How to Make an Easy Resume in Microsoft Word (2020)

How to Make an Easy Resume in Microsoft Word (2020) Hi I'm gonna help you get a super simple resume setup that looks just like this it'll be easy for recruiters to read easy for robots to read and easy for you to build so we're gonna start with a.

How to Make an Easy Resume in Microsoft Word (2020)

Blank document here and the first thing I like to do is update the margins so go to the Layout tab and then you're gonna select the narrow margins from this margins drop-down that gives you half.

Inch margins that really just gives you a little more room to write your resume next thing you want to do is modify the normal style so you can keep it as Calibri if you want I like to switch it.

To font size 10 and the font for Donna for Donna the only reason I bumped that down to font size 10 is it's a little bit bigger of a font the next thing you need to do is add your contact.

Information right if employers don't have that they won't know how to reach out to so click this insert tab hit the table drop down and do a two by one table next you'll want to get rid of the.

Margins just click sell margins and bump that down to zero for left and right what that's gonna do is make sure that the content lines up with your page margins it'll just make the resume a.

Little cleaner in this left box you're going to put your full name and in the right box you're going to put your contact information so what you put here is kind of up to you but you're gonna.

Rank a little bit better as far as getting an interview if you put phone number email and a physical address like a street address so you can see I do that here it automatically makes my.

Email into a link I don't want that so I just command-z or control-z after you've got that go ahead and highlight it and then up here you've got alignment and you want to align it to the bottom right.

That's under the Layout tab and then you select your name and you can align that to the bottom left and the problem is your name is super tiny it's not going to stand out so I bump that font size up.

To you know 28 30 just depends on the length of your name and how it's going to fit in that table so you don't want all these table borders in your resume so you can just highlight the whole.

Table go to the table design tab and then select borders and click no border so now we want to put all your experience on the resume so we're gonna set up the template for that first thing.


You're gonna do in all caps you're gonna

Type the skills and then hit enter twice then you're gonna type experience in all caps and again hit enter twice and then education in all caps and hit enter once.

Next highlight skills and go to this line and paragraph spacing options you go to line spacing options and I like to put 12 points above and 12 points below or before and after that just gives it a.

Little bit of room to stand out on the resume another thing that will help the skills section stand out is if we give it a bottom border and we can bump the font.

Size up a little bit to I think about eighteen or twenty does a pretty good job for making this stand out all right and I'm not going to make you go through all that again so a really easy tool.

Double click skills and then double click this format painter and just click experience and education and boom those are formatted then deselect the format painter now under skills what.

We're gonna do is enter a three column table and we're just going to put a bullet list of skills so if you click the insert tab you have the table drop down and you'll choose a three by one.

Table and again we're gonna go ahead and get rid of the margins on the left and right just so that everything is flush with the margins of the page and again that's under the table Layout tab and.

There's a cell margins button you click that and you just take left and right both down to zero awesome so you can just hit shift 8 space and that enters a little asterisk that'll turn into a.

Bullet point or you can just click the bullet point from the top menu and here all I'm doing is adding skills that I have from my experience that match keywords in the job description now I.

Have to make sure that I actually have

These skills and that I'm not just biessing it because that's fraud which is illegal fun fact and don't just sort these randomly put the top keywords in.

The top left because that's where the eyes gonna track and again to make the resume cleaner I highlight the whole table I go to table design click borders and make sure there's no borders on this.

Great so that's it for the skills section now what do we do for experience well you want to start with your most recent job so you're gonna put the month and year that you started at that job.

And then do a space a dash space and type present if you're still currently employed at that job otherwise if you're not currently employed you can just put the end date there and follow the same.

Format of month and year but we're going to assume that you're currently employed that job so let's go ahead and put present so what we're going to do next is make sure that the dates are aligned.

On the left and the experience is kind of pushed over to the right so in the ruler up at the top I click by the two and that's gonna place a tabindex two inches in now if that rulers not showing.

For you go ahead and just hit view and there should be a ruler option there so now hitting tab will place my cursor at that two inch tabindex that we put and make sure my font is bold and here what.

You're gonna do is type your job title from that most recent job unbold your font and add a comma and then type the company name and the city and state so hitting enter will place you on the next.

Line and then you hit tab which will place you at our tab stop from earlier you can add a bulleted list and then here's where you're gonna actually start putting your experience so the first.

Thing you want to think of is any experience or achievements that you can quantify that's going to help you stand out when the robots scan your resume it's also going to help you stand out.

When they're looking for candidates to call for an interview another thing you want to do is try to focus on some specific accomplishments or achievements that you would feel.

Comfortable speaking to in a job interview these should be things that you are confident speaking about and that you're proud of another thing you want to do is start each bullet point.

With an action verb if you can and make sure you're not repeating those verbs so that it's actually an interesting read for the hiring manager just remember action verbs imply you get things done.

Another thing you want to make sure you're doing is putting keywords in here so these are keywords that appear in the job posting there are keywords that are relevant to your work experience but.

It's going to make it so that the scanners and the people reviewing your resume are gonna rank you higher and I'm all about making your life easier and not duplicating work so what I do is I.

Just hit enter a few times and highlight the job I just put in there come back down and paste it and then all I have to do at that point is update you know the job title update the start and end date.

Up the company name update the information but the formatting is all done for me which is super nice and next we're gonna just follow a similar format for.

Education now I'm assuming this is kind of a mid-career resume here so we're not going to put a lot of detail under education all I'm gonna put on the left is graduated and then the date which.

Would be the month and year or if you haven't graduated yet you can always write graduating so that's your expected graduation or you can just put the month and year and they can determine if that.

Was in the past or the future it's kind of your choice whatever you think looks best for this example I'm just going to assume you've already graduated and then we don't have that tab stop so we're.

Gonna click that to again and then hit tab and then bold our font and here instead of a job title we're just going to put our degree or certificate that we earned unbold the font put a comma and.

Then we're gonna put the university name or school name and then the city and state again so that's the basic resume format and if you liked this video please be sure to comment like subscribe.

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