Power Automate Advanced Tutorial Office

Power Automate Advanced Tutorial Office Trish Connor Cato: Hello everyone. I'm Trish Conor Cato. Welcome to Microsoft power. Automate this video is for users who are looking to gain skills and using efficiency features to automate day-to-day work tasks and activities. Users can be beginning level or those who have some experience, but want to gain more power automate uses workflow processes to free up your time from performing manual tasks. We'll move on to integrating power automate with Microsoft forms, planner, power apps and teams. Lastly, we will monitor flow statistics and metrics..

If you're enjoying these videos, please like, and subscribe. If you have any questions you want answered by one of our instructors, please join our offsite community. The link is in the description as well as always. If this course has exercise files, you'll find them in the video description below our next lesson is about further integration with power automate. We've already seen the integration and the accessibility to the app from SharePoint and one drive. And we've used outlook as a connector a couple of times, and the examples.

That we've already performed, other apps, Microsoft apps, that it integrates really well with our forms, planner teams and power apps. And in this lesson, we're going to do some exercises where we utilize those particular apps. All of these apps are normally included in your office 365 suite of applications, especially for business. So just to drill down on some that we're going to be using in this.

Upcoming lesson, it's going to be forms. Microsoft forms can be used to create surveys, polls, and quizzes, and no worries. If you've never used forms before I will guide you through everything we need to do to create our little survey. Then we're going to use Microsoft planner to create plans, assign tasks, chat about task, and you can also use it to see charts of your team's progress. Now we're actually going to create a plan. We're not going to assign task, or we're going to do just a slim plan and.

Go over to different views and planner. But it's another, fairly easy to use application. And then there's teams, which since the pandemic, more people know, and either love or hate, but it's the collaboration app that comes with Microsoft helps your team stay organized, have conversations, share files, and have meetings all within the same. We're also going to delve into power apps just a little bit. Now that one's a little bit more complicated, it's actually a service for building and using custom business apps that connect to your data and.

Work across the web and mobile. So we're going to be using forms, planner, teams, and power apps, along with power automate in the upcoming exercises. We're going to use the app launcher, what I fondly refer to as the waffle again, to access Microsoft forms. So go ahead and click the waffle. Once you locate forms in your list, you're going to hover over it and open.

Power Automate Advanced Tutorial

The context menu on its right side so that you can launch it in a new tab. Go ahead and launch forms now. So once you're informed, I just want to point out that you have a little bit of a menu on the left, where you go to home, which is where we are, right. And, or you have a create plus sign button that you can use. Everything else on that menu is taking you to a, another Microsoft application.

On the upper half of the screen. You have the new form button and it has a dropdown. So if you were doing a new quiz, you would select that you are on the recent area. So I have a technology survey. That's the most recent thing that I worked on in forms. And it's showing there in recent, it's letting me know, know the name of. I'm the owner of it. And I had seven responses to it. Each card those are referred to as cards or tiles has a more options ellipsis on it, where you can open it in your browser. That actual form, you can copy, move it, add it to pen..

So, you know, recent, there's only so much space to show you recent cards or tiles. So at some point they will start falling off of the recent list. If you want to have the access to it all the time, you can add it to your pinned list and your other option there is removed from list. If you add something to pend, it will stay there until you unpin it. So those are your options with that. Again, anything that you pin will stay there for easy access, and then you have another category of forms that were shared with you..

If. You can also filter the list from over in the upper right corner. If you're looking for a form that you have an access to in a while, you have the, all my forms link that will take you to all of your forms. And on the bottom half of the screen, which I have mine blocked for privacy, you have any groups that you're a member of and for each group, it shows you the total number of forums in that group. We're going to do build a survey form asking just a few questions about power automate..

And what's going to end up happening is we're going to attach that to an automated cloud flow so that it knows how to handle and what to do with the responses. Right now, we're focused on building the form. So go ahead and click your new form button. And you should be on an untitled form screen. So let's talk about the screen. I have a little bit of a title bar. It's saying it's untitled form. It saved not actually saved yet. Right? We haven't done it anything. And it tells you your informs and you can get back to the.

