Sheet you want to only write okay just upload this selected cells for example then you can use this method.
Uh another example is here um let's say that you want to apply a filter and then you know like upload just relevant data that's sort of is.
Useful in that sort of use cases so here is um basically whatever data is selected it's gonna uh it's gonna create that into an array.
And then for each of this uh value that you want to write you need to specify first is the value and then second is the address that you.
Want to update and then the target is the the data type that you want to uh use for append uh updating these cells okay so for example let's.
This and which one this one so let's say i want to update these three cells in here okay for the same address then you can.
Use this uh example so and then it's gonna look through each of the selection and it's going to create this dynamic array and then it's.
Going to append i mean update this particular sheet you just need to specify the type name and then start the service and the service.
Call this method uh this file the tab name and the data that is to be you know uh updated so i'm gonna come here and just backup this.
Cell so that we can do a quick comparison of the updated cells and now i'm gonna run uh this particular for these three cells okay.
So this particular basically is
Converting you know like current cell dot address it replaces dollar sign with the blank starting one yeah now if we go back to web here.You'll see that a number have changed for this tree particular range okay so that's how you can utilize this method uh you can do it for you know a.
Whole lot more cells doesn't have to be just few cells like this okay um and then we have um so that was basically for non you know like uh.
Non-related cells you know it could be any random cells that you pass into into uh into the area uh non-adjacent cells too.
Yeah you can also pause uh like we did the append method first like this so similarly we can also do in this in this uh fashion okay and then.
You can specify the culture you can specify if you're going to be using your data type as a date you can specify in this fashion.