooks that I might have already created now you may not see this view with the drop down you may see this view the view that.

I was just in was a more compact a more minimalist view and I got it by selecting this pushpin to the right of the word notebooks by clicking on that pushpin you'll see it removes the sidebar and tucks all of my notebook options up into this drop down menu for those of you that would like to have that sidebar either because you have a large window or because you have a lot of different notebooks simply click on the pushpin on the right-hand side of the drop down menu and you'll.

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    See that it adds it as a sidebar now I don't have a lot of screen real estate

    To work with here so I'm not gonna pin the sidebar and I'm gonna go ahead and create my new notebook by clicking add notebook I'm gonna go ahead and save it in my onedrive for business and in particular I think I'll create a new folder and I'll call it OneNote 2016.

    It's here that I'll save my one note notes and I'm going to click create and just like that my notebooks been created I have the ability to write out-of-the-box invite people that I might want to share this notebook with for collaborative notes or other I'm going to go ahead and say not now and I'm now inside my one note notes workbook go ahead and take this.

    Opportunity to create your own notebook and join me after the break alright so the stage here you should have your OneNote notebook freshly created and ready to be written in although first maybe we'd like to give it a little bit more structure well how do you create structure inside of a notebook well depending on when you went to grade school you may have used dividers section dividers OneNote is no different in fact working within OneNote one of.

    The best things you can do for yourself is to constantly envision a physical notebook what is it that makes a physical notebook great well we have the ability to organize those notebooks into sections currently I have new section one new section one doesn't really do maturing so maybe I'd like to rename it somebody wouldn't right-click on it and select rename we'll go ahead and call this one the.

    Quick notes section so that will be where all of my quick notes go notes that I don't necessarily have a place for yet or maybe just something to take on the go maybe I'd like another section tab to create a new section tab find the little plus sign to the right of already created section tabs and give it a click here in this section tab maybe I'll call this particular section tab my learnin.

    Notes so these are gonna be my notes regarding my work stuff at my company learn it maybe I'll create one more section and I'll call it my personal notes so now I've got three section tabs my quick notes I learn it and my personal of course it created colors on its own and I could change those colors if I want to simply by right-clicking on the tab and down at the bottom selecting the section color maybe I've liked quick.

    Notes to be read and from my learn it notes to be blue and my personal notes to be green go ahead and take this opportunity to create three sections of your own and join me after the break alright so I've created my section tabs what now well within each section tab we have pages so a section tab doesn't just have to be one page you can actually be a bunch of pages so hopefully you're.

    Starting to see that there's a lot more structure to OneNote then at first glance we'll say for quick notes this first page I'll create is going to be four quick notes in meetings I created the name for this page by typing in the title field at the top of the page although you can also right-click on the page on the right-hand side here so I've got my meetings page maybe I'd like a quick notes page for on-the-go.

    To create a new page simply click the add page icon on the top of the right-hand bar and once again to name it simply start typing in the top field or right-click on that new page and select rename let's say I want to create some sections for my learn it so here in my learn a tab let's say that I'd like to create this one and make it my executive page this is going to be for all of my notes regarding learn it regarding my executives as well I'll go ahead and.

    Create another page and we'll say this is something to do with sales and one more for the instructors

    So hopefully you're starting to see here now every tab can become its own little haven for respective subject matter go ahead and take this opportunity to add a couple of pages to a few of your sections and join me after the break okay so we've got section tabs and we've got pages that's got to be it there.

    Can't possibly be any more structure to this can there well actually there is a couple more levels you see the section tabs are great but occasionally we get too involved with these section tabs we start breaking things up into more and more diverse section tabs and it gets really unwieldly to navigate through all of these different section tabs for example let's say I don't work for just learning let's say I also have my own freelance business if I create a section.

    Tab here and we'll call this bugler LLC learn it and bugler LLC are both professional tabs so they might be tabs that I'd like segmented away from my quick notes and my personal tab now in first glance it doesn't seem like we have anything that allows us to do that but if you right-click on the section tab you'll see that we actually have the ability to create not just a new section but a new section group and that's.

