How to do animations for text in your slides so please stay tuned so here if you see we have a couple of paragraphs for example this.
Is your first slide and you want to present this to your audience so this is the icon on which you click to start the slideshow.
So let's click on this and see how it appears as soon as you start the show the entire text the entire slide appeared.
On the screen so which may or may not serve the purpose because you might have to give some background before you want to start your slide and you.
Know presenting the entire stuff on the screen may not be a good idea in order to animate you have to select this text box and go to the.
Categories first is the entrance how you want the text to enter or any object for that matter these are the emphasis these are the special effects that means.
And the exit effects okay so we will see that in detail in a while so first let's select the basic animation up here for a text.
So let's select this okay now if you see a number one here that means there is one animation added to your text okay so now let's click on animation pane so this opens.
Up a small pane on the right hand side which actually gives you the list of animations that you want to add here so this helps in seeing which animation comes first.
Which the animation comes second so you can also arrange you can also modify it from here so this is called as the animation pane window we just added the appear.
Animation now let's
Slide click on this okay so this slide is blank now let's do a left mouse click okay so the entire thing appears on a.Click all right so how did that happen so if you select this and if you see here this is says start on click.
That means your animation will start when you click on the mouse button okay all right so this is the first type of animation now.
If i want to have the first paragraph appear first and then the second paragraph so how do i do that so select this text box go to fixed.
Options again here if you see you have an option called buy paragraph okay click on this so if you see now it is first.
And second okay and if you come back and see here there are two animations added to the paint and the second animation is here this is highlighted when you select this.
It's on click now let's see how it looks click here then mouse click once disappears so you can finish explaining this then mouse click second second.
So now let's look at some other type of animations let's insert a text box so if you want the whole sentence to appear at a time then what animation do you do select.
This text box go to animations and say up here okay so the entire sentence appears check it out here okay so on click the whole sentence.
Now insert another text box
So for example in a sentence that you have on the slide you want one word at a time to be up here on the slide so.How do you do that so let's select this go to animations and then click on appear here then click here show additional effect options click here and then you have this.
Window in this window you see this drop down called animate text so this is a simple up here with the text field of your first on your screen and then you want to change the color of.
The sentence to red you need to add another animation here okay go to emphasis and you will have an option called change color oh yeah font color select.
This one all right so if you see this one is they appear on click the sentence will appear and on the second one the text color is.
Changing so let's click here go to effect options you can also go from here so it displays the color which you want here so you want a font.
Color red and so change the font color to the color that you want it to be changed here we have selected red click ok now let's run the slide and see.
First was the whole sentence second was the one word and the third was one letter at a time and so when you click here that this sentence appears black.
So you can explain you can talk about it on the screen and then if you want to emphasize click on it once more so the color gets changed so that's.
How you change the color great now let me show you one last thing how to underline a sentence so insert another text box and then go to add.
Animation emphasis what emphasis do you like to have is underline the same way you have bold flash bold reveal and wave.
You can try all these so now let's see how to underline it so you add another animation which is the animation number seven.
Which is underline the text so now let's run the slide and see you can click so underline the sentence and for example if you don't want the.
Underline to happen on click you want it to appear and then get underlined automatically along as soon as the.
Text gets displayed so select this animation which is the underline animation and remove this on click and say with previous okay so these two.
Will animate together okay so let's see see so you didn't have to click just one click underline the sentence so as if you were underlining it on the screen so that's it guys.
Thanks for watching the text animation part so i will also be making another animation video on how to animate the objects and charts and other.
Images or pictures on your powerpoint presentation so keep watching powerpine glamour make sure you like share and subscribe so thanks for watching.