Zoom Tutorial Office

Zoom Tutorial Office Faz Karim: Hey everybody. Welcome in. If you haven't seen a video of mine before, if you've never taken a course of mine before, my name is FAS fast grief. I'm with learning and I'm one of the lead desktop instructors. And today I got a very important training for you. A training on zoom. I'm going to call it zoom deep dive, because we're going to be talking about some advanced features within zoom in this. Now as many of, you know, a lot of roles are opening up where we're working remotely and having a better grasp on the technologies that we're using to.

Host these remote meetings may benefit us in all of our future meetings. So in this training, I'm going to design it to not only me show you things, but also give you chances to practice them. So during the session during these videos, you're going to hear me say, Hey, pause the video, Hey, pause the video and try this yourself. And I'll be right here in the background when you get back. But the whole point of that is just for you to get a little exposure at.

These settings and these tools and these functionalities with me, instead of doing it in a live meeting and practicing it for the first time. Now, if you do enjoy these videos, please make sure to like, and subscribe. If you're looking for any certificates or maybe you want to watch these videos without any advertisements I recommend to sign up for learn at any time. It's our online dedicated training subscription service. I'll put the link to that in the description of the video. Now, if you have any questions that you want to be answered by me, or maybe other instructors, make sure to join offsite, it's a great community.

Where you can post your questions. I'll put the link for that in the description. Now as always, if you want to find the PowerPoint deck that's included in this presentation, feel free to look inside the description to get that download let's get started. And I want to show you what we'll be covering in zoom. Deep dive. So Zu was actually founded in 2011 by a gentleman named Eric, want a leader engineer from Cisco systems and it's collaboration, business unit web..

Now his vision was video is the future. So we actually left and created a meeting system that handled video better. According to him, let's talk about the topics that I want to cover in this session, because I do have a learning agenda that I want to follow. Okay. Now, of course, I want to start out very basic with a topic called getting started and running meetings. Well, we're going to learn about the two different tools. We have our meeting client and our desktop app from there. I'm just going to do a deeper dive in our, in meeting controls and also show a few slides about the outlook plugin and where we can access that and download it..

Now. I'm sure a lot of us are here so we can learn about these advanced features to keep our meetings engaged, where we can turn on poles and interactive features such as breakout rooms. Now in this session, I will also be discussing the mobile app and how that is available for download and towards the very end, we're just going to discuss some settings and some hidden features that we should know about when using zoom let's get started. Uh, Taylor two zooms, the desktop app versus the meeting client. Let's learn about the two..

Zoom Tutorial

So we know the difference between. Now, if you're unsure what a meeting client is, that's actually where you'll attend your meetings. This is where we go as considerate a virtual office room. We all go to meet each other. And here we have tools available to us where we can unmute ourselves, turn on our video camera, invite others, manage participants. We can enable polling screen-sharing chatting. We have reactions that pop up on our screen. The meeting clients where you'll be spending most of.

Your time working with others. There also is a zoom desktop app. Now you can always download this from zoom.us, but you may already have it installed from it. If you're working within an organization that's adopted Xu. Now the zoom desktop app, isn't where you go to join meetings, but it will be used for things like settings, starting meetings, scheduling meetings, or getting an invite text, joining a meeting with an ID or finding recordings from.

Meetings that were previously recorded. So both the meeting client and the desktop app have very important funds. Now something I like to do within the desktop app is set up my profile at the very upper right hand side, where it says, learn it right there. I can actually see, I can access my zoom profile. And from here, if I need to change the settings of my profile, I can click on the dropdown and choose my pro. And the next video here..

I want to show you what happens when I click on that using my desktop app, just to give you an idea of setting up your profile. So I just want to point out that I'm actually in the desktop app right now. This is not a screenshot. This is me launching the actual desktop app and it looks slightly different than the screenshot in my PowerPoint deck, simply because of the fact that I'm in a much larger, full screen. But all the pieces are still there. And the piece that I want to refer to right now is actually my profile, which I can actually access in the upper right-hand corner..