    Exactly what I'm gonna do I'm gonna select new section group and check it out it created not a section tab but a group I'll go ahead and call this my professional section group professional section group should entail learn it and bugler LLC to add that into my newly created section group I'm simply going to click hold and drag to the professional section group and release you'll see now I don't see any other.

    Section tabs this is because I'm in not only by one notes notebook but my professional section tab to get back out simply select the green back arrow and I'll go ahead and add learn it now if you're quick it won't take you in to professional so if I click and drag learn it and release it simply moves it without bringing me inside and of course if I want to shuffle up.

    These other tabs without putting them into section groups I can if I'd like to have personal in front of quick notes I can definitely do that so there you go go ahead and create your own section group and join me after the break section tabs we've got pages and then to contain these section tabs we've got section groups like professional here which contains my bugler LLC and learn it section tabs now if I want to go any further than.

    That you might wonder how much further could you possibly go to create structure inside of a notebook well in the event that we create pages that don't necessarily meet the same level as existing pages but do have some related merits like for instance in meetings there are different types of meetings there are coffee with the boss meetings.

    They might also be weekly status report meetings now these types of meetings are just then types of meetings so it doesn't really make sense to have meetings as its own section tab on the same level as on the go and these two different sub styles of meetings it would make more sense if coffee with the boss and weekly status report were somehow grouped together with meetings well it turns out.

    We can do just that now when we were creating section groups we had to create the tabs first and then create the section group well it's the same thing with pages we've created the main page and we've created the subsequent sub pages all we have to do now is right-click on the sub page and check it out about a quarter of the way from the bottom we have make sub page so I'm.

    Gonna go ahead and select make sub page and you'll notice coffee with the boss is now indented underneath meetings I'll go ahead and do the same thing with weekly status report and there you go I now have a sub page underneath meetings some meetings is its own page but I now have other pages that directly correspond with meetings you'll notice now on the right hand side I.

    Actually have an upward Chevron so I can actually fold these up if I don't want to see those bottom two pages I can simply hide them or reveal them as necessary so there you go four different structure elements of a OneNote notebook section tabs section groups that contain section tabs pages and subpages now it's important to note that there's no right or wrong way to build out a notebook do you have to use subpages no.

    Do you have to use section groups no how you choose to use OneNote is deeply personal and it's entirely based on how you take notes how you process information so give it some thought before you build out your notebook ask yourself these questions so go ahead and take this opportunity to build out your OneNote notebook and let's join us after the break so we've got the structure of our notebook it's time to start filling this notebook with content I'm in my on.

    The go page of my quick notes section tab and I'd like to start typing something because I'm on the go I'm moving I need to put what's in my head onto paper now well if this was Microsoft Word I'd have to go to the very top left portion of this page in order to start typing and this tends to be where most users start taking their notes to but that's not very notebook like right because a notebook you can just start writing anywhere if it's a piece of paper right you could start writing in the top right corner or in.

    The bottom left or in the middle well OneNote is no different as it turns out you don't have to start in the top left simply take your mouse and click where you want to start typing and you'll notice the cursor immediately jumps to that location you can start typing anywhere inside a OneNote notebook so I'm going to go ahead and do it from the middle here why not I'll say.

    Don't forget there is a conference call on Monday you're sharing a phone with david so just like that I've gone ahead and I've just thrown text into the middle of a OneNote notebook it's that easy go ahead and take this opportunity pick somewhere inside your OneNote notebook and just start typing and then.

    Just to shake things up even more click somewhere else and start typing maybe something to the effect of it's your week to bring doughnuts to the Friday staff meeting and there you go so now I've got texting too on the fly places simply because I'm on the go and I've got to get what's in my head onto the page one note does as.

