Insert youtube videos in PowerPoint - Ways of inserting video in PowerPoint

Insert youtube videos in PowerPoint - Ways of inserting video in PowerPoint Hi guys welcome to my channel today we will see what are the different ways of inserting video into a PowerPoint presentation so please stay tuned let's see what are the different ways of.

Insert youtube videos in PowerPoint - Ways of inserting video in PowerPoint

Inserting a video in a PowerPoint presentation so what are the advantages and disadvantages of all of them so let's begin so here I have a blank slide it is like a template so let's go ahead.

And insert a video the option 1 let's insert a YouTube video so for that we need to go to insert video click on the option online video .

Okay so here are two options first is YouTube where you can type and search from YouTube and insert that video the other option is from a video embed code so here you will have to paste a code to.

Embed the video so let's see how we do that and what are the differences between these two so first let's go ahead and do a YouTube video insert so for example I want to search my channel.

Here let's insert the trailer so let's type in PowerPoint lima channel here comes the trailer select the video which you want to insert click on it once it says one item selected then insert okay.

- if you can insert the video should be inserted in a moment in acceptable time okay here it is chested you can place it anywhere in the slide you can maximize their to make it.

Fullscreen if you want to play so that it's good on the projectors or just place it here because you have a template for that so while resizing it little yeah okay it advisable to stretch.

The corners only okay and now let's see how the video plays so we have to click on the slideshow button to see the video play all right the video is up now we will have to click on the play button to.

Play the video all right the video is playing so the advantage of this type of video insertion is the video that we inserted.

On this slide is not saved on the hard drive of your computer so it does not make your presentation heavy however you will have to click on the play button to play the video.

It does not autoplay that's one disadvantage the second is you will have to play the whole video until then unless you want to you know control it with your mouse okay and once you play.


The video you have to have an internet

Connection if you are offline this video will not play so that steep disadvantage so this is the first option now let's go ahead and see the second option.

Okay option to insert let's go to the second slide which I have prepared you can find this template in the link which is for free download you'll find the link in the description okay go to video.

Again click on online video now it says to insert video from a video embed code so it's asking for an embed code so let's go ahead and get it up code so open YouTube.

PowerPoint flappers if I want to insert this video click on this video expose it for a moment click.

On share okay once you click on share you will see all these options you P don't want to share it on social media so we click on the embed button click on embed so once you click on embed you.

Will see the code this is the embed code okay the advantage of having this code is you it helps you customize this video okay in the first option that we saw it is just a video insert it does not let.

You customize this video okay so when I say customize you can actually select an option which is it's a start if you want to start the video form for example six seconds you can select six okay so let's.

Do that and then let's say poppy okay so we have copied the code now before we go ahead and insert the code let's before the insert the pour let's go.

Ahead and paste this code in a notepad okay so the cord is inserted see if you see this is a frame width in height of the frame of the video when it gets inserted.

Okay so now it also shows start at six

We have selected start at six there right that's why it shows start at six now if you want to have the video if I'm going to customize the video if you want.

To start at six an end at thirty okay then we need to add an ampersand say n is equal to thirty and if you want to autoplay this okay so ampersand or to play is equal to.

One H so we need to add these attributes ctrl a ctrl C now go to the slide video online video and then paste the code here and say insert .

Okay the video is inserted let's resize it hey now let's play and see what happens remember it should autoplay start from six and end at thirty so let's see while it loads hey it started.

At six and then it should end at thirty let's see 30 up so it stopped at 30 great the code worked so the advantage of this type of insert is you can customize the video.

Now let's see how to insert a video from PC so if you have a video from on your computer already saved just click on insert go to video with you on my PC and then you can browse here and say insert.

The video will be inserted and then you can resize it however it will make the slide and the presentation heavy so make sure the video is optimized and easy to go so that's it so these are the.

Different ways of inserting or video in our PowerPoint presentation so I am actually inserting a link in the description to download this template I am also giving you this slide so that.

You can play around it so use these presentations and have a good makeover for your presentations so thanks for watching please make sure to like share and subscribe bye bye.

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