4 steps Infographics - **** Free Download ** PowerPoint

4 steps Infographics - **** Free Download ** PowerPoint Hi guys welcome to my channel today we'll see how to make this beautiful glowing infographic slide so please stay tuned first of all go ahead and insert a rectangle with rounded corners let's go.

4 steps Infographics - **** Free Download ** PowerPoint

Ahead and fill the color to insert another rectangle or normal one on top of this .

Let's go ahead and increase the transparency so that we know where is it lined tilted a little because we mean at ends.

fantastic okay now go ahead to the format mode shapes and subtract okay now we've got the shape upper subtracting it great.

Now let's go ahead and insert another shape here your shapes insert this shape and arc he interested on this corner that we get.

A rounded corner instead of that angle he interested to please a transparency all right okay there's more .

Reiner select this bodemer shaves and again subtract right so now we have this shape ready okay now go ahead and insert another triangle this time rotated.

Place it here okay fill it the same color you go to Marseilles and this time to our union okay so this is form a new shape is here.

For you alright now let's insert another rectangle with rounded corners bring it here bring this to front .

Now let's fill this box shape wait okay as Phyllis but blue Wow and go ahead and give it a reflection awesome so it looks like this.

Okay now select this group it duplicate duplicate duplicate so if you have four shapes now go ahead and fill them with those colors okay all right .

Now let's get rid of this palette select and move it up select this column and related get them back alright all right now we have our four shapes.

Infographic but then I'll go ahead and

Cut some icons okay select in four icons tag content started go ahead and listen.

now change the colors of this icon has been a geillis I drop the same color as the base great looks wonderful now now insert text boxes select impact.

Hey fellow don't miss it here another text box place it here increase the size which is a size the color another text box.

all right this is done another Xbox .

Okay for subtext to be written in that xbox ten all right now select all the three four and then duplicate and paste it on the others there we have the even size okay one two three four.

Done now insert the title which is missing here so the title change the color font great so this slide is ready you can.

Download this slide for free you have the link in the description so please go ahead and like subscribe and share so thanks for watching guys see you again bye bye.

DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yXIFxrAoQA
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