    Much as it possibly can to get out of the way go ahead and try it for yourself and join me after the break now once you've got text onto the page you might wonder well a lot of good this did me because even though I was on the go then I'm not on the go now and I need to clean up my notes a little bit so how do I do that or can I for that matter well you can now when it comes to something simple you might have wondered at what.

    Point does it decide hey I've gone too far to the right I need to go run well that really depends on the settings of your particular OneNote notebook for mine it tends to be about well just that big but out of the box it can keep going indefinitely now you may want to resize it after the fact as you hover over the text you'll notice that there's a little box that surrounds each text field this can be adapted based on your needs so I'm just gonna hover over and I'm gonna find the right border and I'm gonna.

    Bring it in a little bit there you go that's a little bit more in my style and when it comes to my donuts note over here I need to bring it closer off to the left-hand side here closer to notes that I've already taken so that I know that it even exists you can't have no it's floating off to the right here to move an entire text field simply hover over the four dots in the gray bar until you get that four corner arrow from.

    There simply click hold and drag wherever you'd like to bring those notes and release so now I've got my text in roughly the same place now of course just like any worksheet you can also zoom in after the fact so the text is a little bit bigger now but maybe I'd like it to be even bigger than just the default text by selecting the entire text box or by highlighting all the text you'll see that you get.

    Some quick text edit fields so I can change the font style size I can choose from a number of quick styles maybe it's a title or maybe this is a type of heading or I can change the style of font maybe it's red or bold in all these different instances here you'll notice that it's pretty flexible with what I can and can't do with regards to my text I'm.

    Gonna go ahead and resume it back to its default style but maybe I'd like to bring it up just a couple more points in size I'll bring it up to 14 point font and then I'll use the format painter to do the same thing to this text here hope almost missed it there there we go so formatting text doesn't have to be difficult now keep in mind you could have also selected the box and gone up.

    To the Home tab where we had access to our basic text formatting tools you'll notice that in fact all the tools that are available up to about here are also available inside the quick access field remember Microsoft's design theory if it's important there's more than one way to do it now let's say that I'd like to merge my notes together well if I click and drag over the notes you'll see it.

    Doesn't do a lot for me but there's one the other thing that pops up when I'm hovering over my text fields there's this little nib on the left-hand side here if I hover over it I get that four corner arrow and if I click and drag it looks like I'm clicking and dragging from the text box but watch what happens when I click and drag it to text check it out it actually snapped it right into the text field let me show you again so I'm hovering over my text.

    Box and instead of clicking and dragging from the top here I'm gonna hover over and click and drag from the nib over here on the left hand side and drag towards existing text and there you go you can indent it or not entirely up to you but it is simply that a click and drag I can even reorder it after the fact so it's your week to bring Donuts to the Friday staff meeting I need that to be below that conference call note on Monday so I'm just gonna click and drag.

    The nib on that line and drag it down or if I need to break it away I can do that too and it makes it its own little text box so go ahead and take this opportunity try it out move some text format it maybe you'd like to give it bullets try this out for yourself and get a good comfortable feel for manipulating your notes inside of OneNote I'll see you after the break.

    While we're on the topic of quick formatting let's say that I'm not only taking notes for just day-to-day stuff but I'm actually taking quick notes for all five of my working days so for example I might have a section for Monday notes in another section for Tuesday notes and so on now these don't really look like very good section headers fortunately I have.

    Something called quick styles found inside the home tab quick styles allow me to say hey this is important text but I don't know how to enumerate that how do I make this text look important or look like what it is that I'm trying to get it to look like so I'd like to make a change to all these days of the weeks to indicate that these are section headers not just text so by highlighting all of them I'm going to go to my Style section you'll see that I have the ability to make it a heading or heading one all the way.

    Through heading six maybe it's a title or a citation or quotation and any instance I can simply click and see hmm that does look a little bit more like what it was that I was trying to represent now I can go ahead and adjust my text so in the instance of don't forget there's a conference call on Monday those are notes that have something to do with Monday so I'm going to hover over that nib break it out and bring it into the.

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