Still. I just want to give you a little tour of the profile settings that you'll access. Once you click on my profile, because this will launch the zoom web portal, where you can access more granular and advanced settings that you can enable or disable. Let's just show a few of them from micro. Awesome. So it looks like I can update my photo and even my name, if I need to, I have a little edit here. I have personal information that I can set like a phone number, the language, the time zone..

Now. Very interesting things that I enjoy doing in my account is you can update your personal meeting ID to something more. You use this when you want to share out your personal meeting ID for people to quickly join in on a meeting with you. Now, keep in mind. These are all editable from the right-hand side, where we hit edit, customize. And at the current moment, they're hidden on our screen here, but if we click on that little, it will be visible, which I'm not going to do. I can even update my host key and change it to something more memorable. And I can see the information based about my account at the very bottom..

    Now of course your sign in information. If you want two factor authentication, any leaked accounts

    Will be available from here. So this was just a little tour of my profile. If you're wondering how I got here, it was just simply go into my zoom desktop app and accessing my profile. How about you? Try it yourself. Go ahead and pause this video. See if you can access my profile and see if there's certain things you want to change. Maybe your personal meeting, ID, your photo, your name, things of that nature..

    Go ahead and have fun with it. I do want to mention that sometimes things are grayed out based off your admin and your it. They chose the settings for you and they don't allow you to change. So, if you are noticing some of these settings are great out, any of them doesn't have to just be my profile. Just keep in mind that sometimes ID departments do restrict some of these changes. Give it a try, be aware of your own environment. Don't forget to come back. Cause there's more than just my profile that I want to discuss..

    That's something worth I mentioned before we move forward. Is that the desktop. We'll always have these four icons new meeting, join schedule, share screen. However, if you are already inside of a meeting, I just want to mention that that first icon new meeting will change and it will turn into the return to meeting icon. Now, keep that in mind, if you ever lose your zoom meeting client, and you're quickly trying to find your zoom meeting window, to get back to your screen share or video content. Coming up next..

    I just want to start talking about a little bit of joining meetings, like how the invitation looks, what are the pieces of an invitation and what happens if you don't have the zoom desktop app? Is there a way of joining zoom via a browser? What's the best browser to use? We'll talk about these things next, but first. I just want you to spend some time playing around what your zoom desktop. I want you to try joining a meeting. And once you're in a meeting, I want you to go ahead and acknowledge the fact that your desktop app icon has changed to return to meeting..

    Go ahead and give that a try. Don't forget to come back because I want to start talking about joining meetings and how those meeting invitations. Let's spend some time talking about joining zoom meetings, like how the actual invitation looks and what pieces are available in the outlook invitation, where that email invitation that you may receive on this next slide here. I actually have a screenshot of how an invitation would look be it..

    Now there may be other parts of a message that come included with this invitation. But when you have a zoom conference, you will have these pieces in the invitation. Now the very top will actually allow you to access the meeting via a meeting link. And it's actually showing you the meeting ID inside the link here, as you can see now, keep in mind that some hosts will enable a password when scheduling the. The password can actually be found in the meeting invitation..

    Now, everyone, besides the host is going to need the password. There also is an option for my mobile users, the mobile one tap, or you can join in by phone and you can enter in the meeting. Now don't get me wrong. You can also paste this link into a browser and hit join. If you have the zoom app, it will launch it. That's not required..

    What I mean by that is not every organization allows their colleagues and employees to just download any application. So zoom allows others to join in via a browser. No download. Now, keep in mind when a user does click your invitation and they're trying to join your meeting link, whether it's via the invitation or they're copying and pasting it into a browser, they'll get prompted with the message. And if they don't have zoom downloaded, they have the option to download and run zoom..

