6 Professional Book Cover Mockup With Backgrounds Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial Office

6 Professional Book Cover Mockup With Backgrounds Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial Office Now friends i hope you are fine today i have a book cover mock-up these files are six in psd for photoshop user first i show you the design you adjust.

Your title here your book name here is you can do okay first i show you this file for example i drag this file in.

Photoshop cc 2000 first i open this file double click here and open any other photo i have no book title or book cover so i just.

Call photo open this photo and drag here i think is already open photo okay adjust this file i tell you just for example control s and.

You see here your design add on your book and you can write any title for example i write my name here in curious k sherry s k join me or visit me.

Okay right here enter control s and you see my name is here you can title here or you can change shadow wow this.

6 Professional Book Cover Mockup With Backgrounds Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial

Look like a paper okay this is background wooden background and marble concrete i think marble is better the color is.

Matching not like a foot color this is a contrast heavy and this lightness is right up so you can do change color.

i select her dress color or background color if you like so i open next file close this file and.

Open last file drag to photoshop oh here book one and book two you can adjust one by one book one for here and second.

Book one front you can adjust your an image for example like this drag here and just enter controllers for.

Saving you see here your image you can adjust one by one i hope this is data useful for you and i think my every data is useful for you because i'm provide free many data so.

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