50 Professional Facebook Cover Design Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial

50 Professional Facebook Cover Design Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial Hi friends i hope you are fine today i have professional data for you these are facebook timeline cover volume one and volume two i will be uploaded soon so first i'll.

50 Professional Facebook Cover Design Download In PSD Files English Photoshop Tutorial

Show you these designs of cover facebook cover here is a good idea makes success full business you can replace your image or you will just your logo example email sorry.

Website okay wow you can change everything every color every shape.

New style should say you can adjust your image here yeah you you write your title your right to your website address.

Special day still quick perfect end of the month pixel so replace your image here and waiting new collections your.

Creative business takes place here or you can write your details or you provide forty five percent of replace your image here furniture new sale modern furniture.

Okay wow and this is a simple cover just uh background a color you can.

Take renderings overlay or background a photo called the day packages okay you write a use.

Adjust your logo here man 70 plus okay and last is here you can adjust your photo and.

Change background color and can apply it gradients overlay 30 percent disk so first i show you drag to.

Photoshop cc and you see here in layer area maintenance discount shape image background.

So first i change image then i click on any folder extract replace your replace your image double click here and.

Open any image for replace

So i select this image and drag here wow enter ctrl s for saving.

Close this file oh double click here and you see enter ctrl s.

Or you can more move file just okay so you can adjust your image here or you can write in your title.

For example i write my channel name cherry sk okay.

You can download this point on website on any website get free graphics grip hcs files.

On my website okay you can write anything you can write your email whatsapp number our telephone number.

Here is your domain so i write here my domain but i have no this point okay so .

The sherry s key so you can visit here wow and you can change.

Any shape color double click here look like her dress color.


Here or any background thing for color chest for color matching so.

You can apply contents overlay like this our last you can apply any image for background .

So drag here now right click create clipping mask our opacity is 38 on 38.

34 so so you can make more better so i close this file and open any other file.

Wow this template for challenge by any on extra 30 top you can change any text.

Any background any image replace your image here for example this ctrl s.

I hide this ctrl s and you see here you can change in background color or can you apply any ingredients overlay .

Wow so i added to any other files like this drag on photoshop here you can adjust your image here.

And here like this good idea make successful business so you need about business related photos for here.

And i know you better know like this control shift i think she is buddha and you see behind the symbol of her legion.

Okay ctrl s oh so i adjust these files.

ctrl s for saving and you can more register okay change color.

Like address and here change color okay wow so you can move at it.

Okay i close this file and open last file i know you have no time and use every time say there are passwords or passwords or.

Videos so you can watch deeply for password replace your image here here you can adjust two images.

double click here and open any photo.

For example like this oh flip enter control s.

You can adjust wow okay and you adjust your image here.

And create apply conditions only like this wow okay.

And password in this video or in video.

DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4qbvCmvePM
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