Create and insert Forms, Quiz and survey using Microsoft Forms in Powerpoint Presentation

Create and insert Forms, Quiz and survey using Microsoft Forms in Powerpoint Presentation Hi guys welcome to poppin glamour today let's check out how to create an insert forms surveys and quizzes in a PowerPoint presentation so please stay tuned alright let's open our blank.

Create and insert Forms, Quiz and survey using Microsoft Forms in Powerpoint Presentation

Presentation and then when you go to the insert menu you will see this option of forms this is from Microsoft services or Microsoft forms you can also access Microsoft forms separately on the.

Microsoft website but PowerPoint also has an option to insert forms directly into your slides so let's start let's click on the forms option and you can see a section which opens up here so I.

Have already created a few forms and quizzes so you see the existing ones for D here you can just click on insert to insert it in the presentation so let's create a form first and then we will see.

How to insert it in the presentation as well ok so as I said you have an option to create a new form you have an option to create a new quiz so you can also create surveys also so.

Let's go ahead and create our new form first so click on new form so once you click on this option it'll take you to the Microsoft website the forms dot

So now if you see it open it in your browser and it is asking you to insert a new question so it also has the name of the forms once you click on it once you can change the name of form so let's.

Make it okay so this is a form we have entered.

The name just click out of it it'll give you the name of the form then here when subpoenas gonna add new you can actually insert a new question so you can add a new person just click on add new and.

Once you click on add new it gives you the following options it gives you the option of choice in which you can create a multiple choice question it gives you an option to create a text box of blank.

Text box it gives you an option to create a question which will have a rating option okay and it also gives you an option to create or gate format question and it also has a ranking one.

It also has like art it also has the other option you can also insert of file if you have go file already with though when to preset questions you can just upload the file and then take the.

Questions from there it also has the

Option of Ned formula score which is the NPS score and then mrs. for creating different sections okay let's start with choosing the choice options click on.

Choice okay so if you see this question open up you can type in any question oh let's see what is .

What is the application used to make presentations so the first option let's make it Excel.

Second one let's make it fun okay so there are two options so you can add another option if you want or you can just say add other option it will.

Add the option with the name other if you don't like it this to get it from here she warned you can click on the add option add one often you say none of the.

Above and you can also go add a handy other option so let's have only three options in this okay and you also have an option to select multiple answers for example in one of if the question has.

More than one correct answer you can select this one okay and then if you want the user to input the answer and do not skip this one you can select select required so that.

Means this is a mandatory question ok so first question is done let's go add new and add another text box question so let's say me and you want to leave it open.

For the user to input the name okay then say name then so other feature of forms is it gives you the ideas because I'll just an entered the name option it thinks that I am going to make our form.

For the user with these fields so let's

Use it the select organization email address and phone number if are not selected so all these questions are added so the.

Form is now created okay so this one is create then let's click on share so we have four options for one question two three four five questions are created in a.

Form which is called PowerPoint lemma so let's click on share let's see what happens when you click on share the money click on share it gives you the options of sharing this particular form.

Which we have created so this job done tells you who who you can share it if you create if you copy the link and share it anyone with the link and respond or only people in your.

Organization in your company invest with your company's domain in the life so this is the link you can copy the link it will be copied to your keyboard you can copy paste and send the link it.

Through email okay this is the QR code option you can just send download this QR code and send it to your participants they can just scan this code and the survey or the forum will open up and.

This is an option to embed it in a web site and this option when you click on it your email opens up and just link the automatically meet its end up email body so these are the four options using.

Which you can share this form okay apart from embedding it into PowerPoint so let's go back to PowerPoint and see what what happened here okay so as you see we have created the test for point glamour.

On the Microsoft forms website and as a result you can see all the questions but the form has already been inserted here great so let's see how does it look when you run the presentation for.

Example if you created this form and enter it here and you just click on the PowerPoint show mode if you see the full screen you'll see form here so let's go ahead and answer this what is the.

Application in my presentation is PowerPoint what is the name of the organization let's.

what will the organization mean it's have been developed .

Oh anything good test so this is a not.

Mandatory filter you can leave it blank if you see the mandatory field with a star so the name was mandatory so again submit so one so once a user clicks on submit it says thanks your response was.

Submitted so this is how you create a form and this is how you insert it in the PowerPoint and this is how it the user can actually submit responses so once a response is submitted you go to.

Microsoft forms now you see there is response received one showing here in this tab so once you click on this tab it will give you the results as well so it will tell you which question how many.

Percent of people responded with this option and what are the different responses that you have so this is a great tool of creating more easy forms and sending it to different users the.

Other option also we have is open in Excel once you click on this open in Excel option the entire the results of this form of the survey gets downloaded into an Excel so you can see the.

Responses in an Excel format as well that's a wonderful feature so that's how you create a form now let's see how to create a quiz just click on new quiz and again it should take you to the.

Microscope forms office website and then a new skin will open up for you to create a new quiz so creating a new quiz is the same way as you create up form so let's insert the power twist stick on I.

Do the same things let's say wait check the price and the star that is required at you the stein use as much options as possible for you to understand let's.

Fill in the date format question you what is 13 today that's another question so that's how you create a quiz that's it so let's go back and see if the squeeze is created.

In the palest book insert a blank slide and you can see the PowerPoint lamothe wages created us click on insert so the quiz is created here.

and then it gets inserted into your slide so suppose it is inserted now click on the slideshow button the PowerPoint llama quiz opens up so let's.

Answer it and Simon so the responses have been submitted let's go back to the quiz website and get seen so you have one response the average time to complete and what is the.

Status so you can remove the answers you can post the scores and you can check out who respond to it what so that's a guy this is how you actually create a forms this is actually how you create.

Quizzes in a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation so that's it guys if you have any questions please make sure you leave it in the comments and please make sure you will like share and subscribe.

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