    Some organizations don't allow this. That's the very bottom. If you can not download or run the application for any reason, you can always join via. It's worth the mention though, that not all browsers are the same. Now there is limited functionality when using a browser like the gallery view doesn't work and you can't really annotate on a screen-share, but if you take it from me a good method or a good browser, I should say to use..

    If you are having to go, this route would be.

    Now Chrome does have the most features compared to all the other browsers. So keep that in mind when considering a browser or messaging your clients or externals to join your meeting, that may not have exposure to zoom. A quick little tip. Chrome is the best browser to use zoom. Now don't get me wrong. If they don't have a desktop app or for various reasons, they can't join via.

    A browser because they're on the go. You can use the mobile application. Now the mobile application is available for iOS devices and Android devices. It works great for joining meetings. I wouldn't technically use them to host a meeting. It's not great for leading the meeting because I can't launch breakout rooms. I also can't launch any. Which are things like, kind of want to do if I'm hosting a meeting, especially if.

    They're large meetings or long meetings. So when you do decide the tool you want to use to join the meeting, whether it's the desktop app, the browser or your mobile device, the first thing you're going to be asked to do is choose your audio. So one of the first thing that pops up when you decide to join a zoom meeting, now you can choose one of the audio settings, but the very first tab, the phone call tab allows you to find the dial in information, the meeting ID..

    Then you can go ahead and give a quick call in. You also have an option to use computer audio. This is the most common one I use because I'm usually using my computer microphone and speakers. If I have multiple devices connected to my computer, I typically click on the test speaker and microphone so I can have a dropdown to choose between my microphones or my cameras that I have connected to my devices. Now, one of my favorite audio setup choices is the call me..

    Now the call me feature is extremely useful in a situation where you quickly need to get on the phone call. You can type in a phone number and it will give you a call to join in the zoom meeting. Now I do want to recommend that you can actually save a default phone number by check marking. Remember this number on this computer that way, the next time you go to call me, you just say, call me and it will give you a phone call and dial you into the. Extremely useful when my audio is getting choppy because of my bandwidth or my internet connection, I'll just quickly switch to the call, me setting.

    And have it call me on the phone. So at least my audio is coming through. Nice and clear a quick tip, a recommendation. If you're ever going through that in a zoom meeting, the call me feature even a phone call, but the call me feature once it's set up, it makes it really easy to do so. So various audio setups, various ways to join meetings, but I want to start talking about next is how to start a zoom meeting before I do that. I want you to do a little practice. How about you quickly launches zoom meeting using your account..

    It's okay if it's just you inside the meeting invitation, but I just want you to click on a link so that you can see the audio setup page. And now from here, I just want you to add in your phone number to the call me and check mark. Remember the number on this computer and make sure this is a device that you use regularly, and it's not a library machine or a computer that many people access. Go ahead and pause the video. I'll be here when you get back, but do try the audio setup and you don't have to be firm on the colony feature, but I just want you to browse between phone, call, computer, audio, and call..

    You may even want to test speaker and microphone setting for the computer audio, audio setup choice, but don't forget to come back. I'll see you soon. We'll be talking about the four ways to start a zoom meeting. Welcome back in a previous video. I did ask everybody to just practice joining a meeting and setting up their audio setup and putting the default. Call me number and check marking to remember the phone number on the computer. If you haven't done that, that's okay. Maybe you decide to click on this portion of the video and continue, but as a very useful step..

    And if you want to go revisit that previous video to watch how we can do that, go ahead and do that now. But in this video, I want to start talking about the four ways to start a zoom meeting. And I'm actually looking at the zoom desktop app in case you're wondering why my screenshot looks so different. Is that I'm now looking at the screenshot and something called or I'm using the desktop app and something called portrait mode, which can actually be found inside of our settings or more specifically our profile..

