Microsoft Outlook 2016 Tips and Tricks

Microsoft Outlook 2016 Tips and Tricks Hello and welcome to our outlook 2016 YouTube session my name is Cara Clifford here at lernen in San Francisco looking forward to telling you guys some of the new tips and tricks and features.

Available in Outlook 2016 I know a lot of you are probably giving or receiving new computers with Windows 10 and Windows 10 is being offered without office 2016 so we thought we'd highlight.

One of the most popular applications and that is the email application outlook so as a special thank you to all of our subscribers and people viewing this channel we wanted to give you guys.

Access to some of our live instructor-led training it's a great opportunity to ask real questions to real instructors and learn all of the great new features for office 2016 the.

Training will be offered on January 29th it can be a tinted remote from anywhere in the world and it's going to be available at for a cost of $25 which is like an 80% discount about normally a.

Hundred and thirty dollars so if you're looking for that extra little Christmas gift to include us extra staffing stocking stuffer I highly recommend emailing info at learn it comm you can.

Microsoft Outlook 2016 Tips and Tricks

Also go to the channel information where you'll see all the details on the special and a place to email us for more information or to register so let's go ahead and take a look at the application.

And see all of these great new features that we have available in office 2016 the first thing you'll probably notice is that it's very similar to the earlier versions of Outlook Outlook 2010 and.

Outlook 2013 had the similar interface with the ribbon navigation pane and for the most part you won't have to really make huge adjustments to how you use the tools first thing I noticed when I came.

Here is that big blue bar across the top as someone that uses the different versions of Outlook regularly and teaches classes on them having a nice colorful interface was a nice nice.

Surprise Outlook 2013 was very very stark it was very white they gave us this nice colorful theme now you do have the ability to change the theme and I can go to the file menu.

Of the ribbon and from the file menu of the ribbon I can enter my outlook options any time I'm teaching an Outlook class I always recommend looking through the options because there really is a.

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    Way to customize almost every element of

    This application from the general section of the options I have the ability to change my background I can change it to calligraphy and I also have.

    The ability to change the theme right now it's set on colorful which means that bright blue bar across the top but I can switch it to white or my personal favorite dark gray when I say okay I'll.

    Notice that not only do I have that lovely little calligraphy in the top right corner but I have a lot more contrast with that dark background one of the things that I really appreciate.

    When working in Outlook is the ability to have that high contrast to have that dark background if I'm ever working in a really bright room or I'm teaching in a really bright classroom I can be.

    Challenging for people to see which tab of the ribbon I'm referring to so by switching to this darker theme you have that nice contrast where it's very easy to see what ribbon you're clicking on.

    Another great new feature of Outlook 2016 is the ability to search they really have improved searching and if I click into the search bar right at the top I get my search tools that ribbon.

    Giving me that ability to customize all of my search options one of the first things I always remind people whenever they're working in Outlook and I'm training them is to notice that it's.

    Only going to be searching the current mail box this current mail box is going to be looking at everything in this particular LT Winton mail box but oftentimes we have multiple mailboxes.

    Selected or we just want to search a current folder another great way to use the search is to use these refine search refine options where I can say has a attachments or a specific subject line.

    Or from a specific person being able to

    Refine your search really does speed up how quickly you're able to find information now one of my personal search features and outlook is not brand.

    New but I want to show you guys it because it really does make a huge difference oftentimes I find myself searching for the same items over and over again and.

    There is a great feature that's been available for a few iterations of Outlook and that's search folders so I just want to show you guys how to set up some search folders to make searching a.

    Lot more enjoyable and fast so from the bottom left side of my screen I have my navigation pane and you'll notice that there's a section called search folders by default we don't have any search.

    Folders available but they're very easy to create when I click on the search folder icon my new search folder button appears and once I select that I'm able to choose or create search folders I can.

    Create search folders to or from specific people so if I want to create a folder of all the emails my boss sends me or an important client I can do that simply select the folder that you want.

    To choose or the template that you want to choose and then select choose and this will give you the ability to search through all of your different contacts one of my personal favorite search.

    Folders is mail with attachments I'm always looking for specific emails with attachments and this is a folder that I find very useful so I'm going to select that and say ok and now I have a new.

    Folder right below my search folders called with attachments and here I can see I have an email it's actually one that I sent to myself on this training account but I can see that attachment.

    Right here now in addition to search folders one of the brand new features of Outlook 2010 is this new tell me option right at the top so if the tell me option gives us the ability to not only.

    Search the help menu but search around the application I'm going to go ahead and go into that tell me menu you'll notice it right at the very top of the screen and when I.

    Click in here I can say something like printing and I can use smart lookup to get me information on printing when I do a pane on the right hand side opens up and it gives me some insights and it's.

    Letting me know hey they're valuing my privacy are you okay this is because I had never used it before once I approve that it's going to track my searches I can explore all of the.

    Different options within printing and it's using Bing search so maybe I want information on printing but also maybe I want information on printing an Outlook now if I want to print an Outlook I can.

    Type in the same search and I have a bunch of different options like just regular print print with attachments or print preview if I select print preview it moves me.

    Directly to the print preview screen on the email that I'm in so rather than giving me the help menu this tell me brought me right to where that feature was if I just type in something like.

    Signature I can get help and use the help menu this will open up the Outlook 2016 help menu so Microsoft has made it easier for you to stay within the application without having to move back.

    And forth to the internet searching for things and it makes it easier to find emails information that you use within the application and also tools like search folders make finding those things.

    That you're always searching for very quick and easy let's go ahead and take a look at our next new feature we're going to look at some of the new features available with attachments so I'm going.

    To open up an email and create a new email with an attachment so from the application I'm going to go to the Home tab of the ribbon and I'm going to select new email.

    When I do I have pretty much the same standard interface that we've had in earlier versions I've got the tabs across the top I also have tell me available right here in the new email.

    Window I can put in an email address I'll go ahead and just put in my own personal email address here at learn it and my subject and now that I am in the body of the email you'll notice that the.

    Ribbon is no longer grayed out from that message tab of the ribbon I have the attachment button and any email that I've attached recently will show up and this includes information from your.

    Onedrive which is the cloud storage available with an office 365 subscription or an account if I select this document that I emailed earlier on my onedrive it attaches that.

    From the cloud and then it gives me a drop down from that attachment where I actually have the ability to set permissions so I can say this is a read-only file people can only view it.

    Or I can give out edit permissions right here from the email as someone that uses onedrive quite a bit and as always to having to set permissions it's such a great feature to not have to go back to.

    The onedrive web app and set my permissions on that I can do that right here from the email attachment I think this is also super great when you're working within an organization that has.

    A lot of confidential information and you want to make sure that you're always working within the internal policies of your organization or for individuals that just want to share information and.

    Use the cloud so that you have one document for everyone to work on once I have my attachment I can go ahead and put in my message hit Send and now that email attachment has been shared.

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