3 Steps Infographics **FREE DOWNLOAD** PowerPoint template / Presentation

3 Steps Infographics **FREE DOWNLOAD** PowerPoint template / Presentation Hi guys welcome to my child oppan glamour today let's check out how to make this three steps infographics light so please stay tuned alright let's start quickly by inserting a rectangle we will.

3 Steps Infographics **FREE DOWNLOAD** PowerPoint template / Presentation

Need a rectangle whose top corners are rounded okay so here it is let's click then insert okay we have this rectangle let's rotate it a little move it stretch it okay we will need three copies of.

This so let's duplicate ctrl D then place it here okay little bigger then one more copy place it here on top of this for now stretch it make sure the corners are rounded to the max then.

Let's fill this with this gray color for now no outline okay then select this one and bring this to front okay this is done okay resize it like this.

Fill this with this color the same color here all right now select this shape let's give it a shadow to shadow let's select out this shadow okay then the same for that same for all the.

Shapes okay then let's insert our right triangle okay insert this let's flip it like this you should have the same color I need to place it here to give it a fold look.

Okay let's resize it so that it goes inside just exactly here okay right if this has the darker version of the base color and then it looks much better this is also looking good no worries insert a.

Circle they place it here then let's fill it with gray for now I give the shadow this one cool right select all of this and then group them.

Group then duplicate duplicate it great so we have three shapes and we need to change the colors let's make it green and the last one blue red we have all the three shapes ready now we need to.

Insert the icons let's select three icons insert icons inserted let's put one icon each here so you I call should be in relation to the X that you will be putting here I'm just.

Putting some random icons here all right now let's insert some text okay I'm fast forwarding it for you the text here should be simple to insert a.

Text box and so it's a free template you can download this by following the link in the description and then change now X is done insert or circle okay should be this color no outline fill it with give.

It a shadow the middle one then insert

Another circle place it on top of this circle no outline duplicate the shape twice the power of the inner circle should be the same as a folder of this.

Particular shape do an eyedropper copy the same color okay now we need some lines to join these circles okay all right the lines are joined let's select this and drag it a little was.

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