VBA to filter data and update data in Google Sheet Office

VBA to filter data and update data in Google Sheet Office That's one one more example and this one was uh for example with uh excel vba codes together um basically filtering out the data.

And then if there is the data it basically loops through the visible cells and then it uh update the non-adjacent cells example um so let me do this let me quickly give a.

Demonstration of this as well um so f8 remove the filter with this particular sheet uh find the last row.

With data and then apply a filter okay so first by date and then uh our region is us and then department advertising and then the items are books and supplies now uh.

If there is a data like this uh basically this um now it's gonna if there is the count is more than the filter count or date account is more.

Than you know one then it's gonna basically uh create a range of visible cells here and then um it's gonna construct this v data again.

VBA to filter data and update data in Google Sheet

Uh dynamic uh array and it's gonna look true it's basically here i think it's incrementing it by 10.

Uh as an example and then getting that range which is uh as you can see here f837 and then it's assigning the data type to be a number.

And then it increments the counter and let me run this till here and then we're saying okay this is going to be the data type and it's looking up the id.

And then it continues to run and then f5 okay so now if i go to this particular workbook i mean google sheet you'll be able to see the data which has been.

Written here to that particular range because we use update non-adjacent cells update method here yeah so if i copy this data.

And or i copied this data to google sheet it will be the exact data that has been uploaded okay um and then um if you uh put in the wrong you know.


    Type name or uh let's say that you there is no um let's say that your column is still g only and you specify h.

    And then it's gonna error uh something like that so uh once you play more with this you'll get some error like this um i've pasted some related errors like.

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