Professional Id Card Templates In PSDFiles Free Download English Sheri Sk Office

Professional Id Card Templates In PSDFiles Free Download English Sheri Sk Office Hi friend i hope you are fine today i will give you office identity card templates in two format one for photoshop and second for adobe illustrator so i.

Show you first folder of illustrator one color second color and second folder of photoshop files yeah psd format id card.

Back id card front so open second folder and google illustrator ai files and psd file these files have different.

Colors and this time my laptop i have no installation of adobe illustrator so i will show you the design of this card.

open with preview and your you can change any color and you just hear your image on copy your.

Name here and your technician here in your office our utc if you like id number blood ap phone number and color power so you can change it is very easy.

Professional Id Card Templates In PSDFiles Free Download English Sheri Sk

So firstly i drag in photoshop 2018 i want to show you how to add it you see here in layers area.

You you can see different group of players first extract detail john and writing in writing details and the.

Second group of logos and barcode third shape and image and last and in last background so first i change this picture double click here.

Open picture i have no any picture so i use this type of picture so open this and drag to.

Encircle sorry this file have very high definition regulation so i.

Convert to 200 okay and drag to this box depend on your own self i.

    Create this for samples

    Now right click and create clipping mask and your image instruction circle ctrl s for saving.

    You see here and this image in circle and you can you can change color be like this white or.

    Yellow edc if you like so i change the name here cherry.

    S okay that's gaming shiraz my definition is graphic designer so i read here right here graphic.

    Designer g r a p h i c s b c team graphic designer i have no idea number are.

    My blood group is o positive so you need this pointer i have no point installed in my laptop my phone number is you know plus 92 is my country code.

    Sorry 92 314155143202 is my whatsapp number you can contact me if you need any help related this type files are downloading.

    Issues so you right here you see here you can change different you can make different style.

    Like this are you depend on your own self you see but you can change.

    Color you right click

    And then click effects and connections overlay you see here.

    And right click here you can change this colors or convert the ingredients overlay depend on your own self uh purple color.

    Are dark red blue or black okay you can just change color and you can change background color.

    Double click here and you can change if you like fx clicks grand ends overlay so i open second file.

    I mean backfile and drag in photoshop and you write here detail of your technician or your experienced pc joined it expired.

    Signature holder individual bike your own and you change color here please subscribe my channel take care best of luck.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:
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