    You can quickly change it to the portrait mode as opposed to landscape. It just moves a lot of your settings and tools and navigation pane to the very bottom of the desktop. As opposed to the top where it was originally in our previous screenshots. In fact, here, I will pull up my zoom desktop app. Here it is my zoom desktop app. And I just want to go over to my profile and I'm going to change it to portrait view as well. Just to give you an idea of what I meant by that..

    So as you can see, this is the portrait view here that I changed from my profile. If you do like this better, or if you have a smaller laptop screen, go ahead and pause the video and change your profile to the portrait view as well. It just moves things down to the bottom and makes it a little bit smaller and more manageable for you. Now let's talk about the four ways to start a zoom meeting. Now, a very common way is going to zoom.us, logging into your.

    Account and scheduling a meeting. Or you can go to zoom.us and downloaded outlook. Plus. I know many organizations do opt in to use outlook as their email client to manage their incoming and outgoing emails. Outlook has a plugin that works with zoom. So you can schedule your meetings directly from your calendar. You can download that plugin from the zoom web portal as well. You can also send someone your personal meeting link. And does everyone remember how in our profile, when you go to my profile, you.

    Have a meeting link that you can set. You can even change the meeting ID of the meeting link to make it more memorable. You can share that as your personal meeting link, that people quickly join in your personal meeting. Or in previous screenshots, there's an invite button in the meeting client. In fact, let me pull that up. Let me find a screenshot with an invite button here. There we go. The screenshot has an invite option here. We can invite people directly from the meeting client..

    No need to step away from it. Now last but not least. You can also click on the new meeting option in the zoom app. Now up next, we will be talking about some meeting controls within the meeting plan. But I just want to talk about a few bullet points on this slide. I want to show you how I can access the outlook plugin, download and a little bit about how I can use it with an outlook. Let's go ahead and see that in just a second..

    So I'm actually inside of the zoom web portal. I've signed into my account. I can see my profile up there. I've signed into zoom.us, or you can just click on my profile from the desktop app. It'll launch you to here, but I've actually gone over to a different tab. I've gone over to the meetings tab in zoom.us. And the reason why I'm in the meetings tab is because I want to show you an area where you can download the Microsoft outlook plugin. Or if you're using Chrome, you can download the Chrome extension. Now this allows you to add zoom meetings directly to your calendar..

    I do have the outlook plugin on my outlook desktop app. And the next video, I just want to show you a little sneak peek of how that looks and how it would look when you're scheduling a meeting from the outlook plugin. So once you do have the zoom plugin for outlook, you actually be able to schedule your zoom meetings directly from your calendar tab. Now I'm over here in the calendar area and there is a new command group called zoom in outlook, allowing us to schedule a meeting or start an instant meeting. It makes it really simple to schedule a meeting directly to your calendar. And this way it'll synchronize with zoom and your outlook calendar fairly quickly..

    Now here's where I can choose to use my personal meeting ID or generate a new one, require a password and choose video and audio settings, and even go to advanced settings, like choosing a co-host or enabling a waiting room. Now, keep in mind that I can set this on a per meeting basis. However, some of the. Some of these settings, not everyone, maybe disabled and grayed out based off your organization's admin settings for they choose and set the settings for you..

    So don't be too upset if you can't edit your dial in, maybe that's already chosen for you, or maybe don't be too upset if you can't edit your audio or video settings. Cause that may have been chosen for you. However, this is a pretty good time. You've seen both pieces in the previous video. I showed you where you can download the outlook plugin for zoom. And now in this video, we saw a little sneak peek of how we can schedule a meeting using outlook plugin. I think before we talk about meeting controls, you should pause the video and try getting the outlook plugin or the Chrome.

    Extension and practicing scheduling. Just one single one. Using that outlet plugin and maybe your favorite way. It is mine. Go ahead and give that a go, but don't forget to come back. Cause I do want to just spend a little bit of time talking about our end meeting controls coming up next. Now I was reading a book about effective meetings and your meetings are only as effective as the technologies you decide to include in them. You also have to be trained and prepared in those technologies as well..

