4 steps Infographics - **FREE DOWNLOAD** Powerpoint template - Presentation

4 steps Infographics - **FREE DOWNLOAD** Powerpoint template - Presentation Hi guys welcome to my channel today let's check out how to make this 3d four steps infographics so please stay tuned okay .

4 steps Infographics - **FREE DOWNLOAD** Powerpoint template - Presentation

Let's quickly start with inserting four rectangles let's place it here okay the four eight engines order let's quickly add some colors alright done now insert another rectangle a.

Bigger one insert another rectangle rotate it a little place it here okay now select this rectangle and this and then go to format mode shapes click.

On subtract okay now this shape is formed on you shape just place it here on the top and then duplicate the shape we have to now flip the shape flip vertical.

okay so this is exactly a reflection of this so place it under this shape right now insert another rectangle put it here make sure the size is the same year so.

Duplicate one more the same process like we did for the earlier one place it here same angle okay select these two again format mode shapes and subtract so this.

Shape is there again we'll have to flip it all right so flipping is done just place it before that let's change the colors.

Give it the darker version of the pink there the darker version of these colors should be in this side okay colors are done great okay now insert this shape which looks like an arrow okay place it.

Here so we need four of these so we will duplicate bless it and just drag it so we drag it here okay drag it a little here so that is 19 75 60 and this is 45% if you need.

Different numbers you can set it accordingly so now fill the colors as well okay the colors are the shape is ready now the time for icons select any four icons.

Accordingly to the content that you have so place the icon stand ok the icons are inserted now let's insert some text so the text boxes goes here the titles of this particular infographic.

A duplicate so that need four of them with Lee all right this is our Sun and here let's insert some percentages some numbers so ninety here because this is a longer one and this should be 75.


Okay so 90 60 75 and 45 done right so the shape is almost ready now we just need to insert our title so let's go ahead and insert a title okay the title.

Is inserted so this is how it is guys so the slide is ready for you so you can download this slide the link is there in the description so please like subscribe and share thanks for watching bye.

DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3ms88mJaOA
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