Prezi Style presentation - Slide Zoom in Powerpoint using Icons - Animations Hyperlink

Prezi Style presentation - Slide Zoom in Powerpoint using Icons - Animations Hyperlink Hi guys welcome to pop and glamour in this video today let's see how to use the slide zoom feature in PowerPoint and how to use the icons properly to animate and use this feature so please stay.

Prezi Style presentation - Slide Zoom in Powerpoint using Icons - Animations Hyperlink

Tuned ok let's start if you see I have a small presentation with a few slides right to the first slide has four topics and portfolio if you look at the first night does introduction who are we what.

Do we do when our portfolio so let's start the animations we want the introduction to come when you click on the introduction options so go to insert you can zoom and click on slide zoom and.

Select the slide which you want to zoom into and then click itself ok so if you see this slide is inserted here in this format the other way to insert slides own is to select the slide which you.

Want to zoom in drag and drop it here this is this second way of doing it so what we will not be using this feature here so let's delete this life okay then go to the first one third zoom.

And slide them so we'll click on the slide to and say insert go insert you will have the slide inserted in this fashion go to the zoom menu you can zoom click on zoom' background okay and then.

Go to the left click on return to zoom and also set the duration for two seconds okay and then if you only can click on change image which we will do now so this will.

Change the image of this preview so click on change image when you click on it change image will give you three options live on insert pictures from file or from online or from icons so.

Let's click on from icons let's use the icons so when you click on icons just scroll down and select this icon you can insert okay so we have this icon inserted so let's delete this icon which.

We had earlier reduce the size of this drag and place it here in the middle so we have this icon substituted to the image of the slide let's do the same for the other three topics as well so for.

Who are we we will have to insert a slide zone again so go to zoom click on slide zoom you have the list select the slide four who are we and click on insert so you have this slide inserted.

So click on zoom' go to zoom background increase the duration to 2 seconds you'll see in a moment why it is 2 seconds and you can change image again go to from icons so let's stop icons.

Open up click on the icon you want and

Click it gets inserted you can also select any picture that you might have so we are using icons in this case so it user size and place it there okay.

Right the two topics are done let's move on to the third one the same zoom slides home select the slide five you its insert .

Put a zone zone background duration to two seconds and click on return to zoom thank you change image go to icons select the icon that you want to be there click here.

Click insert delete this one reduce the size and place it here so this icon is now a link for the slide zone let's do it for the last one insert slides ohms select the.

Last slide you can insert follow the same steps zoom background and click on to zone change image icons select this insert one okay not delete.

The previous icon that we had and reduce the size of this icon which we have just linked and then bless it in the circle okay it's done we have given the links.

Let's see how it looks click on the show option click on this so it's ohms in X two seconds to zoom in and goes to that slide when you click again it goes back out click here it.

Goes in and click again it returns to zoom click here it zooms in and then when you finish with the slide click again it will return so for the portfolio click here to zoom in and.

Click in you go back again so this is how you do the slides own feature this is the first level now if you want to add one more level for example in the introduction slide if you go into.

Introduction you want this slide to go

Into the region's slide so let's see how do we add another level so go to this slide click on insert you can zoom in slides on and select the slide which you.

Want click insert so we want the region slide to be zoomed from the introduction slide so we have selected that now assume background and say return to zoom and you can change the image or to.

Change image you can set it off from file or from any picture of the icon in this case then click on insert so we have an icon so let's see how the second level works so go to the main slide.

Click on the show button click on introduction if you go into the introduction slide again you see an option click here it will go into the regions slide so this.

Is the second level of zoom click again it goes back to the introduction click again it goes back to the mains line so that's it guys thanks for watching please make sure to subscribe like and.

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