Maximum rounded angle here but I tend I drop it with the dot oh babe no I'll try again okay then go ahead and arrange this on top of this circle it should be in the front the outline.
Circle is the base then this sucker is should be on the top then get a front and then test it does it in a slightly left angle duplicate this top one same process duplicate this fill it with.
These colors this ring over here the bass drag and put it here slightly angle should be parallel slightly tonight.
Okay now it gives a feeling that you are looking at it from the top to placate this same process.
Filter colors eyedropper make sure that you actually get the correct color it's a great feature so if you go back to the slide you see the different angles of the powers here see the number three is.
Plays a slightly different number four is in the middle okay so accordingly we need to set that so this angle should be little here increase the size okay ten same process for the fourth one let's go.
Back and see the fourth one is in the middle is its lot straighter any others duplicate this for the fifth one duplicitous eyebrow.
here we need two rectangles with rounded corners to give that AK then duplicate that.
so the fifth sixth and seventh require an extra rectangle with rounded corners should be adjusted .
That ring should pull the back in now it's time for the shadow insert a rectangle should be back selling this no format .
Then you'll get this duplicate send it
The back plate now we need the other rings here third circle reduce the size of the circle the slides are joining these two circles.It is another small circle over there so as you can see we'll have to make these circles joined by the line right this is the now it's time to insert the icons eight like on the inserted now for the.
Numbers steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight now it's time for text here insult depicts use the same color as of.
The dollar with the same so when what Xbox is you okay duplicate and the colors remove this palette here great so we are done now insert the title so guys you can download the slide for free we.