Pyramid Infographics ***Free Download** Powerpoint Presentation Template

Pyramid Infographics ***Free Download** Powerpoint Presentation Template Hi guys welcome to poppin glamour today let's check out how to make this pyramid diagram in simple steps so please stay tuned okay let's start with inserting our trapezoid.

Pyramid Infographics ***Free Download** Powerpoint Presentation Template

keep it here right click go to format shape guru gradient fill so if you see here there is a gradient fill with two sliders right in the middle so that.

Insert colors here light on the left and a darker on the right okay then duplicate this piece put it on top keep it a little smaller you can go to the gradient field so make a note of these.

Settings so if you see here these two sliders in the middle the left color is the lighter one and that eye color is a darker shade so these are the settings it should be like this you know and this.

Is the direction the ad says transmen see this as a position run alright so make sure you copy duplicate these shapes and repeat.

The same steps this is Phil another one on the top the topmost okay all right now we need a.

Couple of triangles here right on the bottom this will be the smaller one flirt with the darkest one one more triangle a bigger one okay place it here now.

Duplicate this piece rotate it and make it smaller and fill it with this cutter okay and this will go below this send it to back do the same thing for the rest .

Okay done and in this rectangle we need to follow a few steps to make another shape it's like an arrow so let's see how to do that so we have two rectangles place in this position anything need to.

Subtract this make the shape and set another rectangle here that platted I think we need one more here to give it that effect okay and then go to format shape mold shape and subtract alright so.

This shape is ready then insert that angle sorry a triangle and place it there then insert a rectangle here cool format shape gradient fill so this is the setting for this gradient fill so.

You have four sliders with grey white version between and gray towards the end okay so place it here all right duplicate these shapes place.

It on top and then duplicate these

Rectangles as well place it here you know and here send them to back and arrange them King and then change the colors of these arrows on the left.

Done okay now we'll have to insert some text boxes here get at me registers yeah can you delete this pallet insert text boxes and then the icons .

Okay so text box is an icon stand then insert the title so that's it guys thanks for watching you have the freely in the description please make sure to LIKE share and subscribe bye bye.

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