Office waffle if necessary. The other thing is you have this little menu bar here where you can preview the form once you're done with it, right. You can apply a theme of coloration to it. You can share it, and you have more form settings that you can get to. So again, this course is more about power automate two forms, but you'll be able to pick up a few tips and tricks along the way. We have two tabs in here. You're currently on the questions tab. You also have a responses tab..

    If you hover over the responses tab, it will tell you that you've received zero responses, which is appropriate because we haven't created

    The form or responded to it yet. Once you create your form and you have it distributed and you're getting responses, you can come back into forums, access your form, go to the responses tab to see your responses. And you'll see that in just a little while. For right now, we need to give this form a title. So click right where it says untitled form, and you're in a.

    Text box and we're going to name the form power automate survey. Go ahead and type that in. The description field is optional and we decide not to put in a description. And now when we click the add new button, it gives us, if you look at this, it's calls us the type of question. It's actually the type of answer. So our first question is going to require a yes or no response. So it's going to be a choice question..

    You also have texts where the person taking the survey can freeform type in what they like. You have rating and different symbols that you can use for the ratings like stars and numbers. If you're a question requires a date as a response, you can choose date. And then it gives that little mini calendar when they go to respond and you have some other question types, ranking, Likert, scales, so on and so forth that you can access. I'm going to just collapse that..

    We're going to click on choice. And the first question that we're going to put in the survey is would using power automate, be of benefit to you in your position. Go ahead and type that in and I will do it as well. And so now underneath that, it gives me two options for responses. Again, it's a choice. Um, I can add other options. If I need more than two, I can add an other option..

    You know how sometimes you don't give the right answer choice for them so they can choose other. So I'm going to click where it says option one and it selects that text and I'm going to type yes. And now when I click option two, you'll notice underneath option two. It gives me the preset of know once I typed. Yes. It said, well, maybe there are other choice is going to be no..

    So I'm going to just click on that preset. No, so I don't have to type it. Now, there are other things about that question and you can address, do you want to allow multiple answers? Well, in this case, I don't want somebody to answer. Yes and no. So I'm not going to enable that I'm not going to make the response required either. All right. And these are options and choices that you can make, whether it's a survey or for whatever reason, a poll or whatever it is you're going to do. You also have more settings for the question to the right of required,.

    Where you can shuffle the responses. You can make the responses a drop down instead of the option buttons that they have in front of you. You can do a subtitle. You can add branching, all kinds of different things. We're cool with our question and our two answer choices, which by the way, if you needed to delete something, you could, you can delete an answer choice. You can also delete your question. We're going to go down and click on, add new so we can add our second question. Our second question is going to be a rating question. So go ahead and click on rating and we have the stars that are showing..

    If you scroll down before we even put the question in, it shows that we have five levels and the symbol is a star. Well, we're going to want it to be five levels, but we want the symbol. So do the drop down next to the star and make the symbol a number. So. Our question. The second question is going to be, how would you rate the ease of use of power automate? And then in parentheses, we're going to put one equals very hard. Semi-colon five equals very easy. So I'm going to get started typing this in..

    So how would you rate the ease of use of power automate in parentheses? One equals very hard. So my colon five equals very easy. And we're not going to make that question required either. Go ahead and click add new. So we get set up for our third question. We're only doing four, so we're almost done. And the third question, if you rated the ease of use is very hard..

    Please input some comments, including specifics. So we're going to make this a text question and it's only for those

    People and we'll put at the end of it. If you used another rating, you can skip this question. So here we go. If you rated the ease of use as very hard, please input some comments, including specifics. And parentheses I'll put, if you used a, another rating, please skip..

    So we have the free form text field, where their answer can be entered. We don't need to make it a really long answer. We're not going to make it required. We're going to go ahead and click add new for our last question. And the last question is going to be a choice. What is your experience level with power automate? So I'm going to select choice. Type in the question, but as your experience level with power automate, I'm going to click in option.

    One and I'm going to type beginner and notice now under option two, it gives me intermediate and advanced, and those are the choices that I want. So I'm going to click on option two and do intermediate, and then I'm going to click the add option button and for option three, I'm going to put the preset of advanced. So it assists where it can. And that's the last question that we wanted to have on.

    This power automate survey. So we're really kind of done with it. And notice if you look, I'm just going to scroll back up to the top. We're not going to click add new again, but if you look at the top, you know, it still says saved. If we want to look at what it will look like, go ahead and click preview. So this is what it's showing in preview mode. This is what the person who's taking the survey will see, and it lets them know when you submit this form, the owner will see your name and email address. This one is designed for the computer..

