QR code in Power Point

QR code in Power Point Hi guys welcome back to powerpoint glamour in this video today let's check out how to make a qr code and insert it in a powerpoint.

QR code in Power Point

Slide so please stay tuned all right if you look at the slide i have my channels logo my name and the qr code.

Along with the hyperlink so if you click on the hyperlink it will take you to my channels page all right and we also have a qr code.

So let's see how to insert this qr code well before we actually see how to insert it let's understand what is a qr code and how does it work so a qr code if you.

See is an array of black and white boxes which is designed to save or to store a url a link basically so how does it work.

So if you look at it there is a print of this qr code and all you need to do is you take the phone and open the phone's camera and just point it towards it.

Let me show you how so i have my phone i'm opening the camera and i have pointed it towards it now if you see there's a link there's a notification up.

There for the link which is stored in this qr code so just tap this link it will take you to the respective link which is stored in this.

Qr code so that's how it works so let's see what are the advantages usage and comparison to these hyperlink to the hyperlinks so.

If you see uh when you go to the slide you have the url and you have the uh qr code so what if you print this slide and give it to somebody as a.

Handout or a brochure or if you print this and paste it on the on the store's pillar or a wallpaper or a background or in a wall so this link will not work because.

Nobody can link on click on this link when it's printed right it doesn't work however the advantage of having a qr code is it works great on print media.


Right so that's one basic advantage you

Can paste it anywhere you can put it in an email you can also put it on your resume you can have a link.

Of your linkedin profile saved in there so if you want the recruiter can just scan this code on your on her phone or his phone and that will take you to the linkedin.

Profile so it is very easy and which is very digital so now let's see how do we insert this in powerpoint okay so go to powerpoint.

Okay let's insert a new slide in powerpoint go to insert and go to add-ins click on get add-ins .

So you'll see a box opening up in this there's an option called store click on store don't worry it's not a paid one in the search one type in qr and then search.

The first option that comes in qr for office so this is the one that we need this is the add-in so click on add to add it to your.

Powerpoint say continue and it is added so when you go to add-ins again you will see my add-ins and under that you will see.

The qr for office okay so if you see now the qr for office is added here and there is a already qr code with this particular http link and the size the color and all that so now.

All you need to simply do is enter the url that you want this ur code to carry so insert my www.youtube.com slash c slash powerpoint glamour.

Okay so this is the link that i want

This qr code to have and this is the size if you want to change the size you can just move it around.

And the size of the code will increase so this is the full size this is the link youtube.com power glamour okay all you need to do is just insert the.

Link set the size and click on insert that's it and you click on insert let me click on insert and then the qr code is.

Generated and you can just paste it here just like that's it so that's it guys thanks for watching if you have any questions put it in the comments below.

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