    Now, zoom is a virtual conferencing tool that allows you to use things like annotation, which may be mimicking a whiteboard, unmuting, and muting, which may be mimicking a conversation using a chat thread to have a one-on-one. And these are all tools that are available inside of a zoom. However, just like all technologies. You may face technical issues at times. I don't want you to worry too much in a zoom meetings when things aren't working the way they should, that happens all the time..

    And there's 1,000,001 reasons of why it may be happening. But I have a tip for you before we get started with this end meeting controls. If you ever experience your unmute button or mute button is not working your video, camera's not connecting any of these features are not working for you. The chat boxes and sending your messages. Close the meeting window and rejoin might be a little hard to do. If you're a host, you have to reassign someone as a host and then come back in and get assigned again. But the best thing to do instead of figuring out or wondering why your zoom occurrence is not working at this current time, it's just.

    To close the window and rejoin. That's the simplest route to take 90% of. Leaving the meeting and joining back we'll fix any of these weird problems that you'll face. Now that we got that covered. Let's talk a little bit about our end meeting controls that we have available. Now, keep in mind that when you're not sharing your screen, the bottom of the screen is where we'll find our end meeting controls. And I've actually kind of zoomed into it here on the slide..

    Now, of course. The very first thing we see starting from the left-hand side is the mute option. And to start video or stop video option, it's very important to know how to unmute yourself or mute yourself, or get connected to your audio devices in the middle of a meeting or your video devices. Now, keep in mind, I have a special tip for this mute and unmute. If you hold down the space bar in zoom, it will temporarily unmute you while you hold it down..

    Extremely useful. When you have to speak up in a noisy environment. Now, ideally you typically have your microphone on mute until it's time to speak up just to avoid any distractions or background noise. If you have a video camera that is polite to leave it on and just to make sure to maintain eye contact within the camera, keep in mind. There also is an invite button in case you need to invite someone to the meeting, you don't have to hop into outlook to send them that email. We also have things like managing the participant. Where people can rename themselves by hovering over their names..

    The host can make people into co-host or allow recording. I can see here, the host has turned on poles as well. You may not have that yet, but that's something you can turn on inside the zoom web app, which we'll talk about in a little bit. Now what's a meeting without share screen options where we can share a whiteboard, any screen that you have connected to your device. Or just a desktop application in case you don't want to send any sensitive information..

    We also have the chat. Now, the reason why I like the chat is because you can save the chat directly to your computer. We'll talk about that in a little bit. You can also direct the chat. If the host hasn't disabled this to single users or to the host himself or herself, depending on who's present. I can see here, I have a record option. Looks like recording has been enabled for this account and I can record the meeting and they've also turned on breakout rooms. Now, keep in mind if you have a smaller screen, some of these items may not be available right in front of your tools because there'll be.

    Tucked away in a setting called more. And that usually happens when you have a smaller screen and you're presenting a lot of your settings will be found in the more. Kind of hiding them from you, but they're still there and available during the meeting. Now, something else worth the mentioned in the meeting client at the very upper right hand side, we have the speaker view where we can put all the focus on the speaker, or we can switch it to gallery view where we can see all the attendees at once on one screen. Keep in mind it's not available in the browser..

    Now, if you do click on that chat option, there's a lot of hidden little gems in that ellipses for the chat where I can save the chat or as a host, I can choose how the attendees interact with the chat. Now keep in mind. There also is a file upload option. If I'm using the desktop app, not a browser. I also have a managed participants option right now, from here. If I hover over anyone's name, I can ask them to start through video..

    I can chat with them. I can give away my rights and make them a host, or I can just assign them as a cohost, as something to be cautious of is removing participants. This will actually block them from the meeting. I'd much rather put them in a waiting room if they joined a little early and you weren't ready for them. Now, keep in mind. If you do have your camera on, it's important to look good on camera and we can do that very easily by just having front lighting, usually lighting behind.

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