    I mean, I'm looking at it and the computer view, there's also a mobile view up there. So you can see what it looked like on a mobile device. So you get to sample what it looks like before you distribute it to make sure you have everything okay. And the upper left corner, I'm going to choose the back button to get out of that preview. And if you want to take a look at themes, you can make it look all fancy and everything. By applying a theme to it. I'm not going to do any of that. What I like to do is just go back so you can use your back button on the internet..

    You can go back to your forms, home screen. It can be a bit disconcerting when you're first working with forms. Once you create a form and you come back to the home screen, you're not seeing the form you created under recent. And that's because the form has not been utilized, it's just been created. So this is where you can use the, all my forms link, and it will take you to show you all of the forms that you have..

    So now we can see our power automate survey form. We know that it's in the system and we'll circle back around to it in a little while. We're going to have to test it out once we create our automated cloud flow. So go ahead and navigate back over to your power automate window and power automate. You can go over to the menu and select create. So you'll get back on that screen and we're going to create an automated cloud flow. That every time someone responds to our power automate survey, it will send.

    An email containing information to us. So we're going to go ahead and click on automated cloud flow time. And we're going to call this power automate survey results, and it already has triggers the trigger that we're going to use from Microsoft forms right there when a new response is submitted. Now, if that triggers not seeing where you can find it easily, you can click in the search box type in forms, and then you'll see the forums triggers. We're going to select when a new response is submitted. And then go ahead and click your create button at the bottom..

    So the first step, when a new response is submitted, requires a form ID. You're going to use the drop-down arrow and select the power automate survey form. Once you have that populated, we're going to click on a new step. So now we need more form steps. Once a new responses submitted, we needed to gather the responses by response ID. In other words, for every respondent, we will get a separate email. So what we're going to do here in the search box, we're going to type in the forms..

    So we get more form operations. And the one that we want, the action that we want is get response details. So go ahead and select that again. You have to do to drop down and select the name of your form. And when you click in the response ID box, your dynamic content. Panel we'll open on the right and you're going to just click response ID. It's the unique identifier of the response. So every respond D has a different identifier..

    Go ahead and select that. So when a new response is submitted from our power automate survey, it's going to gather forms is going to gather the response details, and we need to add one more step. So go ahead and click your new step button. And this time we're going to type outlook in the search box, and I'm going to select office 365 outlook to see all of the actions. So there's quite a few different, send an email actions. If you're not seeing send an email, the two on your list,.

    You can type, send an email. INSEARCH you can start typing it. And just the send an email options will show up the one that we want is send an email V2. So we're going to select that now in the two blocks, which is required, you're going to put in your email address and click in the subject box, another required field..

    So from dynamic content, we're going to scroll down and we're going to put response ID as the subject. So the respondent's specific ID, and then you're going to click in the body box and we're basically using dynamic content to put in all of the questions that are there. So they're in order, would you would using power automate..

    And then what is your experience? How would you rate the ease if you rated the ease? Right? That's what we're going to put in there. And then we're going to just go ahead and click save. So we get our standard message at the top and the green band. We're going to close the band and we're going to click on the test button in the upper right corner..

    We're going to click on the manually radio button or option button rather, and then we're going to click test. So we get that information at the top to see it work now submit a new response to the selected form. So what I'm going to have you do is switch over to your forms screen. In order to test our flow. We're going to respond to our survey three times, go ahead and click your power automate survey. And what we're going to do is we're going to go to the responses tab and you'll.

    See all of this, these metrics, we have zero responses, so on and so forth. And then if we put it in preview mode, go ahead and select your preview button. We can respond to our own survey. So again, it's showing it in computer view. So if someone's taking the survey on the computer, this is what they will be seeing. It greets them by name, based on their login. So the first one we'll go through together, I'll show you how this works, right?.

    So I'm going to say yes to the first question and I'm going to rate it as very easily. And I'm going to skip the third question and I'm going to say my experience level is advanced and I'm going to submit my response. So as soon as I submit that response, it gives me a link to submit another response. I'd like you to submit two more responses, mix up the answers that you're using..

    Once you've submitted your third response, use the back button at the top, and you'll see that the metrics are now populated, right? If you want it to, you could view the results. You can open an Excel on the responses tab. It tells you that there are three responses, and if we want it to you and you can see per question, right? There's a little chart there. I had two yeses and one, no, for the first question, my average, how I rated the ease of use. So on and so forth, it's showing my response when I booked my text in and.

    There was my pie chart, I selected all three levels of experience just to kind of mix it up a little bit, but what we're going to do now is we're going to test to see if it worked. So what I like you to do is switch over to your outlook. So you'll see one of the three emails I received, right. And it's given me the answers. I just have the privacy shield blocking my email address, but yes, to the first question would using power automate, be a benefit to you in your position? The second one is my experience level, which is intermediate..

    And the third one, I gave a three as a rating for the ease of use. So that's kind of how it puts it in the email to me. And again, the subject of it is the response ID, which in my case, it's nine. You guys probably have less responses. I had been doing some other things beforehand, so they're usually in order one, two and three, I've used the Microsoft waffle to open up Microsoft planner and its own tab..

    And when you access planner, it brings you into the planner hub. In my case, it's absolutely empty. So what we're going to do in here is we're going to create a plan. Let's click on the new plan button over on the left. And we're going to name this plan, power automate surveys. Now, if we needed to, we could add the plan to a, an existing Microsoft 365 group..

    We're not going to be doing that. We have two privacy options, public and private. Sometimes I'll make a plan private while I'm working on it and developing it. And then I may switch it to public when I want everybody else in the organization to be able to view it and use it. And then you have an options dropdown, which gives you the ability to put in a description for new members of a group. We're going to go ahead and just click on create plan. So let's take a look at the left side of the screen. First, we can collapse this less navigation pane..

    If we want to, you'll also hear it referred to as a menu and we can expand it by using the three lines. And now we have our power automate surveys plan, which is active. It also shows up under recent, which is different than when you're working in Microsoft phones. So we have what are known as buckets. They give you one bucket called to do, and you can add more buckets as we will throughout this exercise. We'll also explore some more of the interface while we're working in here..

    But for right now, we want to add a task or I'm going to click that add task button and it brings up a pop-up where I can enter the task name, set a due date and assign it. So the first task is called review slash compile survey results. I'm going to select, set a due date, and I'm going to just go to the following Friday, whenever that is, as long as it's not a holiday. And then I'm going to click on a sign and I'm going to assign it to myself. And I can kind of click away from it. So it collapses again. Now this is the tricky wicked with this one, you have to click the add.

    Task in green, in order for that task to be actually added to the plan. We have another pop-up right above it, where we can enter another task name. And the second task is going to be send recommendations to stakeholders. So I'm going to just type that in, and for this one, I'm going to set a due date of like maybe two.

    Weeks, two and a half weeks out. So, I mean, just picking a date two and a half weeks out on a Friday, and I'm not going to assign that task at this point. I'm going to click the green add task. We have one more task that we're going to enter. I'm keeping the plan very simple here. And the third task is going to be initiate changes, kickoff, and I'm going to set that due date. Well, after the holidays, I'm going to go to January of the following year and.

    Set it like three weeks in the 21st. We'll do in my example. And again, depending on when you're watching this video, you would be choosing your own dates here. I'm going to assign initiate changes, kickoff to myself. So we have two assigned tasks, and then I'm going to add tasks, the green button. So two assigned and one that's not as. So these are all in the to-do bucket. No work has started on these tasks yet. We're just creating a plan right now..

    I mentioned that you can add other buckets. So click where it says, add new bucket and it gives you the ability to name the bucket, and we're going to call it in progress and you just have to click away from it. And then we're going to click add new bucket again, and we're going to name this one completed and click away from it. So my end progress bucket is the one that we're working in right now..

    I'm just going to go up. So I'm not seeing my tasks right now, but I can get back to them. And sometimes it does this, sometimes it doesn't. You just got to click around sometimes. If you're thinking, well, why don't you click my tasks over here? It will only show me the tasks that are assigned to me. So I'm not seeing all of my tasks there. And just going back to my hub and clicking on the power automate surveys, and then it repopulates that happens occasionally. So you can always get back to your full list by accessing the hub if necessary..

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